Eh! Where Did My Pen… Pen… Go!?!

Chapter 62: End of the Beginning Part 35

Book1, Volume 6

Chapter 62

Wylla woke to the sounds of giggling and tootling. Opening her eyes to the view of Nyra and Ceri playing near her.

She stretched, wiped the sleep from her eyes (and drool from the corner of her lips), and looked around to find that apparently she was the last to wake as the bed was empty except for the three of them, plus Ceri's two older siblings which were lounging by Nyra's side.

Little Nyra looked so happy surrounded by such caring beasties... which sparked an idea in Wylla's head.

Sitting up and brushing the hair away from her face with her dextrous fingers, Wylla asked Nyra a question; “Nyra, do you know how to make a familiar?”

Nyra paused, tilted her head to the side, and scrunched her little face for a moment or two before shaking her head side to side.

“Ah, since that's the case would you like me to show you?” Wylla asked, taking Nyra's small hands in hers.

Nyra smiled as she excitedly nodded.

“Okay then, let's see, I can show you and then you can ask me if you don't understand something... but you probably don't know how to speak my language,” Wylla said guessingly. Even though you can understand me like the others. I really wish that worked both ways. She thought, lodging the small complaint in her heart.

Shaking her head to clear her mind, Wylla looked at Nyra who confirmed her guess. “Well then, since that's the case I'll try teaching you the basics of my language too.”

Wylla's hands glowed as memories of kindergarten and early grade school came to mind; Memories especially of learning to read as she created a pair of Memory Rosebud Bulbs, filling them with the phonetic reading lessons she learned when she was young... and male.

Sighing, she pushed on.

Once the pair of reading orbs were done, she moved on, creating a third flowery orb filled with the memories of the Familiar Ritual used to create Ceri.

“There, that should do it. Go ahead and touch each of them while I go clean up.” Wylla instructed, then made her way off the edge of the bed and onto the warm hardwood floors. She was about to make her way to the bathroom to wash up when her movements stopped for a moment, recalling that the bathroom was currently overrun with Slirmes.

Something she would have to soon remedy if she wanted her bathroom back. I mean, it's fine to have a few in whatever Tundri uses as the septic tank for the toilet but the rest has got to go or rather sell. Until then, guess I'll have to use the kitchen sink.

Slightly altering her course, Wylla walked past the dining room towards the kitchen sink, admiring all the new flora decorations that Tundri had put up on walls and shelves. Keeping each beautiful piece of décor well spaced apart so as to not look cluttered and unappealing to the eye. “Ah, it looks like my Tundri has quite the eye for home design. This is great,” Wylla voiced softly, as she arrived at her destination.

Turning on the water, she washed her face and rinsed her mouth using a combination of water and peppermint-flavored juice from a Medy plant leaf.

Feeling awake and refreshed, she looked out the kitchen window into the huge forest ark expansion; Hmm, it seems Tundri worked hard on his quest last night while all of us slept. So many new fluffy and feathery passengers... and strange but wonderful new flora to see. She thought to herself as her eyes zeroed in on a particular flora that greatly resembled a plant she'd only seen on the internet; the Titan Arum, otherwise known as the Corpse Flower plant.

Desiring to learn more about the oddly compelling plant, she activated her eyes as an infobox popped up:

[ Noctis Arum Plant is a humanoid sized plant with wide petals that form a cup-like structure surrounding its towering spadix known for its haunting screaming faced tip.

The wide petals of this dark plant come in blended shades of deep purples and pitch black and are known to release a scent that certain insects and small mammals find pleasing, tricking them to come into contact with its long silvery ice blue spadix.

Upon contact, the spadix secretes an oily substance that knocks the touching party unconscious resulting in their falling descent into the corrosive purplish-black bath waiting below within its cupped petals. The flower then consumes the melted remains... ]

Ah, what a horrible way to die. Wylla thought to herself, looking away from the oddly beautiful but deadly cruel plant. Her eyes landing on the other passengers moving about.

Looks like quite a lot of the spriggankin have decided to come along for the ride... even teacher. Well then, since that's the case I'm going to have to make doubly sure that we pick out the perfect spot for their new village when we arrive in Abrynth!

Nodding her head, Wylla reached for a wooden brush that she spotted on the windowsill and brushed her hair.

Finished with her morning grooming, she returned the brush to its spot, turned, and began making her way towards the living room when all of a sudden Tundri's face swung down from above and began to 'Wah' urgently, asking her to rush outside to have a look at something that was heading their way.

Wasting no time, Wylla sprinted towards the wide-open front door and stepped out onto the porch.

Seeing her rush by, Ceri left Nyra's side (who was busy with the orbs) and flew to join Wylla. By the time Ceri reached the porch, Wylla was already in motion, running towards a group of fluffy ball-like beasties that were being led by a bigger purple and gold-colored beastie.

The beastie group slowly headed towards Wylla and company; Bobbing and swaying like small boats on stormy ocean waters, bumping into one another, flying erratically as golden-green drops of liquid dripped down their bodies and legs, falling to the ground below.

“Tundri HELP! Bring the Healing Nectars and Medylixrs! Hurry!” Wylla shouted out, her feet pounding on the grassy ground, reaching Princess Furbee just in time to catch her tired and battered falling body.

Half a dozen evergreen serpenvines streaked past Wylla, catching the other wounded furbees in big mitten like hands, cushioning their falls.

With furbees collected, Tundri moved the ones he had collected into the ark expansion area within where the spriggankin immediately began to administer the Healing Nectars and Medylixrs to them.

As for Princess Furbee, she was in better condition than her entourage, which wasn't surprising since not only was she a rank 1 elite, but a unique Princess one at that; A Princess that would one day evolve into a Queen.

As such, she was much tougher than the others.

Wylla carefully carried the Princess close to her body as she made her way to the porch, inspecting the royal Furbee's wounds and taking an open Medylixr from Tundri's serpenvine hand.

She walked up the small flight of steps, stepping onto the porch, and poured one of the opened Medylixrs over the Princess' claw-like injuries.

Done with the first round of aid, Wylla sat down on one of the rocking chairs as Princess began to 'Bzz-bzz' in relief from the comforting healing effect of the potion.

Seeing that the wounds were slowly beginning to close up, the tension and worry from Wylla's body and face began to ease. “Everythings alright now. You're going to be just fine,” Wylla said, using gentle tones. She then took another opened Medylixr from Tundri's hand and placed it in front of the Princess. “Here, drink this and you'll soon be good as new.”

Looking down into the opening of the small earth flora bottle, Princess inhaled deeply, and finding the scent to be to her liking, stuck the tip of her fuzzy beak into the bottle's top and began to drink like an anteater eats.

Wylla sat, gently rocking back and forth, stroking Princess' soft fluffy fur for a while, letting the Princess drink and heal, giving her the time needed to gather herself. Ceri hovered by her side softly tootling and Tundri's masked face looked down from over her shoulder, while a couple of curious guests (in the form of Lunori and Nyra) watched from the open doorway.

Everyone, there was wondering what calamity had befallen Princess Furbee... and what they could do to help.

“There, there,” Wylla spoke softly, comforting her with small pats on her back. “When you're ready to tell us, we'll listen and help you in any way we can.”

Princess understood. She took a few deep breathes, physically feeling good as new, and fluttered her wings returning to the air as Wylla released her.

Slightly bobbing up and down before Wylla, Princess began to 'Brzz-bzz-bzz' telling Wylla of what had transpired. But unfortunately, Wylla didn't understand what she was saying, she could only tell that it was something bad. And looking at those gathered around her, it seemed they all felt the same way.

So with her hand on her chin, Wylla thought for a bit, before looking up at Princess and asking, “Can you lead us to where everything happened?”

Princess Bzz'd loudly, nodding up and down and then turned to fly towards the unexplored (well unexplored by Wylla that is) western forest in a slightly northerly direction.

“Alright Tundri, it looks like we're heading out!” Wylla said, rising up off the rocking chair and jumping down off the porch as her wings sprouted behind her, fluttering as they slowed her descent. Ceri raced over behind her as Lunori and Nyra returned inside Tundri's Sylgarden Wagon; Closing the door behind them as Tundri quickly shifted back to his big teddy yeti form, taking big steps to catch up to Wylla and Ceri.

The cute trio walked across the flowery meadow, following the buzzing Princess as the sounds of the northern cliff's waterfall got louder and the sun reflected off the cool blue surface of the large pond from which the river just ahead of them flowed out of.

The group came to a stop on the sandy riverbank; the roar of the waterfall coming from their right as the water crashed into the rocks below, feeding into the pond near them.

“Just what in the world are those... things?” Wylla asked, her eyes big as saucers as she watched groups of colorful luminous Chinese lantern shaped beasties floating above the pond like balloons; Their long translucent jelly-like tendrils skimming the top of the water, capturing water bugs and floating flora.

Tundri and Ceri headed their way, singing out as the floating beasties came to a stop and listened.

While that was taking place, Wylla was trying to think of a way to cross the river to get to the other side where Princess was anxiously waiting for her.

The river wasn't moving fast, but it was at least 20 feet wide and quite deep; Well, deep for my current size... but if I was in my Michael form then this wouldn't pose a problem. Sighing, she shook her head, clearing her thoughts and refocused on the problem at hand.

Let's see, if I run, jump, and flutter my wings... I'd probably splash down somewhere in the middle,” Wylla muttered to herself. If only I was lighter, then with the help of my wings I bet I could make it.

She stood there pondering, staring at the other side of the river...


Wylla's head snapped towards Ceri, who was happily flying back to her, a lumbering Tundri following behind with a dozen or so floating jelly lanterns attached to the garden on his back reminding Wylla of a person selling balloons at a carnival.

She couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. “Ah, I wish I had a camera. My babies are so cute!”

Feeling the warm joyous vibes coming from Wylla, Ceri flew into her arms, and launched a nuzzle attack! “Ahahaha... stop Ceri... stop... Ahaha... now's not the time. We have to get over this river, and despite having wings I can't fly across like you. Buuuuut! I do have an idea and I'm going to need your help okay?”

Ceri quickly gave her one more nuzzle, before nodding her head, and flying out of her arms to hover in the air before her. “Good girl, here's what I need you to do...”

Wylla took a few moments to explain her plan making sure that Ceri understood her role. Satisfied, she walked over a dozen yards away from the river as Tundri joined Ceri's side to see what they had cooked up.

“Here goes!” Wylla took off, her feet digging into the ground, pushing her forward with each step, propelling her faster and faster as her wings fluttered in the wind.

“Now Ceri!” Wylla's voice echoed as Ceri cast her spell. An ethereal crescent moon appeared in the air above Wylla whose foot had just landed onto the wet sandy ground near the flowing river, launching her into the air.

Wylla's orchid butterfly wings flapped hard and fast, creating afterimages as a crescent-shaped beam of silvery ice blue light flashed down onto her shoulder, chilling her arm as a tattoo appeared on her flesh and a wave of cold lunar energy swept through her body causing the weight of her body to lighten... far more than expected.

“AAIIIEEE!” Wylla screamed out as she flew erratically through the air, going higher and higher, further and further leaving the river, Princess Furbee, her cuties, and the ground far behind.

Her eyes opened wide as she found herself fluttering about above the trees of the western forest. She uttered a prayer in her heart that Ceri's gravity altering Lunar SnapDragon Hex wouldn't suddenly end with the ground so far below her; She began to flap her wings rhythmically, seeking to control her 'flight'.

Ah, this isn't looking so good... maybe I should have tested Ceri's hex in the dojo first. What a way to visit this forest for my first time... The worry in Wylla's heart began to be tinged with fear...


Ceri's playful voice reached her ear, calming her heart as she felt four little paws land on her back, between her fluttering wings, and begin to push her down. “Yes! Good job Ceri... that's my girl.”

Ceri and Wylla landed gently back onto the sweet, sweet ground just as the hex ended and the crescent moon tattoo on her shoulder faded away, along with the chilling cold in her body.

The sounds of foliage rustling and wings fluttering followed soon after as Tundri and Princess caught up to the high flying duo. Wylla looked towards carnival Tundri and his assortment of 'balloons' wondering how he had crossed the river so quickly since he couldn't fly like her, but figured with his size, he probably just walked across with large steps.

With everyone all together again, safe and sound, they returned to their self-appointed quest and followed Princess Furbee for another 10 minutes, breaking through the thickets and arriving at a clearing in which stood a small ring of trees... and the scene of the attack.

There, before Wylla's eyes stood five trees resembling sakuras; each one held its own blend of colors: One of cerulean blues and silver, one of pinks and violets, one of purples and gold, one of orange and caramel, and one of cherries and cream.

And within the center of the ring stood a small house-sized palace made of hardened wax whose walls on the left side were completely shredded and ripped apart.

On the ground of the opening were the bodies of half a dozen or so furbees. Princess buzzed sadly seeing them again causing Wylla's heart to ache for her.

Just then, Wylla noticed that a couple of the fallen furbees twitched as they reacted to their Princess' soft cry. Rushing towards them, Wylla called out to Tundri to grab a few more Medylixrs.

They worked fast, pouring the potions over the badly wounded furbees, saving them from the brink of death in the nick of time, lightening the pain in all their hearts.

Wylla stood up and began to look around, easily finding signs of the beast that did this (since it didn't bother to hide the evidence left behind... And why would it?). “You can't stay here any longer Princess,” Wylla said, looking at Princess with concern in her eyes. “Why don't you go with us? We're heading off to a new magical forest, all of us. You can make your home with the others. Help keep each other safe.”

Ceri and Tundri joined in on the conversation, encouraging Princess to join them which seemed to have worked because Tundri's helping serpenvine hands soon burst out of his belly pond and began to not only gather up what was left of Princess Furbee's small palace but also began to collect the colorful ring of trees as they shrunk down in size and disappeared into Tundri's watery belly.

While all of that was happening, Wylla was kneeling down on the ground by a huge paw print that was quite deep, leading away from the palace hive. She could see drops of sweet-scented honey on the ground, making her mouth water.

It seemed she and this big heavy beast (judging by the impressions of its paw prints) both had something in common; a love of honey.

Standing up, she turned to face the others, happy that all the packing was done and the Princess was being taken inside Tundri to be by her entourage in the ark area.

“Good. Now that that's done... It's time to hunt the beast!”


Wylla and friends' bright fluffy day has turned gray as tragedy has befallen one of her friends! Coming to their rescue, Wylla has resolved to hunt down the guilty beast and get vengeance for the Princess. Coming Up Next Chapter 63: End of the Beginning Part 4/5

Author's Note: I'm happy to write that I have completed this whole arc and will be posting each part up today... just as soon as each chapter is re-read and sent through Grammarly... so give me about an hour or two between each posting. Also, I'll be posting a new sketch my niece drew of Syldrake Wylla in the following chapter! ;)

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