Eh! Where Did My Pen… Pen… Go!?!

Chapter 68: The Epilogue (The End of Book 1 Part 33)

Book 1, The End

Chapter 68

The journey carried on much the same as the level above; They continued following the river, day and night. And whenever danger arose, they'd quickly send it running back into the forest.

The only difference now was that it was easier to do because the beasts on this level of the forest were mostly rank 2 with the occasional rank 3.

Wylla figured it was probably because the oryn energy in this area of the forest wasn't quite as thick, nor as rich as the area above.

Confirming her guess that the thicker and richer the oryn energy was in an area, the higher the rank of the beasts and others 'things' that lived there... including plants.

And so, another 4 days passed as they followed the river which split into twin snaking rivers on the 3rd day; The twin rivers continued to run parallel to one another with a 50-yard or so earth-filled gap between them until once again, the rivers went roaring over the edge of a cliff landing on the rocks below.

From there, they flowed a short distance away before feeding into a sparkling blue lake. And there was no mistaking that this was definitely a lake and not a pond. Near the lake's bank, in the blue water, was a small island.

Ah, it looks nearly identical to my Trinity core, except with twins rivers. And from up here, I can see that a river continues on towards the direction of Elmrise... which looks to be around 5 miles away... if I'm reading my AutoMap right.

“Let's see, with all the traveling we've done, it looks like we've opened up enough of the map to show us that this is the Aetheria Forest we've been looking for. And the river we've been following is... the Bluryn River that feeds into the beautiful Sylki Lake down below, and continues on out the other side of the lake to Elmrise, where everyone is waiting for me.

Hmm, that reminds me, my Friend's List should be active too... and I was right. Looks like everyone is already at Elmrise, not that I'll contact them right now anyways... Oh, except for Jen Jen. She's still grayed out but it shouldn't be long now for her to make it out of her starting zone, I think.”

I wonder if it'll send her out from the same tunnel it sent us out from. If so, she's in for a long and dangerous journey back all alone. Heck, I don't think even we would have made it if it wasn't for everyone's help and the Goddess's Blessing.

“Her best chance would be to swim or boat back and let the swift currents of the river carry her to safety... So long as she stops in time for the waterfalls. If not, ouch.” Closing her grimoire and putting it away, Wylla turned to face her cuties, “I think we found it... the perfect place to make our homes down below! Ceri, you're up... again!”

And just like before, Ceri hexed and they all floated down, nice and slow, one after the other. Landing on the Bluryn's soft riverbank, they proceeded to follow the flow of the river for around another quarter of a mile; Arriving on the wonderful Sylki Lakeshore in good spirits.

“Ah, I think this is really it! The end of our travels of searching for a place for them to call home and completing the quest; But first, let's make sure the beasts and living things in this area are ranks 1 and 2... which judging by the feel of the oryn energy here, I think it will be.”

“Tootle-tu” Ceri sang out, shifting colors, nearly disappearing from sight as she headed across the twin rivers to explore the forest on the other side.

As for Tundri, he released his softly glowing Anjelly lanterns onto the lake, summoned his lotus fish scouts who promptly disappeared with a splash, and waited for their reports to see if it was safe to release all the water life he held in his belly pond.

As for Wylla, she took a stroll through the forest in camouflage mode. Making good and sure that her hunch was correct.

As for Yabi, Wylla had smiled and asked her to stay safe by Tundri's side since she wasn't her familiar yet (and Wylla was very afraid of her... dying) and she couldn't sneak about like Wylla. So with a soft 'Pah-roo' Yabi did as asked.

Now, they didn't just do a superficial search; No, they took the rest of the day and didn't return until dark to discuss their findings within Tundri.

And the results were better than good as Wylla and her fluffy angels exited Tundri, to give Lunori and the Old Raven a tour of the area that night; The moon shone down on the lake's surface sparkling like stars... simply amazing.

They reached the river's edge and looked across, past the twin rivers and land in-between, to the forest on the other side. “Hmm, the first thing we need to do is build... uhm... I mean grow a flowery arched Sylbridge across each river bing careful not to grow it too close to the river's edge in case the waters rise during the changing of the seasons. Also, I think from the land in the middle of the two rivers we can grow another arched Sylbridge to the island right there in the lake.” She said, pointing at the island about two buses away.

“Ooh... now that I think about it, that land between the twin rivers looks perfect for not only my Kokinut, Elmnut, Maikiwi, and Tuttle Trees, but also for Princess Furbee's palace hive and her grove of trees. Don't you think so Tundri?” Wylla asked, still eyeing that long strip of land that went all the way back up to the cliff. The twin rivers would make for good defenses.

Tundri nodded in agreement... but first they needed to grow the Sylbridge.

Lunori tootled in agreement with all the plans Wylla just shared; Along with Ceri and the Old Raven who nodded.

Seeing that everyone was in agreement, Tundri walked up near the river, put his hand on the ground, and was just about to begin when all of a sudden, the sound of soft burbling bubbles began to arise from the lake's surface nearby, along with growing ripples.

Everyone stood still and watched as the water continued to burble and bubble, greater and greater until she arose from beneath the water.

Wylla gasped at first sight; The new arrival was simply... breathtaking.

She had long, mostly straight, hair that was the shades of blue waters matching the color of her vibrant eyes. Her dark abyssal blue lips contrasted wonderfully against her light milky blue skin. The moon's light reflected in soft blues off the watery scales bordering her face, neck, and elsewhere on her athletic and perfectly proportional body.

She was tall, well compared to Wylla, smelled of sweet-scented waters, and moved with fluid grace as she walked barefooted towards them atop the cool surface of the lake; Her willowy dress (of silvers, soft milky whites, and blues) billowing lightly in the breeze.

“So you've arrived I see. And slightly ahead of schedule. Well, the schedule your mother thought you'd arrive in that is. Either way, it's so good to see that you and your very adorable friends made it here safely.

I was really worried, given how strong the beasties in that area are... what with you and your cuties being new arrivals and all.

Still, I'd like to officially welcome you to our wonderful magical forest and all the beautiful waters within,” Her voice was liquid-smooth and sincere as she stepped ashore.

“Ah, but where are my manners. You're probably wondering who I am,” She guessed, looking upon Wylla's very cute but also very confused tilted face.

“Since this your first time here young daughter of Goddess Sylvenori, then you probably do not know who I am; So allow me to introduce myself... My name is Sylki Bluryn, the young Demi-Goddess Guardian of all Waterways in this magical forest called Aetheria. It's so nice to meet you young... … … Pst, It is at this point where you're supposed to introduce yourself, it's only proper, right?” Sylki said with a light chuckle and a wink.

“Ah, thas... that's right!” Wylla said in a bit of a panic, shaking her head to wake from her stupor of admiring such a stunning girl... no, that's not quite right... such a stunning young woman. “I'm Wylla... Wylla Wylden. Nice meet to... Uhm... I mean, so nice to meet you... too!”

“Ahahaha, no need to panic so cutely young Wylla. I'm sure we'll get along wonderfully... like sisters!”

“Uhm.. yes... sort of... sisters...”

Turning from the still addled Wylla, Sylki addressed her adorable sidekicks, Ceri and Tundri. “Now, if I'm not mistaken you have arrived here by the request of Wylla's mother.” She said, not asking. “And if I'm not mistaken, you and your guests have taken a liking to this area?”

Ceri cheerfully tootled and Tundri 'Wah'd' with a nod.

“Wonderful, just wonderful. Now then, if you all promise to take care of this area, and my beautiful waters, then I'd be happy to give you my blessing to make this place your new homes.” She finished with a welcoming smile.

“I'm really surprised there aren't people living around here already with how perfect it is. I'm mean with the city jus...”

“None may live here without my blessing. And none may receive my blessing unless I believe them to be worthy.” Sylki interjected.

“Ah, so tha... that means... you find us worthy? Even though we've only just met?” Wylla asked in surprise.

“Ahahaha... Of course, I do. As if the daughter of the Goddess of Forests and Plants would bring great harm to this or any other forest. Psh, don't make me laugh.

And as for all those you brought along, by their very nature they belong here. So yes, I give you all my blessings.” She said, stepping up to Wylla, leaning forward and giving her a kiss on her cheeks. Sending her blessing flowing within Wylla, rushing to the back of her neck, where a watery sigil appeared within her Starblood Sigil Ring.

The very ring created to hold all such blessings and bonds... amongst the other things it was able to do.

She then turned from a still 'pokan' faced Wylla, stepped back onto the lake, and then snapped her fingers as waves of liquidy magic swirled through the air, brushing each of them standing there on the lake's shore and disappearing into Tundri's water belly, where it entered his wagon ark to brush up against all the passengers within, all receiving her blessing.

“And with that, I look forward to spending time together with you in the near future. I wish you all good tidings and happy homemaking. Farewell!” She sank beneath the surface of the lake, disappearing in a burble of bubbles.

They all stood there for a moment, enjoying the lingering scene and scent before Wylla turned and said with a clap of her hands, “Alright! You heard the young guardian! We have building to do; So Tundri, let's start with releasing all the water beasties into the lake first; So they can start searching for their new homes before the Anjelly lanterns find all the good spots first!

And then onto growing Sylbridges so the Spriggankin can decide which side of the river they'd like to buil... Uhm... grow their village on.”

“Then set up the Furbee Palace and grove... and also plant my trees and begin landscaping and planning the layout of the village. As well as raising up earth flora walls for defense and let's not forget the landscaping of...”

“Wah-wah!” Tundri sang, happy to oblige as he walked into the lake before Wylla could continue piling onto the list of things to do.

With his belly underwater, all the water beasties rushed out into the lake. He then turned, walking to shore, and headed towards the river to use his Goddess Blessed powers to begin growing Sylbridges as Ceri played overhead with all the other flying beasties that were exiting Tundri's watery belly... which was quite the sight to see.

As for Wylla, she decided there was something she had to do first before all others... a Familiar Ritual!

So with Yabi by her side, she called on Nyra to join her. Wylla was quite happy to see that the young Lykoi that Nyra had nursed back to health had taken quite the liking to her; I guess all those Elkshrooms she stuffed her full with didn't hurt. She had even given her a name... Lykrish. (Which sounded just like the candy.)

So together, along with a curious Lunori and Old Raven, they went about preparing for the ritual...

An hour had passed and Wylla was ready. She had shown those around her, each and every step of the familiar ritual, even going so far as to explain her reasoning for each material she placed on each of the 6 offering plates, which were as follows:

Syldrake Tree Scales for strength and toughness. Bloodrose Cauldron for more toughness and an effect similar to her bloodrose curse, she hoped. The Noctis Arum for its corrosive liquids. A Nethryn Ghostrose because it was a gift from Nyra and she thought she might be able to guide it to become what she had in mind.

And for the last two, a Jade Spinlyng Flower in hopes of giving Yabi a wind-based skill and a Banshi Flower to give Yabi's trumpet call some Ooomph!

So with everything in place, she had Yabi sit down in the center of the Ritual Binding Array Circle, sent her a smile and a kiss; Then with an audience watching, performed the ritual once again as she had before with Ceri.

The energy built into a towering crescendo and...


Colorful ribbons of blues, greens, pinks, purples, and gold wrapped around a shaggy six-legged body, fully covering Yabi in a cocoon as a great flash of light blinded Wylla and her audience, and pulses of energy shook the ground.

Rubbing her teary eyes and blinking, Wylla felt that strange but now familiar connection of a new but warm stream of emotions and flowing thoughts running through her; A 'Pah-roo' sang out excitedly in her mind sealing the new bond.

“Yes! You did it Yabi! Welcome to the family!” Wylla cheered, as Nyra, Lunori, the Old Raven and quite a few of the spriggankin joined in on the celebration; Even going so far as to start a bonfire on the sandy riverbank and having an impromptu Yabi Fest of food, drinks, and music.

“Pah-ROO!” Yabi happily trumpeted, parading around on six stumpy legs as Wylla admired her new cosmetic changes.

“Ah, just look at my new cute Yabi familiar! So cute and beautiful!” Wylla stood there smiling, admiring the wonderful colorful changes of her new little sylmammoth familiar.

Yabi, enjoying the warm happy emotions Wylla was sending her way, continued to prance around. Her face was now beautiful shades of light Cornflower blues and her trunk slightly darker; Both were adorned with a smattering of vibrant flowery sigil-like designs of ethereal ghostrose blues matching all 6 of her stumpy legs. And her, oh so soft and fluffy shaggy spiln fur matched the greens of Wylla's very own hair.

The big bulbed flower swishing to and fro at the tip of her tail was the same hues as the small 'Ahoge' flower atop her head and her big round vibrant violet-pink eyes... “And just look at your big leafy ears and short dark purplish stubby tusks, they all have hints of all your beautiful colors in them! I love it!”

Wylla clapped her hands in joy and joined in on the fun, parading around with Yabi, Lunori, Ceri, Nyra, and Lykrish as Tundri parked himself on the riverbank in wagon form, door wide open as the last of the beasties stepped out to enter the forest.

They celebrated late into the night and then slept for a few hours before waking with the rising of the sun. Then they got to work growing the village with Nyra's tree home (along with her Nethryn Ghostrose Shrine) being grown by the river with her new teacher, the Old Raven as her neighbor on one side; And Lunori, her new best friend living on the other side. And right across the river from her home was Furbee Palace, exactly where they had planned to place it before.

It was later that evening that Nyra successfully formed her familiar bond with Lykrish... resulting in another celebration. Which led Wylla to believe that Spriggankin loved to party!

The whole village was beautifully spread out, landscaped, and had a wonderful earth flora wall for defense which was armed with noisy Banshi flowers, Skunktail Reeds, and Spinlyng flowers... so trespassers beware!

And on the other side of the rivers is where Wylla had grown her wonderful Syldrake tree home, as well as a few other tree buildings that she thought would be perfect for her family, friends, and soon to be guild.

Thanks to Tundri's Goddess Blessing, everything was done within 3 short days. It didn't hurt that Tundri doesn't sleep nor eat. Wylla even had a long list of ignored messages from family and friends as proof of the time gone by.

And so with her familiar ritual successfully completed (and Nyra's as well), the new village up and running, her orchards planted, all beasties released, and Princess Furbee re-located to a wonderful spot.

And most importantly, Ceri and Tundri's Great Sylgarden Wagon Ark Adventure quest was now completed... Wylla was ready to Logout (for real this time).

So she gathered her fluffy angels in front of their beginner Syldrake home, painted a smile on her face and spoke, “I just want to let each of you know that I'm so very proud of you! You did a wonderful job of helping others, of protecting each other, and of helping me... through these very difficult times. I love each and every one of you!” She paused to gather herself, turning away for a moment to wipe her eyes and looked back.

“Okay... all set. Just like I mentioned the last tim... two times, I have to leave for a while but you'll be safe and sound here. So have fun while I'm gone but try not to get into trouble. And remember to look out for one another because we're family! See you soon,” She said, giving each a big hug.

But not too soon... She thought to herself with a wry smile on her face as she stepped back and summoned her Druwytch Grimoire. And with practiced ease, she opened the book to the right place, located the mocking button, and reached down... “If this doesn't work this time... I'm going to scream!” Wylla muttered, then pushed the Logout Button.

The Starblood Sigil Ring on the back of her neck sprang to life, activating a circular star array beneath her feet as the constellations within started to move; Within her body she felt a magical seal wrap around her core, blocking access.

Yet, she was happy, feeling warm in her heart, knowing that this time... it was going to work! Time to be me again! She thought with a smile.

[ Activating Transmigration Star Array in... 5... 4... ]

The light beneath her rose up from her feet, encapsulating her in a sphere of light, growing brighter and brighter as it spun faster and faster; And with each second counted down she felt lighter and lighter and... that's when what was written triggered a response...

“Huh? Trans-my-what!?!”

[ 3... 2... 1... Transmigration Star Array Initiated... Farewell Wylla... ]

All of her surroundings blurred in spinning light which flashed into shooting stars on a field of midnight as the world vanished beneath her feet... poof!

She dropped, sliding down a swirling spatial tube of colorful spiraling star tails, gaining speed with each passing second causing her stomach rise to her throat and the blood to rush to her head and... all became dark.

Wylla had fainted.

A few days earlier, before Wylla 'logged out' from Sylki lake's shore, somewhere in the Aetheria Forest a certain cloaked figure was huddled within a large dim underground room in front of a dark council, seated on high behind a large crescent moon table, being asked... questions by the powerful Shrouds.

“Where is the package? And where are the rest of your teammates?” An old hollow voice asked in deep disappointment

“Sso-Sorry Lord Elum, I regrets to... to report that... that on our way to delivers the package... my team was attacked by an unknown... beautiful girl with hair of greens appearing from nowhere like a little goddess of the forest who... who hid her true power from our eyes... and unleashed strange powers... She conjured a fortress, a magic fortress of earth aandd flora in a near blink... a small army of beasts and beings of plants fell upon us like a crashing tide. The others gone, only I escaped. But bag... bag lost... taken.”

“We must get that bag back at all costs if our plans for that city is to succeed!”

“I agree, Lady Loris. The bag is what's important here,” Lord Elum stated with his hands steepled in front of him. “But also, equally important, is finding out how this unknown little girl of the... city? Knew they would be bringing the package tonight and the route... A traitor perhaps? Or maybe a spy within?

And this power of hers, to hide and unleash an army of beasts and beings made up of plants within a magical fortress of earth and flora, conjured up in a blink of an eye... could it be lost magic or a powerful relic perhaps? Sounds very useful for our purposes.”

“Unknowns... too many unknowns. I don't like it. Call in the Shades, have them get down to the heart of the matters, and retrieve our package. After all, how hard can it be to track down a 'pretty' girl walking through the forest with such strange traveling companions?”

“Yes. Lord Wren is right. Have posters drawn up and sent to our operatives in Elmrise. Her capture and retrieval of the package is only a matter of time. And as for this failure, send him to the beast pits below.”

“No my Lords! Puh... please give me... another chance...”

Meanwhile in the present, in suite red bishop, 311 within a gaming hotel of a certain playful Goddess, a dazed and muddle-headed player was finally awakening in their pod.

The world was covered in darkness and the sound of the bio-pod unsealing greeted his ears.


Michael sat up and winced, Oww... my head... His muddled mind sloshed about, altering his perceptions as if he had eaten a bouquet of Dreamnisca flowers.

His vision began playing games with his head; The dimly lit room was shrouded in colorful auras, swaying and moving. Fluffy furbees of colorful lights danced in the air and images on the wall moved about with swooshing afterimages of reality unhinged and dream painted... Oh, not those... those mofus again... ignore... not reals...

He then released a big yawn and stretched and made his way out of the pod as his long silky hair got in his way.

Ugh... move away, you stupid hair thingie... so wuzzy... Anari said comfy... nap.. sofa...

“Ah, mofu-mofus are flying about in the air again... ahahaha..” His voice, raspy and soft.

He stumbled down from the pod as he felt something soft, and a bit silky, slide down his small body to lay on the ground nearly causing him to trip as his long silky hair bounced, tickling as it brushed against his now bareback, down to the top of his little bum, draping down over the confusion and wonder on his face, to cover his small chest.

His stomach growling... “Want food... and something too... drink... but sleepy...”

Michael staggered lightly to the sofa, his now oversized bio suit lying on the carpeted floor. He then plopped his small body onto the soft giant-sized sofa...

[ Nighty night Wylla :) ]

“Niightly nights 'nari...” He responded to the very pleasing voice that had come out of the room's speakers.

Michael had strange dreams that night; He was as small as a long green-haired mouse, running around great big watery trees, dodging thorn bushes as big fluffy colorful bumblebees chased him round and round. But the strangest part of all was... that he was a she...


Michael woke with a high pitched scream, heart beating madly like a small ship tossed in stormy waters... “Just a dream... breathe in and out... just a dream [ ding ]... breathe in and out... still seeing things... still muddled... hearing dings... am I in another dream again?”

Michael sat there, legs dangling off the edge of the comfy sofa, as he gathered himself together. He looked about the semi fogged room, pushed himself off the sofa, and landed a bit unsteadily on his two small feet. Wondering where to start next, his stomach made a big growling noise.

“Oh yeah, 'nari said to eats... or was I imagining her saying so?...”

He went to the wall with the panel, slid it open, and grabbed the Oryn Fruit Nurture bar... “Mmmm... delicious... so good...” Finishing the nurture bar, he reached for the big glass of Iceblue Oryn juice with two small soft hands; (gulp... gulp... gulp...) “Ahhh... tasty and refreshing... my belly feels happy.”

Now to clean up and then call for help. He felt a bit chilly, and lifted his slender arm, noticing the goosebumps on the back of his bare forearms. “hmm... a warm bath sounds good...” He muttered as he made his way to the men's room and opened the door.

It wasn't until he stood in the open doorway to the men's dressing room that it hit him... he was bare naked again. Huh? How? Where did my bio-suit go?

He then looked down, time seemed to slow down painfully when he noticed two 'unbelievably unreal' things again: Two slight bulges protruding from his partially silky green hair covered chest. And no bulge where there should be one, nope, nothing, just clear empty space providing a clear view of his two cutely small feet.

“Eh! Where did my Pen... Pen... Go!?!"

[ Deja Vu Wylla? ]

Not hearing the playfully teasing voice, he began checking again for his... his Pen... Pen. Where... where... where... Wide-open golden honey eyes jolted in search and slender hands moved about soft supple skin, heart beating erratically, and breath fluttering [ Careful Wylla...] in and out, in and out, in and...


[Or you'll hyperventilate again. ]

The sound of a small naked body hitting the soft carpeted floor filled the air.

[ Oh dear, it seems like my warning was a little too late. That's our Wylla.]

… … …

… …


Michael woke up; Finding himself washed, comfortably clothed, and sitting on the lap of some wonderfully scented woman that was hugging his waist from behind while gently stroking his hair.

How did he know that it was a woman and not some man? It was because of the two good-sized soft mounds that were pressed against his back.

“Did the pretty little sleeping princess finally wake up?”

Before he could answer, he felt himself lifted and set back down on the big comfy sofa.

The woman then stood, grabbed a parasol that was leaning against the sofa with her right hand, then scooped up a pair of golden many-sided dice, with her left hand, off the coffee table and turned to face him.

A small gasp escaped his small awestricken mouth as he viewed the divinely beautiful woman for the first time. She stood there smiling, with a twinkle in her golden eyes silently watching him... waiting for him to speak.

“Silly girl hasn't anyone told you, if you keep your mouth open like that, bugs will fly in.” She said in an amused musical tone (which sounded a lot like Anari's) as she used her finger to softly lift his chin, closing his full-lipped mouth.

“Hello Wylla, I'm the Goddess Lokaini of Games and Entertainment. I heard you were looking for some... help. If so, how may I be of assistance?”

“Umm... Yes please... the game... it changed me. Made me small... and my pen.... pen... gone. Somethings horribly, horribly wrong! This can't be real...”

“What specifically seems to be the problem?”

Highly agitated and trying to get his words out properly, Michael jumped off the tall sofa and landed on two feet, and animatedly gestured at himself from head to toe, “Everything.. everything is the problem. The game changed me... made me...”

Her eyes dancing like a child at an amusement park, the Goddess Lokaini said, “Pretty?”

“No... well, yes... it made me pretty, but...”

“Well, then I don't understand the problem? Didn't you want to be... pretty?” Lokaini asked with a fake confused look on her face.

“No... well... yes... but not like this... it made me a girl... a small young girl!”

“A small young pretty girl.” The Goddess Lokaini corrected.

“I can't be a girl, it's the games fault. You have to turn me back!” Michael said, his voice rising in pitch.

“I disagree. It's your fault, not my game's fault. We did everything you asked for. Speaking quite honestly, we even went beyond the call of duty and provided you with the new life we promised and you asked for.” The Goddess Lokaini said with a flourish.

“My fault, my fault, how can it be my fault? I never asked for this, to have... have my pen... pen... taken away. Wrong, this is all wrong... you need to change me back... you must or else...”

“Or else what. little girl!?!” The Goddess Lokaini glared down at him. Michael felt a tinge of fear going up his spine causing him to miss the mirth in the Goddess' eyes, who was clearly enjoying herself.

“Or else... or else I'll... I'll sue...yeah, I'll sue you... we have lawyers from Hayes Law Firm so you have to change me back or...”

“Sue?” Lokaini broke out into a titter of laughter. “You want to sue me? Based on what?” She then turned around towards the coffee table and rolled the dice in her left hand. The die hit the table and rolled with 'clicky clack' sounds, catching Michael's attention, and then transformed with a magical “Poof!” into a stack of papers.

Grabbing the top page and handing it directly to Michael, the Goddess Lokaini asked, “Now I'll ask you again, you want to sue me, based... on... what?”

Michael looked at the paper, recognition dawned in his golden honey eyes, this was the Terms of Service contract, and there on the bottom was his signature and that of his parents.

“I believe they call that, Check and Mate!” Lokaini gave Michael a gorgeous victory smile and then sat down on the sofa as if it was her throne.

“Surely, it doesn't cover this...” Michael's voice quivered as he shook his head in denial, “This can't be right... we'll sue if you don't...”

“As I said, checkmate. You have no legal grounds on which to stand, you've signed away such rights and thus are out of recourse... and don't forget, we asked you twice if you wanted to be the chosen Unique race and you said: Yes, not once, but twice. We have it on tape, would you like to see the playbacks?”

With a snap of her fingers, all the flat-screen monitors in the suite sprang to life playing back to that moment. “See, you were so happy you didn't even let my daughter Anari tell you about the details, you simply cut her off with your, wait for it... YES!”

“But... but I didn't think...”

“Now there's something we can both agree on,” the Goddess Lokaini interjected with a smile.

“Then... then I'll tell people... tell the world... I'll tell news reporters and tv stations, it'll ruin your reputation...”

Michael's threat was once again greeted by the musical sound of laughter, “Ahahaha... You won't do that Wylla, you'd only be putting yourself and your family in great danger. So go ahead and tell the world my pretty, pretty obtuse little goddaughter.”

Shaking his head side to side as his long greenish hair shook to and fro, “That's not true, you're only trying to scare me, threaten me, trick me to not go telling peo...”

“Aah hahaha... It's a good thing you're so young again. This will give you a second chance to work on your intelligence. Think my dear beautiful little Wylla. What do you think will happen to YOU when the world finds out that you changed from a big boring mundane boy into a young girl with hair and beauty to kill for?”

Michael sat there stunned... his eyes wide and face paling...

“That's right, my sweet little girl. You'll have people clambering to possess you. Under constant threat of being taken, of becoming someone's toy or lab rat or much, much worse.” Lokaini looked at him with a little wicked smile.

“This isn't right... how can I live like this... I'm a boy trapped in a little girl's body... like a.. like a bird in a cage...”

A heavy sigh filled the room as the Goddess Lokaini looked at the lost little lamb, “I just don't understand your dissatisfaction Wylla. We gave you everything we promised, and so much more... We promised a new world: Granted. We promised a new life: Granted. Heck, we even went beyond and over-delivered, despite the fact that you made fun of me by calling me narcissistic, you wanted to be pretty: Granted.

So just what specifically seems to be the problem?”

Michael sat there quietly, tears falling, quiet sobs threatening to escape... “This is the problem,” he quietly said gesturing at his face and body. “I'm a boy trapped in a little girl's body. I can't live like this...”

“Why? Be specific, why can't you function in your body Wylla?”

“Because... because I think like a boy... I grew up as a boy so I see things as a boy... in all my memories I'm a boy... I.. I feel like a boy...”

“Fine. Then we'll fix it,” the Goddess Lokaini said resolutely. She stood up, and walked towards the door, before turning to face him. “We'll fix all those problems but it won't be easy, you'll have to work for it Wylla! Are you willing to work hard? This won't be...”

Hope entered Michael's heart, he stood up in front of the Goddess Lokaini, and with strong conviction, he said, “Yes. I'll give it my all! Just tell me what to do.”

Interrupting the Goddess's words that were going to follow. Seems Wylla hadn't learned her lesson of hearing things through until the end.

After all, it was not listening things through until the end that got her into this gender-bent situation, for had she fully listened to the words describing the Sylven race, she wouldn't be in this very situation at this moment.

Things would have been so much different but... Sometimes the heart speaks before the mind thinks.

“Good girl! Then your solution will be found within the game... world. You shall be given a personal quest: The Chalice in the Palace.

Within Abrynth there is a large magical palace which is now the home to many dangers. Within the throne room of that palace rests a powerful guardian. And since there's a powerful guardian, then there must be a treasure of great value which it is guarding: The Trinity Chalice.

Within the Chalice lies the most deliciously divine liquid known to mortals: Golden Honey Ambrosia. But be warned young Wylla, the Palace holds many rank 3 dangers, and you can be assured that the guardian is of a higher rank.

So that is your task: Find the Palace to get the Chalice to drink its Golden Honey Ambrosia to be set free.”

The beautiful Goddess Lokaini gave him one last pat on his head, whispered some soothing words in his ear, then disappeared out the door in a flourish where she was met by her lovely pair of beastkin Miko shrine maidens; Who began to escort her down the halls of her wonderful game hotel back to her luxurious office up on the top floor.

“Our Goddess looks really happy right now... right Lia...” Rya the sun kitsune said, more than asked, as her golden fox ears twitched and her fluffy tail swished.

Lia, the silvery-blue moon hare Miko, nodded with a mirthful smile as she happily responded, “Yes, yes... I can't remember the last time I've seen our Goddess so happy. The meeting with our Goddess's goddaughter must have gone better than good.”

Rya nodded in agreement.

Listening to her two cute Mikos banter, the Goddess couldn't help but laugh as she played the meeting with her sweet adorable goddaughter Wylla over and over again in her mind.

“Ahahaha... This really has been such great fun. Thanks to my new goddaughter, I'm starting to like this world.

So much so, that I think I may even change some of those foolish white-coated 'humans' that were playing at being gods; Experimenting with energies beyond their comprehension in their underground desert lab, tearing holes in the fabric of space and time between worlds, MY World! Setting both worlds on the verge of destruction... of killing billions.

And so rudely 'forcing' me to come here, to this world, to use up a great amount of my divine power and heavenly resources to figure a way to fix their mess! To change them back to human... … …

Nevermind. Let them continue to eat flies..."


And so with a mic-drop reveal, Book 1 comes to a close... As such, I'd like to thank each and every one of you for joining in Wylla's Cute and Fluffy Upside Down Magical Adventure. It's been much appreciated. And since this isn't a neverending ending like that certain fantasy movie about a ring mentioned before, I'd just like to say “Until Book 2... Farewell. And don't forget to save some Furbee Honey Orbs for me.” (Hmm... sounds like a good name for a tasty breakfast cereal...)


Ah, the goal I set of writing my first book has finally been completed! Yosh! I'm so happy I made it to the end. Writing novels is so different than short stories but both are fun to do. And I do feel like my writing improved along the way. Words and phrases seemed to come easier and flow much better towards the end.

Of course, there were also moments where I just plowed through my writing in order to either break through a block and/or reach my goal of meeting a self-imposed deadline or finishing up some pages that I'd later go back to and rewrite.

But overall, I feel that I could see my growth as a writer from the first chapter on through to the epilogue. And I hope to continue to improve as I continue to write.

I'd also like to Thank All of You for reading, commenting, hitting the little favorites buttons, rating, and reviewing this story. It's been much appreciated and helped to create such a fun environment in which to write in; A community that's not only entertaining but helpful and constructive. :blob high five emote:

Ah, what am I doing writing so much, it's not like I'm up here to accept an award or something!... So with that said, what am I going to do now? You may be asking. Well, quite a bit, actually... here are my plans going forward:

We all know that Yabi is Wylla's Familiar now but we didn't go into the skills that she received through the ritual so you'll find them first thing down below... Yabi's Skills inspired by the ritual materials.

Share a Sneak Peek (see below) of Book 2's summary, book title, and possible series title (along with a list of possible titles that would be great to have some feedback on in the comments section below).

Begin Writing Book 1.5 Amaranthe Hearts Guild Girls – Side Tales of Wylla Wylden's Friends and Family. Yup, I'll be writing 2 to 4 chapter short stories and publishing them on an irregular schedule. Basically, when they're done, I'll publish them.

I'm doing this book for many reasons; To show the world through the eyes of other characters, to display each character's race and class and abilities, and to aid me in my writing of Book 2.

And since these are short stories of their time in their starter zones... please expect short time skips. While I'm writing Book 1.5 I'll also be binge-reading some books on my Kindle that I've been wanting to read.

Continue Writing the web novel of Elinora Sabrielle Valoren (aka Riel). A LitRPG gender-bent adventure in a dark world of swords and magic in which much blood will be spilled. So not the world in which Wylla resides.  (I removed the Sneak Peek chapters on 9-18-2020 I'm pushing back the writing date of this story but will continue to add to the growing notes for it)

Then time for some Rest and Relaxation... for a week or two, before getting to work in earnest on Book 2. Adding to the notes I already have, the ideas that are written, and the sample chapters that I wrote months ago. Basically using the time away in other worlds to come back to Wylla's fresh and ready to write!

Side Project: Work on rewriting Book 1 to get it polished up for when I turn it into an Amazon Kindle book. Why don't I do this first? That's because I may or may not add in some foreshadowing and little events that I think of while writing Book 2. As such, I can wait a short while before putting it up for sale.

So there you have it. My basic to-do plan... a bucket list of writing. And now that that's out of the way... on to the extras starting with Yabi's Skills!

Yabi's Skills:

1. Syldrake Bloodline - Yabi grows in strength and toughness as the barkskin of her body (hidden under all that shaggy fluff) become as Syldrake scales. Passive ability, always active.

Bloodrose Cauldron Tusks – Yabi's body further increases in toughness as her tusks grow becoming stronger than steel and as sharp as bloodthorns which she then uses for piercing and swiping attacks; And even range attacks as greenish blood-red energy swirls into the shape of a pair of vertical liquid chakrams of bloodrose energy, flying forward from each tusk towards the foe upon command; Each attack returning small heals from part of the damage inflicted on her foes.

Noctis Trunk Spray – Uses her trunk to spray dark purplish Noctis liquids in a cone causing burning corrosive damage on any foe unlucky enough to be struck. The liquid also eats away at the target's skin and armor weakening their defenses.

Summon Nethryn Viproses – Summons a pair of ethereal nethryn viproses which sprout from the shoulders of her back like ghostly thorned tendrils; Their ghostrose viper heads attack with spectral fangs and ranged thistle attacks which poison the target with bone-chilling venom, slowing their movements by 10%. In addition, they can also use their thorned tendril bodies to launch whip-like attacks.

Jade Spinlyng Aura – Yabi's speed is permanently increased by 10%. In addition, she may activate a cyclone of wind and razor-edged leaves around her body. Slowing and cutting all foes standing near her caught within the mini-tornado and greatly increasing her ranged defense.

Wailing Banshi Trumpet – Yabi unleashes a loud, painfully high pitched, trumpeting wail 'Pah-ROOOO! Foes weak of will and good of hearing are overcome by the haunting scream experiencing vertigo and despair... losing their will to fight on, weaking their attacks.

I think you can see the role Yabi will play in Team Wylla. Ceri is their ariel range attack, debuffs, and a little CC... plus, she can scout. Tundri major battlefield CC, buffs and debuffs, and capable off-tank... plus he can scout. Wylla's main combat is spellcaster range... pew-pew, debuffs, potion heals, and Melee Syldrake mode... but for only 5 minutes. Plus she can scout in camouflage mode. And Yabi... the tank of the team... or off-tank if a better one comes along ;) But no can scout :( Poor Yabi.

As for what inspired me to make such a familiar as Yabi... that would be Tundri. I was thinking that Tundri needs 'someone' to pull him when traveling in Sylgarden Wagon form.

Now, I know Tundri can just walk while everyone is comfy inside but sometimes you want to go... faster. Or just blend in with the traveling crowd (as if that would happen with how sweet and unique Tundri's sylgarden wagon form looks.).

Plus, how much fun would it be to see a little colorful shaggy six-legged pygmy sylmammoth pulling a large full-sized garden topped gypsy carriage along the winding roads? Yup, I thought so as well and that is how Yabi came to be.

– Sneak Peek --

Book 2: Summary

There are less than 8 weeks left in summer vacation and much for Wylla to do in Abrynth if she wants to rank up high enough to complete the Goddess's quest in order to return to her old Pen... Pen... having self before the starting new year's school bell rings.

Meanwhile, her family and friends are in for quite a surprise! All the while working on plans of their own, forming a guild, building a guildhall, and thinking of a way to help them earn lots and lots of Lyr!

(To add to their growing Livestream earnings.)

“Hey, I know! Let's start a festival filled with music, clankwerks, magicrafts, art, and loads of tasty food! Especially Furbee Honey Orbs! A Magical MusArt Fest in Abrynth!“

(Furbee Honey Orbs are brought to you by the good Fluffy Furbee Folks over at Silky Sweet Snacks Incorporated... get yours before somebody else does first.)

But this won't be easy since there's something dark afoot and its targeting our young cute green-haired heroine and her menagerie of cute and fluffy sidekicks... And her new sisters? “Huh, when did I get new sisters? From where? And isn't one of them half snake and the other... wasn't she suppose to be an A.I.? What's going on here?”

Only one way to find out, read The Divine Quest to Retrieve My Pen... Pen... Starts Now! (aka Book 2 of the My Livestream Diary of a Cute and Fluffy IsekaiBumpedUpside Down Magical Life! Series. (Boy is that a mouthful of a series title... but I kind of like it.)

Warning: The following story is a fun, light-hearted, sugary cute & fluffy RPG-like Livestreamed adventure through a Magical World with a young heroine that has a profound love of honey and some extremely cute and fluffy sidekicks. “Yup, that's our Wylla!”

So if you're looking for something that's heavy on the action and light on the slice of life with complicated plots filled with red herrings and even blue ones, SEX, and bloody gory murder then... umm... this is probably not the story you're looking for.

(Ya, the author so didn't all cap that word to act as clickbait :cough-cough:)

But if it's the former, rather than the latter you're looking for... then “Hurry and step on in, take your seats, and make yourselves comfortable, (and get your Furbee Honey Orbs ready) for the cute and fluffy show is about to begin... Enjoy!” :)

Side Note: I'm still not sure what the title of Book 2 will be and the Book Series Title (as well) but I'm pretty sure I want it to sound Light Novel-ish and have cute, fluffy, and (lightly leaning towards) IsekaiBumps in it... Anyways, have a peek at the brainstorming list and if you see one you like or have one 'up your sleeve' you'd like to suggest... then please feel free to use the comment section below.

Possible Book 2 Titles:

Cute and Fluffy IsekaiBumps at the MusArt Fest

Pen... less in Abrynth (inspired by a certain Sleepless movie)

My So-called Pen... less Life (inspired by a certain show)

MusArt Fest Discord! (short and to the point)

Welcome to the Magical World of Abrynth (inspired by Welcome to Jurassic Park + Magical World of Disney)

The Divine Quest to Get Back My Pen... Pen... Starts Now! (inspired by all Quest movies, a slightly different variation of the title in the summary)

Pen... less in an Another World (has that Isekai vibe going for it)

Pen... less in a Magical World (Aye, same as right above but with magic)

Something Wicked Comes to Discord the MusArt Festival (partially inspired by a certain movie as well... and music)

Possible Book Series Title:


Cute and Fluffy IsekaiBumps of a Druwytch in Abrynth Series

The Cute and Fluffy Druwytch of Abrynth Series

Chronicles of a Cute and Fluffy Magical Life

My Cute & Fluffy Upside Down Isekai Life!

My Cute & Fluffy Isekai Life Livestreamed

– Sneak Peek of New Web Novel  - Removed on 9-18-2020 for reasons indicated above ;)

And this is where we end the ride. Once again, I'd like to thank everyone for being here and joining in on Wylla's Cute and Fluffy IsekaiBumped Adventures! If you've enjoyed the story please give it a like, hit the star rating, and if you're feeling up too it and believe it's worth doing so... a little review. Until Book 1.5... Farewell.

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