Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 162: Twin Gods Uchiha Obito! 【2 in 1】


After the word "Shenwei" sounded, the wooden dragon created by Qianshou Zhujian using the wooden Dun was instantly cut into two pieces by a wave of space.

Fortunately, Madara Uchiha was not far from Qianshou Zhuma. As soon as Mulong lost control, he grabbed Zhuma and jumped onto Wan Jun's wooden dragon.

"Is it the time-space ninjutsu of the previous person?" Madara Uchiha asked Wan Jun, who was also on the wooden dragon head, after he put down the Senju Hashirama.

"The only eye he has left should not be able to cast divine power outward." Wan Jun was also very puzzled at this time. According to common sense, the eye that can cast divine power outward should be on Kakashi. At this time, Yuzhi At this time, Obito soil can't use the ability of this kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

After saying this, Wan Jun also deliberately glanced at Kakashi who was standing on the ruins with Hatake Sakumo, and his eyes were not taken away by the other party.

"No, the other party has two people with exactly the same chakra fluctuations." Just as Wan Jun was talking, Uchiha Madara sensed that there were two people with exactly the same chakra fluctuations in the other party's personnel, and this person was exactly what he was in. The Uchiha clan who can use time and space ninjutsu that he met in the land of waves. "It's the person I met last time in the Land of Waves."

Wan Jun was shocked when he heard this, and quickly turned his head and asked, "Are you sure? It's two people and not shadow clones?"

"It's not a shadow clone." Uchiha Madara said affirmatively.

"Detection of non-warehouse awakening personnel - Uchiha Obito."

Uchiha Obito!

When Wan Jun suddenly got a prompt from the Naruto warehouse in his consciousness, he immediately understood the situation. The other party's ninja who was perceived to use divine power was indeed Obito in another world.

The space-time rift that appeared in the land of water before seems to be a path to connect other worlds, and this Uchiha Obito didn't know when he actually got such a helper. Could it be that he used the power to leave from the land of waves. That time?

"The other party is the one who broke through the barriers and came to our world. Be careful, that Shenwei is as easy to deal with as the previous one." Wan Jun has seen the power of Shenwei before, and he also has two Shenwei kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes. The opponent's attack ability will be greatly improved.

As long as one is accidentally attacked by Shenwei, he will have to peel off his skin if he does not die. After all, this is a pupil technique that can compete with Otsutsuki.

"Is it the same person as us?" Qianshou Hasuma already realized the difference in the other party from Wan Jun's words.

Wan Jun stared at the only person on the other side who wasn't wearing Akatsuki's costume, and replied to Senju Hashirama, "Yes, that's the person."

"It seems that our enemies will become more and more complicated." Senju Hashirama has always believed that only people from his own side will come to this world, but now the appearance of the opponent's pair of divine powers has also made this man The Ninja God realized that future battles could be more unpredictable.

Madara Uchiha didn't pay much attention to Senju Hasuma's words, and saw him staring at the members of Akatsuki's organization and said, "No matter how complicated it is, we have to solve each other first."

Wan Jun also took the words of Madara Uchiha: "Yes, let's solve the other party first."

After saying this, Wan Jun stuck his head out from above the wooden dragon and roared at Hatake Sakumo and others under the wooden dragon, "Minato, Sakumo, do it!"

"Okay!" In order to prevent the people from Xiao's organization from escaping, Wan Jun and others had already prepared a way to deal with them when they came. The target of Minato and Sakumo is the black Jue who is the easiest to escape, the special creature that can travel through trees and soil.

"Wood Dun·Wooden Man Technique!"

Just after Namikaze Minato and Hatake Sakumo responded, Wan Jun summoned the wooden man directly from the base mountain of the wooden dragon. Now facing the two Obito, Wan Jun certainly needs to do his best.

And just when the wooden man was rising from the ground, the two Obito were also discussing the situation on the other side of the Akatsuki organization.

"Is this the person you're talking about?" Shuang Shenwei Obito, dressed in black and without the red cloud pattern, asked the one-eyed Obito who was disguised as A Fei next to him.

In addition to wearing black clothes, this Shuang Shenwei Obito also has a Konoha forehead with a horizontal line on his forehead.

If Wan Jun went to his Hokage warehouse, he could see the information about this Obito on the screen that had been black before New Year's greetings.

"Uchiha Obito

After Kakashi and Lin were killed in battle, he opened Sharinyan. After that, as the only disciple of the four generations of Hokage, he also possessed the powerful strength of Kaleidoscope Sharinyan, and has always been a powerful government contender for the position of Hokage.

But after that, things changed dramatically.

The fourth generation attacked Konoha when a group of people took advantage of the vortex Kushina to produce, and released the nine tails, and his teacher Namikaze Minato was also killed in this battle.

Three generations regained power, and Shimura Danzo also listed Uchiha as a family that must be erased.

Uchiha Obito also joined Fuyue's rebellion plan. After this battle, Konoha and the Uchiha family were both injured. The remaining Uchiha withdrew from Konoha, and Konoha, who lost most of his combat power, gradually became one of the five largest. The existence of Shinobi Village at the bottom. "

This dual **** Obito, who has experienced countless ups and downs, no longer has much affection for Konoha, and there is only his sad place there.

"Uchiha Madara, Senju Hasuma, Namikaze Minato, Hatake Sakumo, the lineup is really luxurious." Shuang Shenwei Obito glanced at each other's lineup and sighed softly.

"Uchiha Madara? Senju Hashirama?"

"Itachi, you are from Konoha, is that really Uchiha Madara and Senju Hasuma?"

Behind the two Obito, the members of the Akatsuki organization hadn't noticed the existence of the other two. Their eyes were attracted by the wooden dragon and the ruins of Minato and Hatake Sakumo. .

Uchiha Itachi, who was questioned by several members of Akatsuki, looked up at the wooden man's head. There were three people standing on the wooden man's head. Among them, Uchiha Itachi was recognized at a glance, and Uchiha Madara made Itachi hesitate. After all, he had never seen what Uchiha Madara looked like, and the tall statue in the Valley of the End did not Naruto Rock is so intuitive.

"Sure enough, it's the first Hokage Senju Hashirama." Uchiha Itachi stared at the three people on the wooden dragon and said to the surrounding members of the Akatsuki organization.

"It's really him? How could the first Hokage be still alive?" Scorpion narrowed his eyes slightly, he was very interested in the fact that Qianshou Hashirama was still alive.

Hei Jue was right next to Scorpion, and he stared blankly at Senju Hasuma and Madara Uchiha. He never expected these two to appear in front of him again.

Aren't they the reincarnations of the previous Indra and Ashura Chakras? After death, the new Chakra should have continued to be reincarnated. How could these two be still alive?

And Jue, who has been in contact with Uchiha Madara for a long time, has to admit that Uchiha on the wooden man's head is indeed Madara.

Damn, what's wrong? First, Obito brought back a guy who was exactly the same as himself, or a person with a double kaleidoscope. Now Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama have brought people to attack, what should I do?

Jue, who was in deep thought, felt that his plan to resurrect his 'mother' might be postponed again. Now that there are so many uncertain factors, he no longer dared to take the risk and continue.

Maybe it will be hidden for another hundred years, and after all these people are dead, it will not be too late to come out again.

Everyone in Xiao's organization did not know that the man behind the organization had already decided to run away. Some of them showed a very strong interest in facing the strong, while the other group was upset.

And one of the latter is the dried persimmon ghost shark from Wuyin Village. At this time, he is very entangled in his heart. Although he knew before that Wan Jun and others were going to attack the Xiao organization, the dry persimmon ghost shark didn't expect it to come so quickly, and he hadn't even found a reason to run out of the base.

"What are you nervous about?" Uchiha Itachi turned his head to the side, looked at the somewhat uneasy dried persimmon ghost shark, and asked.

Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark smiled awkwardly at Uchiha Itachi, how terrifying the smile was, "No, it's nothing."

"You're laughing too fake." Because of the lack of numbers, another member of the Wuyin Village who had just added to Akatsuki's organization will not kill again, and he is mocking the dry persimmon shark, who used to be the same as the Seven Swordsmen of Wuyin. . "The names of Madara Uchiha and Chishou Hasuma scare you like this. If the other party really has two people, you must not surrender directly?"

"Okay, don't talk about this." As the boss of Xiao Organization's bright face, Tiandao controlled by Uzumaki Nagato glared at Taodi who wanted to continue talking, "Get ready to fight."

After Uzumaki Nagato spoke, Taodi had no choice but to give up the continued taunting and took the beheading sword behind him in his hand.

At this time, the entire battlefield is already tense, and although the two sides have not made further moves, everyone knows that this battle is inevitable.

"Nagato! Wait, look who this is!"

Just as Namikaze Minato and Hatake Sakumo were about to make a surprise attack on Heijue, Konan pulled Yahiko to the center of the battlefield and shouted at Nagato.

"Xiao Nan, get out of the way!" When Nagato saw Xiao Nan, he quickly controlled Tiandao Payne and shouted loudly.

As for Nagato's shouting, Xiaonan didn't pay attention to it. Instead, he pointed to Yahiko beside him and continued to shout: "Nagato, look, look who this is! It's Yahiko!"

Under Konan's repeated reminders, Nagato looked in the direction of Yahiko. When he saw the familiar face, his eyes widened, "Yahiko?!"

"How could it be Yahiko?" Nagato's body was in a cave below the ruins. At this time, he was observing everything outside through Tiandao Payne's eyes, and the familiar face was hitting Changmen at this time. The door's brain made him unable to think for a while.

Because of Yahiko's return, Xiaonan's mood has gradually improved. She smiled and continued to say to Nagato: "Nagato, Yahiko is not dead, we..."

"Divine power!"

Before Xiao Nan could finish her words, the space beside her suddenly began to distort. Just at the critical moment, Yahiko, who was on the side, quickly reached out and pulled Xiao Nan away.

Although there was Yahiko's help, Xiao Nan's arm was still injured by Shenwei because of the very fast casting speed of Shenwei. She saw that blood was flowing out of her forearm, and her entire left sleeve was tattered.

"What are you doing!" Tiandao Payne, who saw Xiaonan's injury, turned his head sharply and glared at Shuang Shenwei Obito, "That's Xiaonan, our own!"

"I and you are not my own. I am a member of Uchiha's clan, not a member of your Akatsuki organization." Shuang Shenwei's expression did not change, and he spoke to Nagato very calmly.

Moreover, this is a battlefield, not a place to reminisce. Death and scars are what the battlefield should have. "

After speaking, Shuang Shenwei Obito didn't wait for Nagato to continue talking, he raised his legs and walked in the direction of the wooden man. As he walked, the unique Susanoo of his double kaleidoscope was also rapidly formed. Like the wooden man, he occupied the battlefield. side.

"Wood Dun·Wooden Man Technique!"

On Wan Jun's side, Senju Hashirama, who was silent for a moment, also quickly summoned a wooden figure after seeing Susanoo's appearance.

The two wooden figures, one on the left and one on the right, stand on either side of the two gods, Susanoo, and below the three behemoths, Namikaze Minato, Hatake Sakumo, and the others appeared at the same time as the second wooden figure appeared. Blasted out, went straight to the black.

"Ninja Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique!"

In mid-air, Minato Minato threw a huge shuriken in the direction of Hei Jue. After the shuriken flew out, it instantly turned into tens of thousands of shuriken rain, falling overwhelmingly towards Hei Jue. direction.

Uchiha Itachi is not far from Heijue, so he is also within the coverage of Shuriken Rain. I won't be hurt by this shuriken. He can only quickly seal with one hand, and a fire escape is also cast. out.

"Fire Escape, Dragon Fire Technique!"

I saw that after the sound ~www.readwn.com~ a huge fire dragon talent Uchiha Itachi quickly flew out of his mouth and swept towards Shuriken Rain.

I don't know if it was because of the shuriken raining too much or Uchiha Itachi's release of water, the Dragon Fire Technique did not clear all the shuriken. In Hei Jue's eyes, he saw the countless shuriken breaking through the flames of the sky and falling straight in his direction.

"Damn!" Jue growled, and the whole person was ready to merge into the ground beneath his feet.

"Lei Dun: Four Pillars of Binding Technique!"

Before he had time to sink, he saw a white-haired, blue-robed ninja suddenly rushing out in front of him. This Konoha Baiya, who was civilized by chakra and swordsmanship, was as fast as Namikaze Minato. Much more.

And when he was running, he did not forget the seal, and this Lei Dun·four-pillar restraint technique was written by Hatake Sakumo.


After being lifted out of the ground by four sizzling earth pillars with thunder attribute chakra, there was absolutely no place to escape.

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