Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 220: The 3rd generation died, surrendered and sent the group [2 in 1]

Since he didn't leave Konoha, the others may have already had a relationship with Wan Jun and others in Lenovo Wuyin Village.

After that, Wuyin Village and Wan Jun will attack the major Ninja villages together, so now Wuyin Village has been completely tied to Wan Jun and others. Only when Wan Jun becomes stronger and stronger, Wuyin Village can will be safer.

After Qingling left, Hatake Sakumo, who was in charge of checking the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hidden, returned immediately.

"How is it?" As soon as Hatake Sakumo stood still, Wan Jun asked him.

Hatake Sakumo shook his head slightly, and said, "The backlash of the ghoul seal is too powerful, and it's dead."

"Who's to blame for this?" Wan Jun glanced at Sarutobi Hiizan who was out of breath lying on the ground in the distance, and continued, "The ghoul seal is not something you want to use, if not If there is an accident this time, maybe someone will be taken away directly."


Of course, Hatake Sakumo also knew the power of the ghoul seal. This ninjutsu was basically unable to protect, and could only be sealed into the body of the **** of death by the opponent.

But this time Sarutobi Hizen did not seal anyone who lived there after using the ghoul seal, which was a bit strange.

But Hatake Sakumo didn't want to study the question of why this ninjutsu didn't start, because when he replied to Wan Jun, Sarutobi Hiizan's second son had almost met Wan Jun and others' monkeys in Awagi. Fei Asma rushed over after the third generation fell to the ground.


Although Sarutobi Asma didn't deal with Sarutobi Hizan when he was young, but at this time it was about the life and death of Sarutobi Hizan, Asma didn't dare to take it lightly, and rushed to the body of Sarutobi Hizan in two or three strokes. beside.


Seeing the arrival of Sarutobi Asma, the already very weak Hiruzen Sarutobi opened his eyes halfway and looked at his son.

"Father, how are you?" Sarutobi Asma asked worriedly seeing Hizan Sarutobi's weakness. Seeing his father like this, he seemed to have reached the point where he was running out of fuel.

"I... I'll leave you alone." Hiruzen Sarutobi insisted, wanting to say a few more words to Asmado, "Konoha... I gave it to Danzo, he and Yan have already brought People have left Konoha. While there is still time, you...you should follow along."

"Konoha Maru... Konoha Maru will be handed over to you..."

Since Sarutobi Hiizan's injury was too much in his eyes, and there was a backlash brought by death, so without saying a few words, Sarutobi Hiizan's hand on Asma's shoulder softened and slid down.


When Asma saw Sarutobi Hiizan like this, his heart sank suddenly.

Just as Asma thought, when he looked down at Sarutobi Hizan, the former ninja doctor, Konoha's third Hokage, had already gone to the place of his death and left his work. Decades of leaves.

"Three generations of adults!"

Matekai and the others, who had stopped fighting from a distance, hurried over when they heard Sarutobi Asma's shout. From this hoarse shout, they heard an extraordinary meaning.

Sure enough, when they rushed to the side of Hiruzen Sarutobi, the hero of the ninja world had left Konoha forever.

Seeing this scene, all the Konoha ninjas who chose to stay were silent.

Hokage's death represents the complete failure of Konoha's resistance, their iconic characters have been killed at each other's hands, Konoha - defeated.

However, Asma, who had been instructed by Sarutobi Hizan with a few last words, suddenly picked up Sarutobi Hizan who had just passed away, "Father, let's go back."

Asma did not leave him to chase after Shimura Danzo and Mito Gate Yan as Sarutobi Hizen said, but picked up his father and prepared to return to the Sarutobi clan's clan. In his hands, this person is not only Hokage of Konoha, but also the patriarch of the Sarutobi clan. As the son of the patriarch and a member of the Sarutobi clan, he has the responsibility to bring his patriarch to the Hui clan.

The current Konoha is no longer in his control. After the death of the third generation, the fourth Hokage Naruto Minato and the first Hokage Senju is likely to directly take over Konoha. If this is the case, Asma does not think that his father can enter the memorial tablet, which is one of the reasons why he plans to directly bring Hiruzen Sarutobi back to the Sarutobi clan.

Although Asma Sarutobi was surrounded by Konoha's ninjas, every time the Naruto Land took a step forward, the ninjas surrounding him would disperse to both sides, leaving a path leading to the Sarutobi clan. the way of the earth.

Although they are no longer fighting, they are likely to be accepted by the other party, but Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Hokage who died fighting for Konoha, is also worthy of their respect.

In the distance, Wan Jun, who was watching this scene, said to Hatake Sakumo with some emotion: "The popularity of the three generations is not small in Konoha."

"Three generations have been working in Konoha for the longest time." As a former Hokage, Hatake Sakumo, of course, knows the situation of Konoha very well. Whether he is in the world or Konoha in this world, he has studied it. , "The vast majority of ninjas grew up under his rule, so it is normal to have such prestige."

"Also, in terms of time in office, the three generations of Hokage can indeed be among the best in Konoha."

Unlike Hatake Sakumo, Wan Jun knows more things. If the three generations of Hokage who died in battle were not influenced by Wan Jun and others, he would be able to continue to rule Konoha, and his rule would not end until Orochimaru's Konoha collapse plan.

"The other Shinobi villagers have already withdrawn, and it's time for Minato to receive Konoha."

Before coming to Konoha, Wan Jun had already decided to let Minato Namikaze be Konoha's new Hokage. It is also reasonable for the former four-generation Hokage to sit back in his own position, and it is also most acceptable to the ninjas of Konoha.

"Do you want me to call him over?" Hatake Sakumo was already looking for Minato Namikaze when Wan Jun spoke. The member of the organization who is about to take over the position of Naruto is standing on top of the only undamaged avatar of Hokage Rock - the avatar of the fourth Hokage, looking down at the Joinin members of Konoha below.

"No, I have discussed it with Minato before, and I believe he will handle it himself." Wan Jun already had a complete plan before attacking Konoha, so he didn't need to temporarily notify Minato Namito to take over Leaf thing.

Sure enough, just after Wan Jun's words were finished, Namikaze Minato jumped down from the Hokage Rock and landed in front of Asma, who was holding Sarutobi Hizan and walking forward slowly.

Asma, who was blocked, stopped, raised his head, and looked at Hokage who was attacking Konoha with an outsider.

Seeing this scene, the Konoha Joinins standing behind Asma didn't know what to do for a while. It stands to reason that after the death of the third Hokage, as the former fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato has the right to directly take over Konoha.

But this time the battle made everyone suspicious of the position of Naikaze Minato Hokage. Can a Hokage who attacked Konoha still be considered a Hokage?

"I will rebuild Hokage Rock, and your father, Lord Sarutobi Hizan, will also reappear on Hokage Rock in the name of Konoha Three Hokage."

Namikaze Minato's voice was not loud, but it was clearly heard by the Konoha ninjas who were waiting beside him.

After Namikaze Minato finished speaking, the dangling hearts of these ninjas finally sank.

With Naikaze Minato's words, the identity of the three generations of Hokage of the Sarutobi Hizan will not be taken away, he will still be the Hokage of Konoha, and the Sarutobi family will not face the threat of liquidation.

And the three clans of the pigs, deer and butterflies, who were the closest to Hiruzen Sarutobi, also breathed a sigh of relief. Namikaze Minato's words made it unnecessary for them to tear up their face with the new Hokage and continue to fight. If you don't need to fight, then you don't need to sacrifice your own members, and keep your own people, and their ninja will have a place in Konoha in the new era.

Now that Konoha has sacrificed Sarutobi Hizen, and Minato Namikaze has re-entered Konoha, what he has brought is not just the return of the fourth Hokage.

When they want to come, in addition to Namikaze Minato, Hatake Sakumo, Uchiha Fugaku, Senshou Hasuma and others will definitely return one after another. These ninjas who used to be Konoha originally could coexist peacefully with Konoha. However, because of the decision of the three generations of adults, Konoha was unable to resolve the conflict peacefully.

Of course, this is just the opinion of most ninjas who pay more attention to their own family, they only care about their own family. The interests of the family are sometimes greater than those of Ninja Village.

Just when many Konoha ninjas chose to remain silent because of their interests, Asma bypassed Namikaze Minato without a word and walked straight towards the Sarutobi clan's clan.

Although Asma Sarutobi didn't answer Namikaze Minato's words, his silence was an answer.

"Looks like things are settled."

Wan Jun in the distance looked at Sarutobi Asma who was walking further and further and said.

Hatake Sakumo also expected this situation after seeing Minato Namikaze appear. After all, Minato Namikaze is not a foreign ninja. He is Hokage of Konoha himself, and it is reasonable to take over Konoha.

"Sir, do we need to go back to Konoha?" Hatake Sakumo suddenly remembered the Shinnin Village that was under construction in Awajo. If Konoha is the base now, then the Shadow Ninja Village in Awajo would not be built in vain. Yet?

Facing Hatake Sakumo's question, Wan Jun waved his hand and said: "Of course not, Konoha will be the same as Kiriyin Village, we only need Minato Namika to guard here, with his presence, Konoha will be in step with us.”

"We are not lacking in combat power, they are just a stumbling block on the road to unifying the ninja world."

As for the position of Konoha, Wan Jun has made it very clear that it will not become the main fighting force of Shadow Ninja Village. All it has to do is to settle Konoha's ninjas, and then to others who have not surrendered. Shinobu Village is just playing an exemplary role.

"The Shadow Ninja Village is our own Ninja Village. You will honestly take Kakashi as the guard captain of our Ninja Village."

"Haha, no problem."

Hatake Sakumo actually didn't want to return to Konoha. Everything here was different from the world he was in, and he would only feel strange here. Instead of staying in this Konoha, it is better to stay in the newly born Shadow Ninja Village.

Just when Wan Jun and Hatake Sakumo were discussing the future of Konoha, on the other side of Konoha, Mito Menyan and Shimura Danzo were anxiously rushing along with a group of old, weak and sick.

"Tanzo, what should we do next?"

Taking advantage of the gap in the journey, Mito Kadome rushed to Shimura Danzo's side and asked the agent Hokage.


The fake Shimura Danzo thought about it with his simple brain, but he didn't come up with a good rhetoric.

'I'm just a clone, why did I become Konoha's agent Hokage...'

'When Danzo-sama asked me to come out, I never said that I would encounter such a situation. ’

'Danzo-sama didn't want to be Hokage in the first place, why did this errand fall on him again, hey, being a clone is such a worry. ’

The clone with the same personality as the stable Danzo also doesn't want to take trouble on himself.

He was very repulsive about acting as Hokage, so much so that after thinking for a moment, the clone Danzo said, "Yan, why don't you act as the acting Hokage."


Hearing this, Mito Menyan was stunned, did he hear something wrong? Didn't Shimura Danzo always want to be Hokage? Danzo has been dissatisfied since Tobirama-sensei assigned Hokage's position to Hizen. But this time, Hiruzen Sarutobi handed over the position of acting Hokage to him, why did this guy shirk it again?

Mito Gate Yan seems to be very dissatisfied with the performance of the clone Danzo, I saw him continue: "Hisashi let you act as the agent of Hokage, when you don't find Tsunade, you must be the accusation of Hokage. ."


Doppelganger Tuanzang took a deep breath, but he didn't expect to change to another world, and Hokage's position still fell on his head. I wonder if Danzo-sama will scold me when he finds out?

"Don't sigh, although Konoha was occupied by the opponent~www.readwn.com~, we still have a chance, we must speed up the pace of uniting with other ninja villages, and let the other ninja villages quickly dispatch ninjas to defeat all the opponents. Only then can we retake Konoha."

Mitomon Yan's regulations are very clear, and it can be seen that on the way to escape from Konoha, Mitomon Yan has already begun to think about countermeasures.

But what Mito Gate Yan didn't know was that the Shimura Danzo he faced was not the Shimura Danzo before. The guy in front of him not only didn't want to be Hokage, he even had the idea of ​​bringing everyone back to Konoha for Wan Jun to catch them all.

"Otherwise, the union is fine."

The clone Danzo didn't want to lead so many Konoha ninjas and civilians. For him, this was too much trouble. "Let's return to Konoha to surrender."


Hearing these two words, Mito Menyan's face suddenly darkened. Was this guy frightened by the other party? As soon as you take the position of Hokage, you are about to surrender? This is not the Danzo that he has always known.

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