Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 266: Awakening Marine Moria, Fujitora!

"Warehouse 2, stock 783/800.

Moonlight Moriah (Light Chaser):

Moonlight Moriah, as a user of Shadow and Shadow Fruit, yearns for light in his heart. His idol is the former Admiral of the Navy and the current commander in chief of the army, Cyborg. Because of this, he embarked on the road of the navy.

In darkness, yearning for light. This is the creed of the Shadow Fruit user Moonlight Moria.

‘The ocean should belong to the navy. ’

Organization: Wanjun Fleet

Position: Vice Admiral

Overall strength: A+. "

"The next 'Navy' will wake up in a minute."

Moonlight Moria's heart towards the navy and believe in light?

Wan Jun felt a little funny when he saw the first awakening of the navy. It turns out that in the parallel world of pirates, there is Moriah who is a navy.

However, with experience in the Naruto world, Wan Jun is no stranger to this kind of thing.

When the first 'Navy' Moria woke up, Wan Jun was in the midair of the rift in the world of pirates. After passing through the gate of the plane, Wan Jun hurriedly hurried that the Chakra in his body was being rejected by the Pirate World, but fortunately, the Chakra was not completely rejected, and he was still able to use some simple wooden escapes.

"Woodun·Tree Boundary Wall!"

Under Wan Jun's operation, a black shadow suddenly appeared under the sea surface, and it was rushing towards the sea quickly.


When the shadow was completely squeezed out of the sea, the not-so-open platform composed of wooden slats was revealed.

‘The barriers between the world and the world really have a great impact on one’s own strength. ’

After Wan Jun landed on the wooden platform, he sensed the Chakra in his body. According to his strength in Naruto World, the tree wall he created would definitely be even bigger.


After Wan Jun landed lightly on the platform made by the tree boundary wall, Moria, who had just been awakened, also followed.

However, compared to Wan Jun's physique, Moria, the big man, directly smashed a big hole after falling on the platform.

"Cough, cough."

Moria, who landed on the platform, waved away the dust that she had stirred up, but the dust seemed to be going against Moria, and it kept fluttering towards his face.

"Damn, what's going on."

As Moriah spoke, she walked out of the dust she had stirred up.

After Moria took two steps forward, Yan Chen was finally left behind by him, and at this time, he also discovered Wan Jun who was also on the platform.

"Master Wan Jun."

After seeing Wan Jun, Moria, who is a lieutenant general of the Navy Headquarters, hurriedly gave Wan Jun a salute.

"Lord Wan Jun, are we here?" After saluting, Moria began to observe the surrounding situation. However, apart from the sea and sky, there are no recognizable landmarks nearby.

"If I'm not mistaken, we should be in the East China Sea."

Although Wan Jun is not very familiar with the geography of the pirate world, since his captive Bucky has established a pirate group, it should be in the East China Sea.

"East China Sea, the weakest sea." Moria, the vice admiral of the navy, had of course heard about this weakest sea for a long time. When the Pirate King was tortured, he was still on the sidelines of Rogge Town. It was precisely because of that spectator that Moria had the idea of ​​becoming a navy. "But Lord Wan Jun, how are we going to leave?"

Although Moonlight Moria changed from a pirate to a navy, he, like Moria in this pirate master world, is a devil fruit user who ate the shadow fruit, so he is not very suitable for exercising in the sea. Even less likely to swim from here to the nearby islands.

"Of course there is a way to leave, but we have to wait for the two to wake up before leaving." Because the warehouse will wake up two 'navies', Wan Jun has to stay on this platform for two minutes.

"There are two more?"

Moriah had some impressions of how he came here, but he was a little dazed about other information.

"Yes, we estimate that we will have to wait two minutes before all the spirit companions arrive." Wan Jun counted the time, and it has been about half a minute since Moria woke up. In other words, the next navy will arrive in the world of pirates in less than thirty seconds.

Seeing that Moriah was still about to speak, Wan Jun raised his hand and said to Moriah, "You wait quietly for a while, I'll check the situation."

"Okay, my lord." Moriah, who was stopped by Wan Jun, could only hold back the words in his mouth, but he, who really had nothing to do, sat down on the platform regardless of the dust on the ground.

At the same time Moria sat down, the next awakened naval message from the warehouse was sent to Wan Junge.

"Warehouse 2, stock 782/800.

Fujitora smiled (Fujitora):

In his world, Fujitora was not the navy that participated in the world conscription, but had already joined the navy when he was young, and with his own strength, he took the position of the general step by step.

And the justice he pursues is not compatible with Akainu Kizaru, who is also a general, so in the group of generals, Fujitora seems to be a bit maverick.

But even so, he is still carrying out his own justice.

'It is also a blessing not to look at things. ’

Organization: Wanjun Fleet

Position: Admiral

Overall strength: S. "

"The next 'Navy' will wake up in a minute."

When the warehouse passed all the information of the second 'navy' to Wan Jun, Wan Jun was very satisfied. After all, this time it was directly given to a general, or Fujitora, which is not bad.

Compared with Moria's debut, Fujitora's debut is much more elegant. Although it also appeared out of thin air, there is still a big hole on the ground that Moria just smashed~www.readwn.com~ But because Fujitora has gravity The ability of the fruit, so even if he encountered this kind of uneven ground, he could control his body with gravity, and then landed on the platform smoothly.

Although this Fujitora cannot see with his eyes, he is the same as Madara Uchiha in the Naruto world. His perception, or the arrogance of seeing and hearing, is very powerful. After falling, he sensed Wan Jun and Moria on the platform.

"Lord Wan Jun." Fujitora greeted Wan Jun first, then looked in Moria's direction and frowned, "Shibuhai Moria?"

"What Qiwuhai, I'm a Vice Admiral."

Moriah, who was dissatisfied with being called the 'Shibukai', stood up from the ground and looked at Fujitora angrily. Although he looks a little ferocious, he hates others to say he is a pirate because of his appearance, so the lieutenant general Moria will not take off his military uniform in peacetime.

But Nai He this time, he seems to be a blind man?


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