Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 275: we are navy

what is that? wood? Is it also the ability of the devil fruit? "

Smoker looked at the object hit by his white fist, a wooden stake that could be seen everywhere, which was completely different from what he had just observed. And what can form this situation must be related to the Devil Fruit ability related to the 'Wood Element'.

"You can also think of this as a devil fruit ability." While Smog was amazed, Wan Jun had come behind him and said softly behind his head. For Wan Jun, chakra is indeed created by the divine tree, or it can be said to be from the chakra fruit. Anyway, both are fruits, and there seems to be nothing wrong with saying the same.

Smaller didn't expect Wan Jun to go around behind him so quickly. After hearing Wan Jun's voice, cold sweat broke out on his back.

"White blast!"

Facing the silent pace of the other party, Smog could only turn his whole body into smoke, directly shrouding Wan Jun behind him.

"I am a natural devil fruit person." Smog, who was in control of the smoke range, said to Wan Jun coldly.

For him, although Wan Jun is difficult to deal with, he is indeed a rare natural devil fruit person. As long as the other party is not armed and domineering, then there is no threat to him in the slightest.

"Nature?" Wan Jun, who was trapped in the smoke, smiled slightly. Another reason why he didn't let Crocodile, Fujitora and others play this time was because he wanted to try Smog's nature demon. Fruit ability.

Wan Jun wanted to try to see if chakra energy could have an effect on the elementalization of devil fruit power users of the nature department.

"Then let me see what is special about the nature department."

After Wan Jun finished speaking, he raised his hands up, "Huo Dun · Howe Fireball Technique!"

"Boom!" After Wan Jun's technique was completed, a flamboyant fireball broke through the obstruction of the smoke, let out a roar, and quickly flew in the direction of Smog.

At this time, Smog looked at the fireball, and the whole person was dumbfounded. "Isn't it a 'Wood' Devil Fruit ability user? How can you still use the ability of 'Fire'?"


The Hao fireball hit Smog's body and made a loud noise again, blasting Smog into the air and falling to the periphery of the tree world.

"Lord Smog!" Dusqi, who saw Smog being knocked away, hurriedly jumped to the west of the tree world, trying to catch Smog who was knocked away.

However, Smog, who is a natural devil fruit person, will not be easily defeated by a fireball. Although his body was indeed injured by the fireball, it was not enough to make him lose all mobility.

When Smog was about to fall to the ground, the whole person had re-elementalized, hit the ground, and turned into a puff of smoke.

After the smoke dissipated, Dusqi, who jumped down, saw Smog clutching his shoulders, bending over, and breathing heavily.

"Lord Smoker, are you okay?" Seeing that Smoker was so seriously injured, Dusqi rushed over.

"Huh, huh..."

Smog didn't reply to Da Siqi immediately, but raised his head and looked at the huge tree world in front of him, "Obviously there is no domineering, why does it hurt me who is already elementalized?"

"Dasqi, it seems that we have no way to capture these pirates. You hurry back to the base, contact the naval headquarters, and say that these people have the real strength of Qiwuhai!" Smog has realized the seriousness of the matter. Sex, in his opinion, these guys who were identified by the Navy Headquarters as posing as Qiwuhai may have surpassed Qiwuhai in strength.

At least in Smog's view, those guys with the name of Qiwuhai must not be able to easily make such a big move. This is a forest built out of thin air!

"However, your injury..." Dusqi, who was urged by Smog to report back, didn't want to leave. Smog's injury really frightened her.

"Come on!"

Smog roared, took two steps forward, and pushed Dasqi towards the naval base, "Go and report to the naval headquarters, it's just an order!"

"Yes!" At Smog's urging, Dusqi could only grit her teeth and give a military salute, then turned and ran in the direction of the naval base.

However, the scene of Smog and Dusqi had long been watched carefully by Wan Jun in the treetops. However, he is not afraid that the naval headquarters will know these things. After the establishment of his new naval headquarters, Marin Fando will definitely be in a state of opposition to himself.

Therefore, Wan Jun jumped from the treetops and attacked after Da Siqi left. Standing in front of Smog, he said to the lieutenant colonel, "Are you going to report the situation to the Navy headquarters? As the Warring States said, don’t set the bounty too low for us.”

In this case, Wan Jun knew that the naval headquarters would definitely issue a reward order to his group. Before his own naval headquarters was established, the reward order might follow him for a while.

And after the establishment of his own naval headquarters, the first reward order issued by the new naval headquarters must be for the current Admiral Buddha of the Warring States Period.

"What on earth are you trying to do..." Facing such an unscrupulous Wan Jun, Smog covered his arms and said with a vigilant look.

From Wan Jun's words, Smog heard something different. Although this group of people did not fly the banner of pirates, they were even more terrifying than pirates.

"It's very simple, we're just here to exchange the bounty, but the navy doesn't seem to welcome us very much." Wan Jun said, raising his hand and disbanding the tree world on the pier. With the disappearance of chakra, the lush woods began to shrink rapidly until they completely dissipated.

If it wasn't for the reincarnation of the dock and the naval ships being lifted ashore, Smoker even felt that this battle was the same as it never happened~www.readwn.com~Morlia, bring the group over. "

Just when Smog was silent, Wan Jun waved to Moriah on his boat and asked him to bring out all the members of the Evil Dragon Pirates.

Moria, who was downgraded from the helmsman to the ordinary crew because the ship stopped moving, at Wan Jun's order, he took all the members of the Dragon Pirates out of the cabin and threw them on the pier in Rogge Town.

"In exchange for bounty? Bounty hunter?"

For Wan Jun's actions, Smog couldn't understand a little, aren't these people pirates? Just attacked the Dragon Pirates for the bounty?

"No, we are not bounty hunters." Wan Jun shook his head and continued to Smaller, "We are the Navy."


Smaller's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe what Wan Jun said.

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