Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 287: Vice Admiral Bucky

After Tsunade left, no one came to find Wan Jun. The charging of the warehouse to the gate of the plane is also gradually completed, and only after Wan Jun agrees, he can directly enter the world of pirates.

"Your Excellency Administrator, the gate of the plane has been fully charged, do you want to enter directly?"

Wan Jun was originally waiting to enter the world of pirates, so after inquiring in the warehouse, he decisively chose to enter.

When Wan Jun finished his selection, Wan Jun's body disappeared directly from the bench and appeared on the ship driven by Fujitora, Moria and others in the pirate world.

"Master Wan Jun, you are back."

Fujitora, who was sitting on the deck as usual, greeted Wan Jun after sensing Wan Jun's return with a domineering look.

"Master Wan Jun!"

After Moriah, Nami and the others heard the movement from Fujitora's side, they hurriedly turned their heads and looked at Wan Jun.

"Well, everyone is okay." Wan Jun smiled at everyone, raised his legs and walked towards Moria who was at the helm.

As Wan Jun walked, he asked Fujitora, Moriah and others, "How has the last ten days been? Did something happen again?"

It has been more than ten days since Wan Jun left the Pirate World. According to the speed of the manatee, Moria and others should have already crossed the Whiskey Mountain and sailed to the vicinity of the small garden.

During the voyage, Fujitora and others did not encounter a few pirate groups. This route is only just out of Upside Down Mountain, and it is also one of several routes leading to the second half of the Great Route, so there are not many pirate ships on this route.

"I met a pirate group on the way, but there are only a few people, who are being locked below." Moria, who was at the helm, pointed to the deck below and said to Wan Jun.

Hearing Molia's words, Wan Jun smiled and said, "It seems that I can make another money."

After finishing speaking, Wan Jun walked to the front of the deck and asked Nami who was beside the fence, "Where are we now?"

"Sir, in a few hours, we will be able to reach the small garden." Because several pirate groups have been destroyed, Nami also obtained many pointers and charts in her hands, and after several pointers were compared After that, the small garden should be not far ahead.

"Looks like I'm here just in time."

Wan Jun is very familiar with the two giants in the small garden. These two giants were originally the captains of the Elbaf Giants Pirates. And these two have gone to sea a hundred years ago, and they are considered veterans among pirates.

If Wan Jun can subdue these two people in the small garden of the ancient island, it will be easy for the new naval headquarters he wants to establish to get the support of the Elbaf giants.

The status of the giants in the world of pirates can be said to be very important. No matter which force, the navy or the pirates, they are all drawn to Elbaf.

Now even Bigu Mum, one of the four emperors who had a bad relationship with Elbaf, is trying her best to mend her relationship with the giants.

"Fujitora, Crocodile, listen to my instructions when you go to the island later, and don't take the lead when you encounter an enemy." In order to be able to cooperate with Elbaf in the future, Wan Jun is still not ready to annoy the two on the island. a giant.

But after Wan Jun finished speaking, Moriah was in a hurry. Among the names Wan Jun called, he was not Moriah. So, Moria, who was a little anxious, hurriedly said to Wan Jun: "Sir, what about me? Am I not going to the island?"

Moriaco also always wanted to perform the task, but every time, he seemed to be forgotten by Wan Jun.

"Your mission is more important. You have to guard the boat and don't let anyone let you go."

This world belongs to the world of pirates. A ship parked on the shore may turn around and disappear, so the ship must be stationed, and Moria was arranged by Wan Jun for such a task.

"But, my lord..."

Although Wan Jun said that this task was also very important, Moria also wanted to go to the island, so he was reluctant to accept this task.

"Master, do you still want to not execute it?" Behind Moria, Crocodile, who had never spoken, glanced at Moria, who was at the helm, and said.

Whether Moriah stays on the ship or not depends on his Crocodile mission. On the current ship, Fujitora, as an admiral of the navy, neither Crocodile nor Moria wanted to provoke him, but Nami, a trainee, had no strength to watch the ship at all. If someone grabbed it, he said Maybe this low-ranking soldier will be taken away together.

Although Moria wanted to refute Crocodile's words, she didn't dare to speak. After all, this was what Wan Jun said, what else could he do.


After a sigh, Moria could only continue to steer and drive towards the small garden.

"Call me when you arrive, and I'll go back to the cabin first." Because there is still a navy to be awakened in the warehouse, Wan Jun is going to go back to the cabin to see Bucky, the admiral who is to be awakened.

Nami, who was called by Wan Jun, nodded and said, "Yes, my lord, I will come back to inform you when I arrive."

After Wan Jun got Nami's reply, he walked straight into the cabin. After waking up Bucky, his crew could be further increased, and when he entered the new world, he would have a greater advantage.

However, Wan Jun's "excellent record" in Bucky's previous introduction was quoted, that is to say, from the warehouse's point of view, this record may have a lot of water.

According to Bucky's consistent track record, his record is likely to be related to luck. On the battlefields with luck, Bucky also won one by one military exploits, and thus sat in the position of lieutenant general. In Wan Jun's mind, if Bucky was given more time, this guy might be able to take the position of general or even marshal by virtue of his military exploits.

"Wake up is ready, do you want to wake up?"

When Wan Jun came to this pirate world, he had already been notified by the warehouse once. And Wan Jun, who had just returned to his cabin, received a reminder from the warehouse again.


"Waking up..."

"Warehouse 2, Bucky (Lieutenant Admiral):

After disembarking from Roger's ship, he was taken in by the naval hero Garp and became a navy.

After becoming a navy, Bucky relied on his "excellent record" to improve his rank like a rocket. In just a few years, he has risen to the position of lieutenant general. And he also became the idol of the new generation of navy.

‘Luck is also part of strength. ’

'Fighting is never just about fists. ’

Organization: Wanjun Fleet

Position: Vice Admiral

Overall strength: B. "

"A vice admiral with only B strength." Wan Jun smiled slightly after reading Bucky's introduction. This guy really went all the way by luck.

However, just like what Bucky said in the introduction, luck is sometimes a part of strength. As long as Bucky's hidden luck reaches its peak, he will keep winning.

"Master Wan Jun!"

When Wan Jun, who was introduced by Bucky, brought his consciousness back to reality, Bucky had already appeared in front of him and was saluting to Wan Jun.

"Bucky, right, welcome." Wan Jun still welcomed the new Bucky very much. Although the strength is not very good, it always adds one more person to the fleet.

In the current Wanjun fleet, except for Nami, who is still an intern, there are only three people who have been awakened. Building a navy would certainly not be enough with only these numbers.

"Crocodahl and Fujitora are on the deck, you can go over and get acquainted with them." Wan Jun, who was about to rest in the room for a while, pointed to the direction of the deck outside and said to Bucky.

"Crocodahl? Isn't that Shichibukai?"

After hearing the name of Crocodile, Bucky was obviously surprised. In his world, Crocodile was also a Shichibukai, and Bucky had also dealt with this Qibuhai, and knew that the other party was not a good person. . Therefore, Bucky was a little surprised by the appearance of Crocodile.

"Sometimes he can be Qiwuhai, and sometimes he can be a Rear Admiral. In our fleet, he is Rear Admiral Crocodile." Wan Jun patiently returned to Bucky's question, this Maybe he will encounter problems in the future, after all, Crocodile is a Shichibukai in the main world. And it is for this reason that the probability of Crocodile becoming Shichibukai in the parallel world will greatly increase.

"So it is." Although Bucky still didn't quite understand why this happened, after Wan Jun explained it, Bucky pretended to understand. After pondering for a while, in order not to let Wan Jun see that he was pretending not to understand, Bucky said again: "Sir, then I'll go up to the deck to have a look first."

"Okay, let's go, pay attention, in addition to Crocodile, there are Moriah and Nami. They all have the same identities and are members of our navy. So, don't start any conflict."

In order to prevent Wan Jun in advance, when Baki opened the door of the cabin, he also specially warned.

Hearing two more familiar names, Bucky, his hand pulling the doorknob obviously paused. After a pause, Bucky said again: "Okay, my lord."

After speaking, Bucky took the cabin door directly and went to the deck alone.

"Moriya, is it another Qiwuhai? Why are Lord Wan Jun's subordinates all Qiwuhai?" In Bucky's impression, whether it is Crocodile or Moria, they are all members of the Qiwuhai. Although he pretended to understand in front of Wan Jun just now, Bucky still didn't quite understand why Shichibukai appeared in the navy and became a general.

As for Nami, Bucky also has some small impressions, "And that guy named Nami seems to be a navigator of a pirate group he once hunted down, what is the name of the Straw Hat Pirates? The captain seems to be still with Lieutenant General Garp has some connections, uh, this pirate group is too small, the captain has forgotten who it is."

When Bucky was thinking about this, he had already stepped onto the deck.

At this moment, Moriah, who was arguing with Crocodile about who should go to the island, turned his head and looked at Bucky after hearing the movement from Bucky's side.

"Bucky the Clown?"

Moria frowned after looking at Bucky who walked out of the cabin. This guy was caught by himself in the underwater prison when the East China Sea was still a great route. But now it seems that this guy has also become a navy?

"You know?" Crocodile, who was arguing with Moria just now, also looked in Bucky's direction after Moria stopped arguing.

Unlike Moriah, Crocodile had never met Bucky and was not too familiar with the new vice-admiral.

However, what makes Crocodile a little depressing is that this new navy rank is also higher than himself, and he is actually a lieutenant general.

"I know, he can actually be a lieutenant." In Moria's world, the clown Bucky he captured was very weak. When catching the pirate, Moria did not let Moria Too much effort.

In the face of Moria's doubts, Bucky did not immediately refute it. He still had a deep understanding of his own strength, not to mention Moria and Crocodile's pirates at the Qiwuhai level, they are hundreds of millions of sea pirates. Thief, he has to weigh his own strength against Bucky.

So, with the idea that more is worse than less, Bucky leaned directly beside Fujitora.

In Bucky's view, Fujitora, the figure wearing the Admiral's cloak, should be second only to Wan Jun in the fleet. At this time, instead of communicating with Moria and others, it is better to have a good relationship with Fujitora.

Bucky thought so, he sat directly next to Fujitora, turned his head to the navy admiral and said, "Sir, it's the first time we meet, I don't know what the lord is called?"

"Fujitora smiled." Facing Bucky's question, Fujitora said without looking back, holding his staff and sword.

"General Fujitora, it's a pleasure to meet you." Bucky hurriedly smiled after hearing Fujitora's name.

But Fujitora didn't pay attention to Bucky's enthusiasm~www.readwn.com~. As usual, the general Fujitora was still sitting cross-legged with his back to the cabin.

Although Fujitora's performance was indifferent, Bucky was still ready to continue the attack, no matter what, he had to get in touch with this general first.

However, just as Bucky was about to say a few more words, Nami, who was tinkering with pointers and charts next to Moriah, also saw Bucky.

This thief cat from the East China Sea, of course, knows the name of Bucky. Bucky is not far from the site of the Dragon Pirates. Nami also visited Bucky's when other pirates cheated money. on the ground. Therefore, Nami knew Bucky. After seeing the lieutenant general Bucky, she quickly ran from Moriah to Bucky's side.

"It's really you?" At this time, Nami was a little puzzled. Crocodile and Moria were able to become the major and lieutenant generals of the new navy, which may be because of the strength of these two people. But how could you, a pirate with a bounty of only 10 million in the East China Sea, become a vice-admiral like Moria?


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