Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 307: The reunion of the Pratunam class

In fact, Wan Jun himself did not expect that this time he came to the moon to solve Toto Otsutsuki so quickly.

And Wan Junzhi has this idea, mainly because of the battle between Naruto Uzumaki and Toto Otsutsuki in the original world line. The battle between the two cut the moon in half, so Wan Jun is also in his heart. To improve the positioning of the strength of Otsutsuki Torui.

But what Wan Jun didn't expect was that Toto Otsutsuki was not too powerful when he didn't get the Tenseigan.

Although the other party bears the name of Otsutsuki, there is still a big gap between the group of outsiders who will come to the ninja world in the future.

"Let's go, go back first."

Under the instructions of Wan Jun, everyone started to return to the water pool in the same way.

Totoro Otsutsuki was carried by Sasuke because he was stunned. And Hinata Hinata was a little uncomfortable after receiving Chakra of Shiren, but if he was just on his way, there would be no problem.


As Wan Jun and others broke through the water, a group of people also returned to the ninja world.

"Sir." Shimura Danzo and others, who were standing beside the water pool, leaned over after seeing Wan Jun appear.

In fact, these people were a little surprised. After all, Wan Jun and others didn't leave for a long time, which was a bit far from what was said in the previous meeting.

"Is this the people of the Otsutsugi family?" Danzo and the others who came around looked at Toto Otsutsuki on the shoulders of Sasuke Uchiha next to him. Among Wan Jun's group, there were more people.

Wan Jun nodded and replied: "This is the Datongmu clan I said before, we have to rush back to Sucheng first. But this water pool also needs to be guarded, you let a few Shangren guard here, every time you pass It will be replaced for three days, and no one should be allowed to touch this place.”

This pool leads directly to the moon, so the defense here must be improved. Although the illusion space under the pool will trap most people, the importance of this place still makes Wan Jun feel that he needs some guards.

"I'll make arrangements now." After Wan Jun said it, Shimura Danzo nodded in response.

"Well, then I'll go back to Sucheng first."

After Wan Jun finished speaking, he let Minato Minato use Fei Lei Shen to return directly to Sucheng.

The current Namikaze Minato has become more proficient in the control of Flying Thunder God because of the enhancement of the warehouse. In the past, when Minato Namikaze used Flying Thunder God, he would occasionally bring out the space-time rift, but now, because he is more and more familiar with Flying Thunder God, when Minato Namikaze uses this ninjutsu, he can no longer trigger the space-time crack at all.

And it is precisely because of this that Wan Jun let Nafeng Minato use the technique of Flying Thunder God with confidence.

If it were Shimura Danzo's clone, Wan Jun would not dare to let him use this ninjutsu in Sucheng. You know, when the Akatsuki organization was defeated, it was because of the space-time rift that a Uchiha Obito who could use the dual powers was brought out.

When Wan Jun returned to Sucheng, it was almost evening, and the ninjas in the Shadow Ninja Village began to return to their houses.

"First, seal the Otsutsuki Sheren in the room where Hei Jue is."

After returning to Sucheng, Wan Jun took the lead in speaking to Sasuke Uchiha next to him.

Now the room where Hei Jue was staying has become a place for detaining heavyweights. Hei Jue and Nagato were imprisoned in it before, but now, Hei Jue, who has been alone for a while, can welcome a roommate again.

And this roommate also has a lot of relationship with Hei Jue. As the lover of the descendants of Otsutsugi Yu Village, in terms of seniority, he has to be called Hei Jue's ancestor. After all, Hei Jue was the same generation as Yui Hamura.

However, although Hei Jue is of the same seniority, his identities are indeed quite different from those of Yui Yumura. Although Hei Jue calls Kaguya Otsutsuki his mother, he is only a wedge at best, and can only be regarded as a manifestation of Kaguya's will.

"Okay, my lord." After Wan Jun finished speaking, Sasuke Uchiha walked towards the direction where Hei Jue was being imprisoned with Toto Otsutsuki.

"You are all gone too. By the way, Hinata, if your eyes have changed, remember to come to me. If I'm not here, you can go back to Chudai and Sasuke." Because then Wan Jun will go to Because of the Pirate World, if Hinata Hinata has not awakened Tenseisen by that time, Wan Jun will only be able to see it when he returns next time.

Hinata Hinata has been able to properly control the chakra in her body, so she has returned to the state before she went to the water pool, "Okay, my lord, I will come back and notify you if there are any changes."

"Well, let's go first."

After Wan Jun finished speaking, he took the lead in walking towards his room.

For Wan Jun, there is no uneasy factor in the Ninja world now. If you look at the main line of the original world, the members of the Otsutsugi clan will not come to the ninja world until the Uzumaki blogger appears.

In this world, the guys who affected the stability of the ninja world have been eliminated by Wan Jun.

Whether it was Orochimaru or Heijue, or Toto Otsutsuki hiding on the moon, they were no longer threatening.

Orochimaru was shocked to become a researcher of Shadow Ninja Village, while Hei Jue and Toto Otsutsuki became prisoners of Shadow Ninja Village. If there is nothing special, these two will not be released again.

And because of the elimination of these threats, the ninja world has the opportunity to develop steadily for decades. Of course, this also requires that there will not be too many variables in this world.

If the space-time rift reappears, bringing a few powerful guys, and if the Otsutsugi clan set out early, or if they discover something strange in the ninja world and send people to investigate, it will have a significant impact on the future.

However, even if there is only a stable period of one or two years, Wan Jun can bring dozens of "Naruto" to the Shadow Ninja Village. Wan Jun believes that among these "Naruto", there will definitely be ninjas who have reached the sixth level.

As long as the Shadow Ninja Village hoards a strong enough resistance group, Wan Jun will not be afraid even if the members of the Otsutsugi clan send their hands.

"Hopefully it doesn't come too soon."

Before walking into his room, Wan Jun glanced at the sky. In this evening time and space, the moon, which he had visited just now, has slowly risen from the horizon.

After watching this scene, Wan Jun stepped directly into the room, and now he is only waiting for the next Hokage to wake up before heading to Pirate World.

And this time to go to the world of pirates, Wan Jun plans to stay for a while, and only after the establishment of the navy headquarters in the world of pirates, will he return to the world of Hokage. And this will probably take about a month, that is to say, Wan Jun will not be able to return to the Hokage world for a month, and cannot wake up the Hokage in the Hokage warehouse.

"Warehouse, is there any way to remotely control Hokage's awakening in Pirate World?" This question has been lingering in Wan Jun's mind for a long time. After all, if he runs between two places, there will always be one side that cannot be awakened. And doing so would delay the growth of one of the worlds.

"It is possible to share the wake-up time between the two warehouses, however, it will add some time to wake up."

For Wan Jun's question, the warehouse also immediately came out and replied.

When Wan Jun heard this solution, he frowned. For Wan Jun, the wake-up time has been decreasing since the warehouse opened. The time to wake up has been reduced from the first twenty days to less than ten days. Now, the warehouse says it will increase the time.

"How much time will it increase?" Wan Jun is not unacceptable for the increase in time. After all, if he runs on both sides, he will always waste some time.

"It will increase by about 30%." The warehouse replied.

"Thirty percent? That is, two or three days?"

If it is only for two or three days, Wan Jun can accept it. After all, he will not encounter too many opponents in the Pirate World. As long as he has a few generals, he can tilt his resources to the Naruto World.

Thinking of this, Wan Jun also said directly to the warehouse: "Okay, let's share the wake-up time."

"Received, Your Excellency Administrator."

"Sharing wake time."

"Sharing is complete, and subsequent wake-up people will share the wake-up time."

When the warehouse reported to Wan Jun, Wan Jun had already entered the warehouse world.

After Wan Jun entered, the originally distinct red and blue colors between the two warehouses began to become intertwined, and the previously straight line became irregular.

"It seems that every change will affect the shape of the warehouse." Wan Jun muttered while watching the obvious change.

In Wan Jun's eyes, the biggest change is to count the screens outside the warehouse.

Before it was shared before, the Naruto warehouse had two screens, while the pirates had one screen. But now, the three screens have been moved to the center of the warehouse, which is the place where the two warehouses are divided.

When Wan Jun approached, he saw that the countdown in the Hokage warehouse to wake up Hokage Nohara Lin was beating.

"After Nohara Rin's countdown ends, can I also let the Naruto World staff wake up first in Pirate World?" Wan Jun looked at the screen and asked the warehouse.

"Yes, Your Excellency Administrator." The warehouse's answer has always been concise.

Hearing this answer, Wan Jun nodded with satisfaction. In this way, when Wan Jun was in Pirate World, he could also wake up the characters in Naruto World first.

Of course, the current Naruto world is not in a hurry to increase manpower. The first thing Wan Jun needs to strengthen is the Pirate World. When the new navy in the Pirate World can confront any of the four emperors or the navy head-on, he can focus on the Naruto World. superior.

After changing the wake-up structure of the Hokage Warehouse this time, Wan Jun stayed in the Hokage World for a few more days. After Nohara Rin's wake-up time returned to zero, he returned to the warehouse.

"Waking up..."

"Nohara Rin (Sharing Wheel Eye):

The fifth Hokage of Konoha, the disciple of the fourth Hokage wave Feng Minato.

She lost her teammate Uchiha Obito in the third ninja war. And when Obito was dying, he left his eyes to his teammate, Nohara Rin, who had also lost an eye.

It is precisely because of this eye shift that Nohara Lin's strength has been greatly improved. However, due to the lack of chakra, Nohara Rin found Tsunade later, and learned the ninjutsu of casting and storing chakra, such as Yin Seal and Baihao Jutsu.

It is precisely because of the collection of these ninjutsu that Nohara Rin can easily use her Shaker in every battle.

'I will continue to live with Obito's eyes. ’

'Obito, I'm a Hokage, can you see it? ’

Affiliated Ninja Village: Shadow Ninja Village

Ninjutsu: S

Physical Skills: A+

Illusion: S-. "

Nohara Rin's strength was much lower than that of the people who had awakened before. However, Nohara Rin's main career is medical ninja after all, and fighting is not her specialty for Nohara Rin.

Therefore, Wan Jun can be considered to be able to understand why Nohara Lin's strength is like this.

In fact, Nohara Lin's ability to grow to this level has exceeded Wan Jun's expectations. After all, in the original team, Nohara Rin didn't show much combat talent, but even so, this Rin, who got Obito Shuriken, also has S-level ninjutsu.

‘I don’t know if it’s because of the writing wheel eye? ’

In exchange for doubts, Wan Jun exited the warehouse. In Wan Jun's room, Nohara Lin had also appeared in his room.

"Master Wan Jun."

The twenty-seven-year-old Nohara Rin has a lot of differences in appearance from the Nohara Rin that Wan Jun remembers. Nohara Rin, who has become Hokage's disciple of Minato, looks much more mature in appearance.

"Welcome." Wan Jun smiled, and then continued to Nohara Lin said, "This is the border between the country of rain and the country of fire-Sucheng, we will all stay here in the future."

"Isn't this Konoha?" If Wan Jun didn't say anything, Nohara Lin hadn't noticed that this was not the village she knew well.

Wan Jun nodded and replied: "Well, it's not Konoha. However, you can also treat this place as Konoha, after all, there are your teachers here, as well as your teammates Uchiha Obito and Hatake Kakashi. ."

"With soil? Teacher?!"

After hearing the news of Obito and Minato, Nohara Rin's eyes widened. These two people have always been Nohara Rin's regret.

In the third ninja war, she lost her teammate Uchiha Obito, and in the subsequent nine tail attack on the village, she lost her teacher Namikaze Minato~www.readwn.com~ twice in a row The blow made Nohara Lin almost decadent. But fortunately, Hatake Kakashi's constant encouragement by Nohara Rin's side and Tsunade's teaching led to the moment when this female ninja boarded Naruto.

"So, they are waiting for you outside."

Before waking up Nohara Rin, Wan Jun had already notified the three of Minato Minato Namikaze, and when the three of them learned that Nohara Rin would also come, they had already waited outside Wan Jun's room early.

Hearing this, Nohara Rin was very excited. Although the reunion of the Minato Squad had already appeared in Nohara Rin's mind many times, when this scene really happened, Nohara Rin had some stage fright.

"Go, they are still waiting for you." Wan Jun pushed Nohara Lin's shoulder with a smile and pushed her to the side of the door.


As soon as Nohara Rin arrived at the door, Wan Jun already heard the voice of Uchiha Obito outside the house.


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