Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 325: General Mihawk! You want to reward 5 old stars?

"Warehouse 2, stock 770/800.

Awakening: Jorakle Mihawk (Admiral), 45, in his prime:

From a young age, Jorakel Mihawk has joined the Navy. And by virtue of his innate swordsmanship, Mihawk's rank has been continuously promoted, until he is a general.

Among the class of admirals, Mihawk's military exploits are also the highest. He once broke through the lair of the Four Emperors alone, and once forced back the attack of the revolutionary army.

He was a serious contender for the Admiral in that world.

'Under my sword, not a single pirate died unjustly. ’

In the implementation of the other gods plan, the remaining wake-up time is 8 days, 21 hours, 27 minutes and 53 seconds."

This is the next message to wake up the navy, and it is also a person Wan Jun is very pleased with.

Already, with the addition of Hawkeye Mihawk, his plan to dominate the world is getting closer and closer.

"Now I have Fujitora, Magellan, Hawkeye, and the alternate general Dorag in my hands." Wan Jun, who was standing in front of the deck, was calculating the combat power in his hands, "With these people, the expansion of the new navy will be possible. It went well.”

In Wan Jun's view, even if the current new navy headquarters does not exist, it can stand alone against an attack by the Four Emperors or the navy headquarters. With this kind of strength, for the new navy, there is capital for expansion.

After controlling Dressrosa, Wan Jun's goal was the entire sea centered on Dressrosa. And most of this sea area overlapped with the Four Emperors Bigu Mum. If Wan Jun wanted to occupy these islands, he would have to go to war with Bikumam.

With the help of Fujitora and others, Wan Jun believed that even if Bigu Mum came out, he would not be able to compete with his own side.

"It's time to let the world see his combat power." Wan Jun still regrets not being able to confront the main force of the Navy headquarters on Gaya Island last time, and this regret will soon be made up.

When the world news marked the downfall of the Four Emperors, the new navy officially started its name.

And just when Wan Jun was thinking about this, Dressrosa, the members of the Don Quixote family were also discussing Wan Jun and others who were constantly approaching.

"Their ship is off the coast of Dressrosa."

Diamanti was extremely flustered by the approach of Wan Jun and others. After all, their young master, Doflamingo, was in the other's hands.

"Has Kaido replied to us?" Torrepol ignored Diamanti, but turned to ask Violet, who was in charge of contacting Kaido, the Four Emperors "Beasts".

Violet actually wished that the Quixote family would be defeated by Wan Jun and his gang, but now her strength does not support Violet to resist the opponent, so after Torrepol questioned, Violet could only be truthful "Kaido said he would send someone over to assist us."

"What time did you say?" Torrepol was actually very worried in his heart, after all, the opponent this time was different from usual.

"No." Violet shook his head.

"Ah? This is troublesome."

After learning that Kaido did not make an appointment, Torrepol stood up directly. At this time, Wan Jun's ship was already outside Dressrosa, but Kaido had not yet appointed reinforcements, which was a bit embarrassing for the members of the Don Quixote family.

Could it be that Dressrosa can only change hands?

This Don Quixote family, which does not have Doflamingo, obviously has a great decline in strength, and there is no chance at all based on the words of the cadres.

"Several adults, they have landed!"

Just as Torrepol and others were discussing countermeasures, a soldier from the Don Quixote family rushed into the conference room and shouted to everyone.

"It's already here?!" Torrepol was surprised, the other party's speed was too fast. According to the fastest speed of the ship, those people should not be able to reach the shore in the afternoon.

"Yes, it's already here, and the other's two giants have already arrived on the island." The man who reported the report gasped and replied.

"Don't talk about plans, kill them and save the young master!" Pika, who was among the cadres, slammed the table and took it up directly. His loyalty to Brother Doflamingo is beyond doubt. When Doflamingo was still being held by the other party, Pika wanted to rescue her young master.

And now that the other party is at the door, he has no reason not to fight.

After clapping the table, he continued to dissuade Torrepol and others, walked out of the conference room, and headed straight for the coast.

At this time, on the coast of Dressrosa, two members of the giant clan, Dongli and Broki, had landed. As soon as the two tall giants landed, they caught the attention of the residents of Dressrosa. They have rarely seen such a huge giant, and this is a good opportunity to visit.

"Who is this? How can it be so huge." In one corner of Dressrosa, Rebecca, a former member of the Liku royal family, was observing the direction of the pier. "Is it here to expel the Don Quixote family?"

Rebecca has always been dissatisfied with the Don Quixote family, and she has always wanted to expel this group of members, but due to her strength, she has never implemented her plan.

Not only Rebecca, but also Cyrus, who was transformed into a toy soldier, was also looking in the direction of Wan Jun and the others.

These Dressrosa residents have their own thoughts, and in most of them, they have high hopes for this group of pirates or members of the navy who have just landed. After all, in the Navy's newspaper, these people defeated Doflamingo, and it is possible to wipe out the Don Quixote family together this time.

"Is this Dressrosa? It's a little different from other islands." Wan Jun, who landed in Dressrosa behind the two giants, looked at the strange island and said to the few people beside him. said.

There are a lot of mushroom-shaped rocks on the coast near Dressrosa. These rocks are very tall and surround Dressrosa, which is why Wan Jun looks a little weird.

After looking around Dressrosa for a week, Wan Juncai looked at Doflamingo who was wearing Hailoushi handcuffs behind him and asked, "Doflamingo, how does it feel to be back in Dressrosa?"


Following Doflamingo and following Wan Jun, he just looked around and did not reply to Wan Jun's words.

"Master Wan Jun is asking you something!" Although Wan Jun didn't say anything, Bucky couldn't stand it any longer. You, a prisoner, dared to ignore Master Wan Jun's question.

"Okay, Bucky, let's go and get rid of all the members of the Don Quixote family first. After we know the remnants of the Don Quixote family, we can establish a new naval headquarters in Dressrosa. "Wan Jun doesn't care too much about Brother Doflamingo, after all, this former member of Qiwuhai has become his own prisoner.

And then, Wan Jun only needs to clear all the remaining shrimp soldiers and crab generals of the Don Quixote family, and then Dressrosa will be able to come to Wan Jun's control.

"Okay, my lord." After Wan Jun finished speaking, Bucky glared at Doflamingo again, and then followed Fujitora, Magellan and others to the city of Dressrosa.

However, before everyone could go too far, Pika, who had just run out of the Don Quixote family meeting room, had already appeared in front of everyone.

"Little Lord!"

As soon as Pika saw Doflamingo being held by Drago, she immediately lost her composure. He had never seen Doflamingo look like this before, Pika's anger suddenly rose, and he didn't care about anything else, he directly used the ability of his stone stone fruit and transformed into a huge stone giant.

Fortunately, this is not a residential area, so Pika's change didn't hurt too many people.

"Dongli, Broki, I'll leave it to you." To deal with such a huge but weak opponent, Wan Jun was not going to use the wooden man directly to confront him. Now that you have Dongli and Broki in your hands, to deal with an opponent like Pika, you only need these two giants to be able to settle it directly.

"Okay, haha, I haven't fought for a long time, it's almost rusted!"

Giants who are very interested and talented in fighting, even if there is no order from Wan Jun, they will rush out to fight Pika.

After the two giants finished speaking, they rushed in the direction of Pika. The collision of three gigantic lifeforms is really Mars hitting the earth, and each collision will make a loud noise. This Dressrosa was not very loud, and the sound spread directly across the entire island, alarming the Dongtata clan underground.

"Let's go, let's continue." After Dongli and Broki fought, Wan Jun no longer cared about the battle over there.

Now besides Pika, Dressrosa has many members of the Don Quixote family, and he doesn't want to miss the opportunity to capture these pirates because of lack of time.

Under the leadership of Wan Jun, Fujitora and others directly bypassed the battlefield of the three behemoths, and rushed directly towards the central area of ​​Dressrosa from the vicinity.


Just as everyone was on their way quickly, Doflamingo, who was caught by Drago, tentatively shouted to Vice Admiral Yamato next to him.

"Huh? How do you know my name?" Yamato turned his head and said to Doflamingo with a puzzled look.

Yamato never told the pirates under the ship's cabin his name. But now it seems that this person seems to know who he is?


After receiving Yamato's affirmative reply, Doflamingo laughed a few times.

In the eyes of the former Qibukai member, Kaido betrayed his cooperation with him. The appearance of Yamato is a proof. Yamato is Kaido's 'son'. Since Yamato has already joined this group of people, it is enough to show that this group of people has Kaido's support.

And myself, but a member who was kept in the dark.

‘Damn Kaido, is it for the artificial devil fruit factory? ’

'Treacherous fellow. ’

Although Doflamingo didn't say it, he had already confirmed Kaido's backing in his heart. If he can get out of Dressrosa alive, he must make Kaido pay the price!

Kaido, who was far away in Wano, didn't know that his relationship with Doflamingo was instantly alienated, and the key person who was alienated was his 'son' Yamato.

Wan Jun didn't know that Doflamingo had already hated Kaido in Wano, and he had already met Torrepol and others who wanted to help Pika.

When Torrepol and the others met Wan Jun and his party on the road, they were all taken aback. However, when these people found Doflamingo behind Wan Jun, they all became excited. These members of the Don Quixote family are extremely loyal to Doflamingo.

Their entire force was built around Doflamingo. Without this young master, the Don Quixote family would have no value in existence.

"let's go!"

Torrepol stared at the position where Doflamingo was hiding, and with an order, all the members of the Don Quixote family rushed forward and went straight to Wan Jun and others.

Although Torrepol, Diamanti, Senor and the others are powerful beings among ordinary pirates, they are obviously weaker than Wan Jun and his party.

Whether it's Fujitora or Magellan on Wan Jun's side, it's not like they can fight alone. In addition to these two, others, such as Dorag and Yamato, also have a lot of research on domineering, and the armed color domineering in their hands is like chopping melons and vegetables to deal with devil fruit ability.

"Gravity Slash!"

"Poison Dragon!"

"Thundering Four Trigrams!"

The navy continued to use their skills, but the members of the Don Quixote family had no way to fight back.

Brother Doflaming, who was handcuffed by Hai Lou Shi, could only watch the members of his family fall one by one, but he had no choice.

'Damn it, **** Kaido. ’

Doflamingo, who has now positioned Kaido as the mastermind behind the scenes, has the word Kaido on every word in his heart.

"Leave this one."

Among the members of Don Quixote's family, the only one who was still standing was Violet, the princess of King Riku's line.

Violet was standing in the middle of the fallen Don Quixote family members at this time~www.readwn.com~ At her feet, were the family cadres Torrepol and Diamanti. However, the defeat of the Don Quixote family did not make Violet react too much. He just looked at Wan Jun in front of him with a calm expression and said, "Who are you?"

"Can't the clothes on us explain the problem?" Wan Jun replied with a slight smile.

At this time on Wan Jun's side, except for Wanke, Nami and the two giants, everyone else was wearing navy costumes. If they weren't blind, Wan Jun believed that most of them could recognize the identity of their group.

"Navy? No, you are not the navy." Violet shook his head and continued, "How could the navy be offered a bounty by the World Government?"

"Haha, what's the matter with the bounty? We will be able to issue a bounty to Marin Fando's Marshal Buddha Warring States tomorrow. In addition to Buddha Warring, it seems that Mary Joa's five old stars can also." Wan Jun said jokingly.

However, Wan Jun's words seemed to frighten Violet a little, "The Warring States of the Buddha? Five Old Stars? Do you want to offer a reward to them?"

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