Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 332: The fire of the pirate world is extinguished!

"Wood Dun·Wood Dragon Technique!"

In addition to the poisonous dragon just now, Wan Jun has other moves that can compete with the golden Buddha of the Warring States Period.

"Finally willing to use the ability of the wood devil fruit?" Warring States said looking at the wooden dragon just created by Wan Jun. The first news Wan Jun got from the navy was that he could use the wood-type Devil Fruit ability. This news was already known to the navy headquarters when he was in Luoge Town, East China Sea.

After that, the navy headquarters seldom got news of Wan Jun's use of the wood-type Devil Fruit ability. But now it seems that this is the true ability of the other party.

"Warring States, the Navy will usher in a new era." Standing on top of the wooden dragon, Wan Jun said with a smile to the Admiral Warring States not far away.

"Yes, the navy will usher in a new era." Warring States unexpectedly did not refute Wan Jun, but the next sentence changed his words again, "But the new era belongs to Marin Vando, not Dereth. Rosa."

"The four seas will know that we have won a big victory, and will know that the navy is the well-deserved maintainer of order in this sea."

Warring States is worthy of being the marshal of the navy, and his words are one set after another. And the voice of his speech was amplified by the big Buddha, so that all the navies present, including the reporters of the World Economic News Agency in the distance, also heard these words.

His words made the navy boil again, and although they didn't help the battlefield much, they all cheered, just like Marin Vando's navy had won the war.

"If you can win the war by speaking, then the world will not be like this." Wan Jun has no interest in the speeches of the Warring States period, so these guys can only talk about these big truths, but in the face of the world government, When facing the Tianlong people, he still obeyed.

Therefore, after the Warring States period said that, Wan Jun also deliberately increased his voice, "Warring States, the navy of Malin Fando is no longer a navy, it is just a tool of the world government, a plaything of the Tianlong people."

"But for us, both the World Government and the Tianlong people are our enemies. Only when the Tianlong people are eliminated can the navy be the real navy."

As soon as Wan Jun said these words, the navy, who had been excited just now, fell silent. Although they have always been proud of being a navy, the Tianlong people have always been the swords of the navy.

In the navy, even those in high positions of generals must serve the Tianlong people. This is an indisputable fact, and it is also a pain in the heart of the navy.

But after Wan Jun finished saying these words, Morgans, who was looking out for the new world, had a bit of a face and laughed, "Big news! Big news!"

Morgans knew that after this war, Dressrosa would not only face the navy, but also the combat power of the World Government, as well as the legendary war machine - Uranus!

"A guy who pretends to be a navy is worthy of saying this?" Although Warring States knew the truth of what the other party said, he had to refute the other party because of his status as a marshal.

"Just accept the navy's trial. After today, Dressrosa will not appear again."

After the Warring States period finished, he who had transformed into a golden Buddha suddenly stepped forward. Because his body is too huge, every time he takes a step, the ice surface under his feet will instantly shatter.

Fortunately, the ice surface made by Aokiji is thick enough that even a behemoth like the Warring States Period did not fall directly into the sea.

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

Facing the Warring States approaching him, Wan Jun slapped his hands and spat out a huge fireball.

This ninjutsu is quite common in the Naruto world, but people in this pirate world have never seen a guy who uses two 'fruit abilities' at the same time, so when the fireball appeared, the Warring States period understood Wan Jun. The information in the introduction that 'may have multiple Devil Fruit abilities'.


Just when the Warring States came to a sudden realization, the fireball had already slammed into the body of the Warring States.

However, Sengoku, who has transformed into a great Buddha, has greatly improved in defense. Wan Jun's fireball attack this time did not cause much damage to Sengoku.

"It's useless, your attack can't hurt me." Sengoku, who emerged from the flames, smiled contemptuously. He seemed to be mocking Wan Jun's attack power being too small.

Seeing this scene, Wan Jun was not in a hurry, "Really? What about this one?"

After Wan Jun finished speaking, his hands that hadn't been put down clapped on his chest again, and a fire ninjutsu with greater power than the Hao Fireball was also directly cast by Wan Jun.

As soon as this fire escape was released by Wan Jun, the entire sea area was instantly enveloped in flames. Most of the area in front of the circle with Wan Jun as the center was ignited by his ninjutsu, and the navy, who had just been blown a little cold by the freezing wind of Aokiji, suddenly felt a warm feeling.

"What kind of flame is this!"

When Moriah on the naval ship saw the scene where Wan Jun cast a flaming fire to extinguish it, his eyes suddenly stared.

After the flame spewed out of Wan Jun's mouth, it immediately shrouded the ice surface on the side of the navy. The blazing flame seemed to burn everything, making all the navies a little uneasy.

"Ice Cubes, Pheasant Mouth!"

In order not to threaten the navy's ships, Aokiji, who was fighting Magellan on the side, suddenly retreated and cast an ice bird in the direction of the flames.

However, Aokiji's ice bird didn't seem to play a big role. His ice bird could only barely keep some ships, but there was still not much to do with the flames scorching the ice.

"Be careful! The ice is melting!"

As a devil fruit person~www.readwn.com~ Aokiji knows the danger of sea water to devil fruit ability person. Although his ice bird temporarily saved the ship, due to Wan Jun's flame attack, the ice blocks in a large area in this area have begun to melt. Although these ice blocks are still thick enough, if the flames do not go out, then the Warring States Period and Chi Chi have begun to melt. Dogs and others are still dangerous on ice.

"If it doesn't work, there can only be another Ice Age." In order to prevent the Warring States and others from falling into the sea, Aokiji can only prepare to use his ultimate move again.

However, a large-scale move like Ice Age is very stamina. If you want to cast it later, Aokiji can only temporarily give up the battle with Magellan.

However, Magellan doesn't seem to be ready to let go of the green pheasant who wants to get out. The poisonous master has been clinging to the green pheasant, and he is not ready to let go of the general who has the ability to freeze fruit.

"Those guys are too strong."

In the outer sea of ​​the battlefield, the only area that had not received the influence of the Aokiji Ice Age, **** Buzheng shook his head and sighed.


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