Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 337: Beyond the 4 Emperors and the Birth of a New King

Kisumu, who had never been able to make a move, still threw a bunch of light **** aside when the green pheasant was about to be attacked, and due to Kizaru's attack, Mihawk could only turn sideways and give these light **** to him first. resisted.

"Catch him! Since he dares to come up, we can't let him leave here!"

At this time, it was Admiral Akainu who had just boarded the ship. After he saw Mihawk, he jumped into the battle group.

However, Mihawk didn't seem to care about Akainu's attack. He dodged and avoided Akainu's attack before rushing towards Aokiji again.

The target of Mihawk's trip has always been the Admiral Aokiji, so when facing the attack of Kizaru and Akainu, Mihawk simply defended and was not ready to continue fighting with them.

Aokiji, who was listed as the target of the attack, also seemed to see what the other party meant, but at this time, because of Wan Jun's attack just now, his arm was so painful that he had no way to go to Hell Mihawk's attack.


Just as Aokiji was retreating, Mihawk, who was chasing after him, slashed with a knife, directly slashing Aokiji's clothes.

Fortunately, Mihawk didn't use his full strength. He just wanted to catch the green pheasant, and didn't mean to put it to death. It is precisely because of this that although Aokiji's clothes were torn open, there was no blood stains oozing out.

But just when the green pheasant seemed to be resisting, the famous sword with armed domineering has fallen on his neck.

"General Qingzhi, it seems that you have already lost."

Mihawk was very calm when he spoke, without the slightest intention of being in the enemy camp. And it was precisely because of his actions that Kizaru, Crane and others next to him did not continue to attack.

However, Akainu seems to be less concerned about Aokiji's safety than Kiabou and Crane who stopped. Although he clearly saw that Mihawk's long knife was touching Aokiji's neck, Akainu was still heartbroken in the end, and after the right hand melted directly into lava, he charged towards Mihawk again.

"Gravity Slash!"

Just as Akainu was about to attack Mihawk, the navy on Dressrosa's side had already pursued it. Among them, Fujitora rushed at the front of the team. Although he was still some distance away from the ship at this time, with the domineering perception of the situation, Fujitora waved his staff directly outside the ship. Knife.

Although Fujitora was a little far apart, this gravity slash was quite powerful. When Akainu, who was about to attack Mihawk, saw Fujitora's slash, he quickly turned his attack into a defense, avoiding Fujitora's gravity slash.

And it was precisely because of this dodging that Aokiji was directly caught by Mihawk. After catching Aokiji, the Dressrosa admiral smiled at Kizaru and the others, then jumped and jumped off the navy ship.

"Blue pheasant!"

Seeing that the green pheasant was taken away by Mihawk, the crane shouted.

As one of the three generals of the navy, Aokiji is the face of the navy. But now, this facade has been directly kidnapped by the other party. You must know that there are many members of the news agency next to this sea area. The scene of Qingzhi being taken away must be known by everyone in the world.

And this will definitely damage the image of the Navy in the four seas, and make the Navy lose face.

Just as He thought, after seeing this scene, the surrounding reporters broadcast this important information to the phone bugs one after another.

"Marin Vando Admiral Aokiji was captured by Dressrosa's people!"

"The Admiral has been captured!"

Admirals of the navy have always been a presence in the world, and their combat power is a deterrent to all pirates. Even the four emperors of the new world, they are somewhat afraid of these three generals.

But it was such an existence that they were directly captured on the battlefield. They never thought of such a situation.

The seat of world government, the Holy Land Mary Joa.

The five old stars who were watching the live broadcast of the video bug also saw this scene off the coast of Dressrosa, and they all frowned after seeing the green pheasant being taken away.

"Is the navy already so weak?" The bald-headed five old star, holding a samurai sword, squinted and said in a deep voice.

The five veterans are very disappointed with the performance of the navy now. This is a major mistake, and it is a very big blow to the Marine Fando navy.

As the direct manager of the Marine Vando Navy, the Five Old Stars are obviously very reluctant to see this scene appear.

"The Warring States period is really incompetent." The Golden Five Old Stars also accused the navy of mistakes.

"It's time for some replacements in the Navy."

The other five old stars also supported the judgment of these two people. After all, the failure of the navy this time was too tragic.

This time, Marin Vando's navy dispatched a marshal plus a famous general, and the rest were assisted by Kapuzefa and others. But it was such a lineup that made the Marine Vando navy's attack a failure.

"Do you want to report that lord?" Among the five old stars, the only white-haired five old star who did not speak, glanced at the other four and said.


Speaking of 'that lord', the rest of the five old stars were silent. Although they are the five old stars of the world government, they are the highest rulers of the world on the bright side. But they themselves know that they are just serving the adult.

"If we want Dressrosa to exist, then we don't need to alarm Lord Im, just treat these Dressrosa guys as an organization like the Four Emperors."

"And if we want to completely eliminate the existence of these self-proclaimed 'navy', it seems that we must inform Lord Yimu now, because if we want to eliminate them, we must use the 'final weapon'."

As soon as the words of the Five Old Stars came out, the other four fell silent. This is a very difficult choice. For hundreds of years, in order to fight against these maritime forces, the world government has not used the ultimate weapon.

"Still, think about it first. After Sengoku comes back, we'll let him come to Mary Joa."

In the end, the five old stars decided not to go to Yimu for the time being. They were going to ask about the situation in the Warring States period, and then carefully consider whether they could eliminate this group of people without using the final weapon.

"Okay, that's it."

At this time, Akainu and others in the battlefield did not know that the discussion about Dressrosa was going on in the Holy Land Mariejoa.

But just as they were about to set off, Wan Jun, who was chasing Sengoku and Garp, also came to the front of the fleet.

"Do you want to leave?" Wan Jun controlled the wooden dragon and dragged the right leg of the Warring States Giant Buddha, and did not let the admiral go back to the ship.

"Even if you all leave now, Marin Vanduo won't be around for long. In a month, I will visit Marin Vatican in person. At that time, it's time for the Four Seas Navy to change hands." Wan Jun smiled. The victory of the war is still very satisfying.

Although this battle did not sink too many naval ships, the threat of these miscellaneous soldiers is not great.

Compared with the highest combat power, the navy on these ships does not need him at all. At this time, Dressrosa also captured Aokiji and Hawkeye. After losing these high-end combat power, Marin Fando would not even want to compete with Dressrosa's navy.

"You still want to attack Marin Fando?"

After the Warring States heard Wan Jun's words, the whole person was stunned. No one dared to claim to occupy this naval headquarters after the completion of Marin Van Dou. Even the previous golden lion was nothing but a riot.

"It's not just Marin Vando that I want to attack, but Mary Joa as well."

"Whether it's the navy or the Draconians, they're all within my clearing goals. However, if some navies are willing to join Dressrosa, I'm still very willing."

When Wan Jun said these words, he deliberately glanced at Huang Yuan and others on the ship, "I will end the rule of the Tianlong people, and I will also clear all the seas of the four seas. I want everyone to know who is the leader. A real navy."

After saying this, Wan Jun directly controlled the wooden dragon and pulled it back, pulling the Warring States to the point of falling on the ice.

Seeing the Warring States fall to the ground, Garp, regardless of the injury just now, directly lifted a huge ice cube beside him, and then threw it hard, smashing the ice cube in Wan Jun's direction.

Just as Garp attacked, Akainu and others on the ship also rushed towards Sengoku.

The Warring States period is different from Aokiji. As a marshal, he is a symbol of the navy. Admirals can fall, but marshals can't!

So when the Warring States fell, the high-end combat power of the entire navy rushed over to cover the retreat of the Marshal Warring States.

However, Wan Jun doesn't seem to want to let the Warring States go. For him, if he can destroy one more naval force here, he will destroy one more. In this way, the Dressrosa navy can encounter less resistance when attacking Marin Vando.

"Fire Escape·Longyan Art of Singing!"

Facing the huge ice cube thrown by Garp, Wan Jun directly used the fire ninjutsu that Uchiha Madara had used.

After the fire escape was completed, several fire dragons bypassed the huge ice block and flew towards the place where the Warring States were. But Wan Jun didn't care about the ice cube that flew over, and only then used a fireball to melt the ice cube.

However, compared to Wan Jun's easy solution to the ice cubes thrown by Garp, the navy had a bit of difficulty facing the four huge fire dragons.

Kizaru and Akainu used their Devil Fruit abilities one after another, and the two alternate lieutenant generals, Taotu and Chagu, leaned towards the ship with the Sengoku that had faded and transformed.

"Bachi Qionggou Yu!"

"Big fire!"

The two admirals stood in front of the fire dragon and faced Wan Jun's offensive.

However, the moves the two of them made didn't seem to be able to take over the dragon's flame and singing. Several giant dragons were only slightly weakened, but the offensive did not shrink, and they still rushed towards the two of Akainu.

"Damn it." Akainu had an angry expression in the face of this dragon flame singing technique.

"Get out of the way, I can't stop it." Kizaru showed a rare serious expression, and he had no confidence in stopping these fire dragons.

Although several ships behind them will become targets after they leave, there is no way out.

"Yeah." Although Akainu was furious, he still chose to temporarily retreat strategically in the face of this dragon-flame singing technique.

However, as the two generals gave up resisting these giant dragons, the fire dragon without hindrance flew straight towards the ship behind.


The navy on these ships did not expect the two admirals to step aside. When the ship was hit hard, they could only sunk into the sea with the dilapidated hull.

Akagi and Kizaru, who had escaped Wan Jun's blow, looked back at the ships that had been sunk, and after sighing in their hearts, they chased after the retreating direction of the Warring States.

"Sir, do you still want to chase?"

After seeing Akainu and the two leaving, Mihawk, who handed Aokiji to Fujitora, also came to Wan Jun and asked the Admiral of Dressrosa.

"Forget it, the ice surface made by Aokiji has disappeared. Fujitora and the others are all devil fruit capable, so they are not suitable for fighting on the sea." Wan Jun waved his hand as he looked at the distant naval fleet. "However, in a month's time, I would like to see these Marine Vando's navy fleeing there in their hometown of Shanghai."

"We'll attack Marin Vando directly in a month?" Mihawk didn't know the plan, so he was a little surprised after Wan Jun said this.

Wan Jun nodded and replied: "Yes, we will go in a month, as long as we get rid of Marin Vando's navy, and then it will be easy to deal with Mary Joa's World Government."

"Go back to Dressrosa first, the ice is gone."

After Akainu's lava and the catalysis of Wan Jun's fire escapes, there were not many ice cubes left on the ice. For the sake of Fujitora's devil fruit ability, he could only retreat first.

"Okay, my lord."

Mihawk nodded slightly, then jumped off the wooden dragon and ran in the direction of Fujitora and Magellan.

And just after Marin Vando's navy lost more than a dozen ships~www.readwn.com~ a general and Shichibukai evacuated, members of the news agency were already thinking about the headlines of the next day's newspapers.

"The war is over."

"Marin Vando's navy has retreated! The order of the new world will also be rewritten!"

"Dressrosa will be the only king of the four seas! They will definitely surpass the four emperors, surpass the world government, and become the makers of a unique new order in the four seas!"

Under the instigation of Morgans, the president of the World Economic News Agency, many reporters from the news agency began to advocate for Dressrosa.

Morgans doesn't need to know if Dressrosa can become the new king or the maker of order. He only knows that his newspaper will be out of stock the next day, and tomorrow there will be a world economy in every corner of the world. Newspapers of news agencies, they will all discuss the content of the newspapers.

‘Beyond the four emperors, this is the birth of a new king! Dressrosa, will also be the next Holy Land Mary Joa! ’

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