Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 343: the eve of the war

"The clues about the ancient weapon Pluto are on the way to Dressrosa, and it will arrive in a few days. After you arrive, you can start researching directly. Although this ancient weapon 'Pluto' may not be able to be used, there are It's always better than nothing."

For Wan Jun, the role of ancient weapons may not be as great as that of his wooden tunnel top. But compared to giving this thing to the world government, it is still very good to take it in your own hands.

At least, this thing is quite shocking to the personnel of Pirate World.

"That's great." Nico Robin nodded quickly as soon as she heard that she could interpret the information on Hades.

Of course, Nico Robin is very happy to be able to interpret ancient texts, which is what she has always liked to do. After joining the Navy, Nicole Robin is also responsible for this work.

"Then just wait, it will be there in a few days. Your room has already been prepared, and the low-ranking soldier Nami outside will take you there."

Wan Jun and Nico Robin have nothing in common. One is fighting and the other is research, and the scope of responsibility is different.

"Okay, my lord, then I'll go down first." After Nicole Robin replied, she walked straight towards the gate.

Outside the room at this time, Wan Jun had already arranged for Nami to see Robin, and quickly said with a smile: "Major General Robin, your room is downstairs."

Although Nami didn't know Nico Robin, she was very happy that there was finally another female navy in the navy.

Since Nami joined the new navy in the East China Sea, she has generally been the only woman in the entire team, and she is also a low-ranking soldier. Now with Nicole Robin on board, she can find someone who can talk.

"Lord Wan Jun, let's go first."

When Nami brought Nico Robin downstairs, she did not forget to return to the door of the room, ready to bring the door.

This little thief cat from the East China Sea has changed a lot since he became the navy, but the only thing is that Nami is still very interested in shiny things.

"Well, you go down first."

After Wan Jun nodded and said to Nami, the navy thief cat disappeared with Nico Robin on the top floor of the navy building.

"Your Excellency Administrator, the information for the next navy to be awakened is ready."

Not long after Nico Robin and the two left, Wan Jun's long-awaited message finally appeared again.

"Who is it this time?" After the news of the street warehouse, Wan Jun also immediately entered the awakening warehouse. He was still very much looking forward to the arrival of the next navy.

This kind of feeling is like Wan Jun opening the box in the game of the original world. Every time it approaches, Wan Jun will look forward to it.

"Warehouse 2, stock 768/800.

Awakening: Silbaz Reilly (Admiral), 55, in his prime:

Silbaz Reilly, Admiral of the Admiralty. He joined the navy since he was a child, and he was discovered by the headquarters from the very beginning, so he joined the naval force of the headquarters.

With the continuous improvement of Rayleigh, his rank also climbed rapidly.

And what made Rayleigh famous was that he and Garp hunted down Roger, who was made the pirate king by the world. Rayleigh also became a member of the Admiral of the Navy for his exploits in hunting down Roger.

'When can I retire? ’

In the implementation of the other gods plan, the remaining wake-up time is 8 days, 23 hours, 58 minutes and 34 seconds."

Pluto Rayleigh, another admiral of the navy.

"Has Pluto Rayleigh also become an admiral of the navy, and even hunted down Roger, who would believe it if he told it?" Wan Jun thought to himself as he looked at Rayleigh's introduction.

In this pirate master world, Pluto Rayleigh is the right-hand man of the pirate king Roger, and the news of his becoming an admiral may be even more shocking than Mihawk.

What's more surprising, perhaps, is the age of this Rayleigh. He was only fifty-five years old, and he was still at his peak, which was very different from the boatman Rayleigh who was coating Shampoo Land.

"There are more and more generals, which is not bad."

For Wan Jun, the stronger the combat power on his side, the better.

For the Dressrosa Navy, the strength of the general is the proof to enter the battlefield. In addition to the need for more manpower to occupy Marin Vando, it is impossible for Lieutenant Generals such as Crocodile and Moria to join this battle.

"It would be nice to have another general after Rayleigh."

Of course, Wan Jun would not think too much of a general as the face of the navy. Of course, the more this kind of combat power, the better. When the number of generals has reached a certain number, Wan Jun believes that whether it is the sea king or the king, it will not pose any threat to Dressrosa's navy.

After getting Rayleigh's wake-up message, all Wan Jun had to do was to wait, as long as nine days later, General Rayleigh would be able to land in Dressrosa.

During these nine days, the troops from Fishman Island and Alabasta also gathered on Dressrosa.

"Master Wan Jun."

"Master Wan Jun."

In a conference room of the Dressrosa Navy Headquarters, the murloc Jinbei, Aladdin, and Princess Vivi of Alabasta all gathered in it.

"All sit down."

Wan Jun, who finally walked into the room, waved to him and let Wei Wei and others sit down first.

"It's been less than a week since we went to Malin Fando, are you all ready?"

"Sir, there is no problem at all."

Jinbei had already met Fisher Tiger who was a vice-admiral before, and after the meeting, Jinbei also quickly chose to withdraw from the Qibukai sequence, and also expressed his position at Morgans.

Just the day before this meeting, Jinpei voluntarily withdrew from the Shichibukai and joined the Dressrosa Navy.

As soon as the news came out, the four seas were even more worried about the future of Marin Vando.

Marin Vando has already lost his soldiers, and now he has Shiping's backstab. In this way, the remaining seven warriors of Marin Vando will also have their own ideas. Maybe before the Dressrosa Navy attacks Marin Vando, there will be more More Shichibukai withdrew.

"Alabasta is no problem." Although Princess Weiwei was still young, she was very firm. She and Kobra had already recognized the strength of Wan Jun and others. After deciding to fight with the Dressrosa Navy, they would not choose to betray.

"Very good, this time we attacked Marin Vando, the purpose is to eradicate Marin Vando's pseudo-navy in one fell swoop." Wan Jun put one hand on the table and tapped lightly with his index finger, "And after the victory of this battle, we will go down. One target is Mary Joa."

"I believe that you all know Mary Joa very well, especially Princess Vivi from Alabasta. Your Neferutari family is one of the 20 nations that created the world, and you may know more information than I do. "

Weiwei, who was named by Wan Jun, glanced at the guard Ikalem next to her. Although she was a princess, the military advisor on this trip was Ikalem next to her.

Facing Weiwei's gaze, Ikalem nodded, indicating that Weiwei could just say it herself.

After receiving Ikalem's affirmation, Wei Wei said: "Master Wan Jun, our Neferutari family has been away from Mary Joa for eight hundred years. Except for sometimes participating in the World Conference, we will not go to Mary. Joey's."

"However, we also have some information about the Tianlong people."

Wan Jun is still somewhat interested in the Tianlong people. This group of nobles who seem to have no fighting power, but have ruled the world in name for 800 years, must have some unknown things, and these things are likely to be the same as that of 800 years ago. related to the war.

"The one who was in charge of the world at the time was not the five old stars of the world government that everyone thought, but an existence above the Twenty Kingdoms of Creation..."

Princess Weiwei spoke for more than an hour, and she spoke out all the information she had obtained from Cobra. Although most of the information is relatively old, there is little reference value. But Wan Jun's knowledge of Tianlong people has increased a lot, at least he has a clearer understanding of the 'Lord Yimu' that Wan Jun knows.

"Very good, this information from Alabasta is good."

After Princess Weiwei finished speaking, Wan Jun nodded in praise.

"Whether it's the World Government or the Celestial Dragons, it will become the past after we occupy Marinfando." Wan Jun still recognized the fighting strength of his group very much. After all, in the outer sea of ​​Dressrosa, there are still hidden Thought 'King'.

"We don't have much time to go to Marivendo. During the rest of the time, Fishman Island should cooperate with the ships of Alabasta. Your underwater battles are more powerful."

This time, the goal of the army of Fishman Island and Alabasta is very clear. They mainly deal with the large naval fleet near Marin Vando.

And to deal with these large fleets, these murlocs who can dive directly into the sea are of course a very good choice.

These murlocs can sunk the ship quietly, and with the sea kings summoned by Bai Xing, Wan Jun believes that Malin Fando's fleet can't last for too long.

After defeating the large fleet that surrounded Marin Fando, the rest had to be left to Wan Jun and Mihawk and other high-end combat forces.

What these people have to face is also the high-end combat power left by Malin Fado, or there will be reinforcements from the World Government.

But no matter if the reinforcements are World Commander Cyborg or the Five Old Stars, Wan Jun will keep them directly in Marin Fando.

"Okay, my lord. However, the ships from Nine Snake Island are also coming. Are we going to cooperate with them?" Jinping asked Wan Jun when the meeting was about to end.

If the warriors of Nine Snake Island want to reach the new world, they must pass through Fishman Island. And as long as he passes through Fishman Island, Jinpei can get first-hand information.

When the warriors of the Nine Serpents traveled to Fishman Island, they also revealed themselves as Dressrosa naval allies. It was for this reason that King Neptune let these Nine Snake Island warriors pass through Fishman Island and rush over to Dressrosa.

"Yes, the people from Nine Snake Island will also become our allies. But they don't have many people, so let's join in the fun."

For the reinforcements of Nine Snake Island, Wan Jun just regarded it as a form of defection. The most important thing in this defection is to attack the World Government and Malin Fando.

When the ship from Nine Snake Island arrived in Dressrosa, Wan Jun would ask Morgans to pass on the news.

It wasn't long before the news of Jinpei's withdrawal from Qibukai was released, and if the female emperor Hancock continued to defect, he would continue to destroy the confidence of Marin Fando.

After that, Wan Jun will also let Moria, who he is imprisoning, also announce his withdrawal from Qiwuhai, and the price is that Wan Jun promises that Moria will not be sent to the bottom of the sea as long as he dismantles his terrifying three-masted sail. big prison.

Wan Jun believes that the continuous withdrawal of these Qiwuhai will make Malin Fando fall into an unprecedented passive situation, thereby attacking Marine Fando's naval soldiers.

Now the four seas are looking forward to the next battle. When they learn that a month after the Dressrosa war is over, Wan Jun will lead the Dressrosa Navy to Marine Vando. As soon as the news came out, the four seas were already full of anticipation for the upcoming war in a month.

This battle is different from the Dressrosa War. This battle was announced a month ago. If Marin Vando still fails, both the World Government and the Navy will be disgraced.

And more importantly, Dressrosa will justifiably take over the business of Marine Vando, become the nominal overlord of the four seas, and exercise naval rights in place of Marine Vando.

At that time, it will be a question whether the world government can survive.

For this situation, the member countries of the world government are also in urgent contact, and they must prepare early. Whether it's Marin Vando's victory or Dressrosa's victory, it will be a catastrophe in the near future~www.readwn.com~ If Marin Vando wins, the Navy Headquarters will definitely lose a lot of combat power. And because of this loss, they will definitely lose control of the sea. At that time, not only the new world, but also the first half of the great route and the four seas will become a paradise for pirates.

And if Dressrosa wins, then the sea will usher in another major reshuffle in 800 years. Perhaps by that time, all the member countries of the World Government will also choose their allegiance like the Qibukai. object.

"The whole world is paying attention to this battle. After this battle, whether it is Fishman Island or Nine Snake Island, there will be unprecedented freedom. The new navy will severely crack down on trafficking and arresting people of all ethnic groups."

"Although Alabasta will not be suspected by the world government, our New World Conference will be a better choice."

"Everyone, the war in the next few days will change the pattern of the entire world."

"The direction of the world will be in our hands."

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