Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 348: Enel's Debut - Ray's Punishment

The Dressrosa navy fleet departed from the New World, passed through Fishman Island, and diverted from Chambord to Marin Vando.

The itinerary of Wan Jun and others along the way was reported by the reporters in Morgans, and the navy in Marin Vadod became more and more nervous. Most of the people here are members of the Dressrosa war who have experienced the fiasco. They know the strength of the Dressrosa navy, and there are too many people who are as strong as generals.

Compared with the worries of Marine Fando Navy, Sihai wants to see which side will win this time. Everyone knows that this time the battle will not end in a hurry like the last time. This time, neither the Dressrosa Navy nor the Marine Fando Navy will easily end the war.

In this war, an understanding must be made. Neither Warring States nor Wan Jun hope that after this war, the other's navy will still exist on these four seas.

It is precisely because of this idea that both sides have gathered their strongest combat power, intending to defeat their opponents in one fell swoop.

"Marin Fando, it's just ahead." On the largest ship in the Dressrosa fleet, Nami looked at the pointer on her wrist and replied to Wan Jun who was beside her asking her.

Although Nami was only upgraded from a low-ranking soldier to a high-ranking soldier, she was made an exception to stay on the flagship as a navigator. Of course, Nami would not have the slightest opinion on this arrangement. It is always a good thing to be closer to Dressrosa's center. In this way, the speed of her promotion will be greatly improved.

"It's finally here."

Wan Jun has been on the boat for several days. For Wan Jun, who is not used to life at sea, this is not a good trip.

After Wan Jun asked Nami, Vice Admiral Bucky, who had been watching from the mast, also jumped down from the mast and said to Wan Jun, "Lord Wan Jun, we can already see the Marine Headquarters of Marin Vando. already."

In terms of strength, Bucky had no chance to serve as a lieutenant admiral at all, but Wan Jun did not take away his title of lieutenant admiral, and let Bucky continue to serve as a lieutenant in Dressrosa's naval system. Will.

However, because the strength of this lieutenant general Bucky is really not on the table, Wan Jun usually does not choose to let Bucky play.

Therefore, when he was on the ship, Bucky was generally a free man, and his favorite place to stay was the observation deck on the ship.

"Very good, inform the ships, prepare for battle!"

Under Bucky's report, Wan Jun directly informed his fleet. Although Dressrosa's strength is not as strong as Marine Vando's naval fleet, it is not inferior to Marine Vando in terms of momentum.

When Wan Jun was able to see the Marine Headquarters, the Warring States, who was waiting for Wan Jun and others to attack in Marine Vado, also saw his opponent today.

"It's already here." Sengoku said to Garp who was standing next to him when he saw the masts that kept appearing on the sea level.

Both of them participated in the previous war in Dressrosa, and they both suffered a lot at the hands of Wan Jun. Therefore, when he saw Wan Jun and others' ships, Warring States was still a little worried.

"This time, we must not fail again." For the Warring States period, this battle is not only about the success or failure of the navy, but also the key to the existence of Marin Fando.

Once this battle is lost, nothing is left.

However, in the face of Sengoku's words, Garp did not respond. Karp had felt the power of Wan Jun before, and he had never seen such a powerful feeling in Roger. You know, Roger is a man known as One Piece, and there are not many people who can surpass Roger.

But Wan Jun from the Dressrosa Navy seemed to surpass Roger's existence.

With the same expression as Garp, there are the remaining two admirals - Akainu and Kizaru. Among the three generals, Qingzhi has been captured by Wan Jun and others, and the name of the three generals has already been considered dead in name only.

"Warring States, don't worry, we will win."

Compared with the silence of others, the army commander Cyborg who came from Mary Joa seemed very confident.

This time, Cyborg brought the most elite troops from Maryjoa. Maryjoa's guards were recruited from all over the world, and each guard's strength far surpassed the ordinary navy.

And it is from this group of powerful soldiers that Cyborg is very optimistic about the subsequent victory. He had not experienced the previous Battle of Dressrosa, and Cyborg's understanding of Wan Jun and others was only from newspapers. Although the newspapers of the World Economic News are constantly boasting about Dressrosa's navy, the steel bones are still not very optimistic about this newly grown organization.

In the new world, even the youngest Four Emperor Shanks, through constant battles and continuous accumulation, grew from an ordinary big pirate to the Four Emperors. The rise of Wan Jun and others only took a few short months, and the other party's personnel were all guys who had never heard of it, which made the World Government's understanding of the Dressrosa Navy appear some deviations.

Most of the members of the **** who came to Marinevando from Marijoa believed that Marinevando was negligent in the battle, which led to the defeat of Marinevando at the Battle of Dressrosa.

It is precisely because of this idea that Cyborg is sure that the victory of this war will belong to the Marine Vando Navy and the world government of Mary Joa.

"Their strength is very powerful. There is always no harm in being careful." Compared with the steel frame, the Warring States period was very aware of the strength of Wan Jun and others. He knew that the admiral of the other side was not one or two people who could stop him. of.

"It's a good thing to be careful, but don't be too cautious." Gang Gu walked to the side of Warring States, patted the Admiral on the shoulder, and said, "Start preparing, the other party is coming soon."

Just as Cyborg said, the Dressrosa navy led by Wan Jun has arrived at the outer seas of Marine Vadodau, and the fleets are also lining up to form a siege to Marine Vadodow Wharf.

"I never thought that there would be such a day that our Marine Vanduo naval headquarters would be surrounded by people."

Below Sengoku and Cyborg and others, two admirals stood in one place, looking at the Dressrosa navy that was already lined up.

"This will also be the last time." Compared to Kizaru's relaxed tone, Akainu looked a little gloomy. After experiencing the failure of the last battle, Akainu has always wanted to bring that loss back to the field.


Kizaru folded his arms around his chest, not even looking at Akainu beside him.


Compared with the misery of the Marine Fando Navy, the members of Wan Jun's ship seemed a lot more relaxed.

These navy subordinates under Wan Jun have already won one victory, so they are all confident in this battle. As long as they defeat the navy of Marin Fando, they will become the new overlords of the sea.

"Master Wan Jun." Anilu, who had not spoken much since joining the Dressrosa Navy, was the first to come to Wan Jun to ask Ying, "Let me go first."

"No hurry, just wait a moment."

In the face of Anilu's invitation to fight, Wan Jun did not immediately agree. Because of the lack of Aokiji's participation in this battle, the sea cannot become a battlefield for the time being, and it is precisely because of this factor that most Devil Fruit users have lost their usefulness.

"I'll create a battlefield first."

Wan Jun said and walked directly to the front of the ship. Although Wan Jun does not have the Admiral Qingzhi, he cannot directly freeze this sea area, but compared to Qingzhi's frozen fruit, Wan Jun also has a way to turn the sea into a battlefield.

I saw Wan Jun, who walked to the front of the ship, directly raised his hands and cast the Mudun Ninjutsu that has been used many times in the Naruto world, "Woodun·The tree world is born!"

Under Wan Jun's operation, the sea area between Marin Vando and Dressrosa navy was choppy in an instant, and bubbles continued to emerge from the bottom of the sea, as if the sea area was boiled by Wan Jun.

"Vine! A vine is coming out!"

After seeing the movement of the sea, the navy on the Marinfando Wharf kept staring at the changes in the sea. And when a vine emerged from the bubbles, the soldiers of the Navy were also alarmed.

"It's the ability of that Admiral Dressrosa!"

Malin Fando's navy basically already knows Wan Jun's ability. In their intelligence, Wan Jun's main combat method is the ability of the wood-type devil fruit.


Just as the Marine Vanduo navy was constantly discussing the changes in the sea surface, a huge branch suddenly appeared on the edge of the pier, directly pushing up the pier area.

"It's trees! It's all trees! The sea is gone!"

In the field of vision of most navies, the sea area between them and the Dressrosa navy was instantly covered by trees, and every place was completely filled, and even the piers near the sea were damaged a lot.

"Let's go, it's time for the people of Marinfando to taste our strength."

Just when Marin Fando's people were still in shock, Wan Jun led his generals to jump off the ship and went straight to Marin Fando.

Behind the generals of Wan Jun, Moriah, Fisher Tiger and others also rushed up. This time Wan Jun did not restrict the participation of the generals and below, so whether it was the lieutenant generals directly under Wan Jun, even the soldiers of Alabasta, Fishman Island and Nine Snake Island rushed off the boat and followed him. Wan Jun and the others walked towards Malin Fando behind him.


In the face of the menacing Wan Jun and others, Warring States did not urge his subordinates to charge, but ordered the gunners on the dock to open fire.



After receiving instructions from the Warring States period, the gunners on the dock steered the coastal defense artillery beside them one after another, and kept shooting at Wan Jun and others.

"Gravity Slash!"

"Double Blade Stream Thunder Tiger!"

With the start of the Malin Fando shelling, the two swordsmen Fujitora and Mihawk next to Wan Jun also shot in an instant. The two of them are a gravity fruit person and the world's largest swordsman. Facing the coastal defenses of these districts Of course the gun didn't care.

Before the shells of these coastal defense guns could reach the highest point, they were smashed by Fujitora and Mihawk, and turned into a burst of debris and fell on the tree world made by Wan Jun.

In the face of Marine Fando's attack, the generals beside Wan Jun certainly wouldn't sit still. After the two of them stopped the artillery fire, they immediately started fighting back.

Rayleigh, who has a very deep research on domineering, jumped directly to the pier of Marin Vando, and following him was the alternate general Anilu.

"Sanction of Thunder!"

As soon as Anilu rushed into the crowd, he immediately used the ability of his own thunder fruit, and the huge thunderbolt that fell from the air directly hit the middle of a pile of navy. The power of this thunderbolt is extraordinary, and a single thunderbolt directly makes a navy lose its combat effectiveness immediately.

And Rayleigh next to Anilu was not far behind. Although he did not eat Devil Fruits, he still emptied an area in a short period of time with his profound combat experience.

Standing on the high platform, Warring States saw that Wan Jun and others had gradually boarded the pier, and immediately said to the high-end fighting forces next to him: "It's time for us to play."

After finishing speaking, Sengoku was also the first to jump off the high platform and went straight to Rayleigh and Ani Road on the pier. In mid-air, the Warring States Period had already completed the transformation of the giant Buddha. This change also made the landing speed of the Warring States period quicker, and pressed towards Rayleigh with one palm.

When Rayleigh jumped on the pier, the Warring States had already seen that this was the deputy of the former Pirate King Roger, the man known as Hades. Although he didn't know how this guy who should be in his seventies was still blond and became a member of the Dressrosa Navy, the appearance of Moria, Mihawk and others before was not enough. Let Warring States get used to it.

Now, no matter who appears on Wan Jun's side, even if it is himself or Garp, Sengoku will not be surprised at all.


Warring States, who had not yet landed, directly punched Rayleigh, and after a loud bang, the pier collapsed directly, and the fragments were scattered all over the place.

And when the smoke cleared ~www.readwn.com~ Rayleigh and Sengoku separated from each other, neither of them seemed to be hurt much.

"Warring States, your strength has not been pulled down yet." Rayleigh has been a comrade-in-arms with Warring States since he joined the Navy, so he is very familiar with the strength of Warring States.

"Although I don't know if you are the real Rayleigh, I want you to know that joining Dressrosa was a wrong choice."

After Sengoku finished speaking, he stepped forward with his right foot again, and clenched his left fist and smashed it towards Rayleigh.

"Oh, come on!"

The corner of Rayleigh's mouth was slightly pulled upwards. He had practiced against Warring States a lot before, and the two of them seldom had a winner or loser, but this Warring States was obviously older than himself, and this was also his chance to win.


There was another loud noise, but Rayleigh flew backwards, and there was indeed another figure standing in the position of the Warring States just now. This person is the world commander, the steel bone from Mary Joa.

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