Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 372: One Piece · General · Aokiji

Wan Jun has seen many people as Konoha's Hokage, so when the warehouse introduced this whirlpool face, Wan Jun was not surprised at all.

In Wan Jun's memory, this whirlpool face should be a character in Infinite Monthly Reading. As the son of Hokage, it seems logical that he would serve as Hokage.

But the only thing worthy of Wan Jun's expectation was the last sentence in the introduction of Uzumaki Mianma.

This Uzumaki Mianma actually has a connection with the Six Path Immortals, and it can be seen from the words of Uzumaki Mianma that he has realized that he exists in the Yuedu world.

"Since I've already seen Six Path Immortals, I don't know what their strength will be?" Wan Jun said expectantly after reading the introduction of Uzumaki Mianma.

But this expectation is only for a moment, because after reading the introduction of the next Hokage to be awakened, Wan Jun is about to set off for the Pirate World.

"Open the portal and go to Pirate World."

"Okay, Your Excellency Administrator."

Under the instructions of Wan Jun, the warehouse also directly opened the portal to the world of pirates.

Compared with the portal outside Wuyin Village, which is still in its infancy, this portal that has been assimilated by the warehouse is taller and taller in appearance.

Not used for the original black fissure, this portal exudes blue light, from the outside to the inside, it becomes more and more blue.

When the portal was fully unfolded, Wan Jun walked in directly and returned to the new naval headquarters in Dressrosa, the pirate world.

At this time, Dressrosa had become the de facto overlord of the four seas because they had just defeated the Marine Vando navy. During Wan Jun's return to Naruto World, the Dressrosa Navy contacted kingdoms all over the world, trying to get them out of the World Government and into the arms of the new Navy.

With the help of the Kingdom of Alabasta and Dressrosa, countries closer to these two kingdoms have gradually joined the Dressrosa Navy camp.

However, compared to these sloppy kingdoms, most of the branch navies sent by Marin Vadod to all over the world are not so easy to change course. Although there are naval divisions that change flags every once in a while, compared with the total number, the number of these navies is far from enough to control the four seas.

It is precisely because of this factor that Mihawk and Fujitora and the others discussed, and directly dispatched the 'capitulation' troops headed by Dorag.

Of course, most of Dorag's 'capitulation' is mainly based on physical persuasion. After defeating the branch navy, he began to show reason and affection for the other party.

The plan of Mihawk and others went relatively smoothly in the days when Wan Jun was away. Most of the branches on the great route have joined the Dressrosa Navy, and some small branches in the four seas have gradually begun to move closer to Wan Jun's new navy after seeing the situation clearly.

But compared to these not-so-powerful kingdoms and naval divisions, the real opponents of the new navy are the Four Emperors of the New World and the World Government on the Red Continent.

Although after Wan Jun left, Im and the Five Old Stars who lived in the Holy Land Mary Joa did nothing. But both Wan Jun, Mihawk and others know that the World Government must be holding back a big move, and when they are ready, Dressrosa will also encounter new challenges.

And precisely because of the potential threat of the world government, the new navy also wants to solve this biggest enemy earlier.

However, after Dressrosa's new navy defeated Marin Vando, the four emperors couldn't sit still. They can't sit back and watch the new navy continue to grow, because once the new navy is so powerful that they can't defeat it together, the name of the Four Emperors, which sounds very glamorous, will enter the garbage heap of history.

Therefore, before the new navies have started to attack the World Government, Kaido has already started to contact Bigumm of the Big Mom Pirates, Shanks of the Red-haired Pirates, and the former Locke The white beard of a member of the Star Fleet.

Although Kaido and Whitebeard didn't deal with each other very much since they were in the Lox Grand Fleet, he still temporarily put down the hostility and began to seek cooperation when he was in the midst of life and death.

Of course, the leader of this cooperation is not Kaido the Beast, but the Fire Calamity, one of the three plagues.

And just when the four emperors began to contact, Wan Jun also stepped out of the portal and returned to the new naval headquarters in Dressrosa.

As soon as Wan Jun returned to Pirate World, the warehouse reminded again that the people to be awakened in Pirate World had been ready for a long time.

"I walked in a hurry last time, but I forgot to see who it was."

Wan Jun returned to Naruto World after defeating Malin Fando's navy in One Piece World before, so he forgot to see who the next navy was. After returning to this pirate world, the countdown to the navy who had not read the introduction had already passed.

"Wake up now?"

"I'll take a look at it first." Because Wan Jun was in the flagship of his fleet when he left last time, he was also in his captain's room when he came back.

Since it is the captain's room, the space is not too large. If To Wake was a giant, or a big guy like Moria, then Wan Jun's captain's room would be destroyed directly.

"Okay, Your Excellency Administrator."

"The navy's message has been sent."

"Warehouse 2, Aokiji (Admiral):

Admiral Aokiji, whose real name is Kuzan, possesses a frozen fruit, one of the natural devil fruits.

Aokiji has always practiced his own justice. Since joining the navy, Aokiji has poured all his blood on the road of the navy.

And the powerful strength also made him eventually move to the position of the Admiral of the Navy. But after understanding what the Tianlong people did, Qingzhi also began to reflect on himself.

After the Holy Land Mary Joa was set on fire by the fish-man Tiger, Aokiji's mind also began to change. He was gradually disappointed with the navy, and wanted to break the structure of the world~www.readwn.com~ so that his justice could be truly realized.

'Burning justice! ’

Organization: Dressrosa Navy

Position: Admiral

Overall strength: S. "

This long-awaited wake-up navy is the Aokiji who is also ranked among the generals in the main world.

However, this green pheasant seems to be quite different from the green pheasant in the main world. This general is actually seeking to make changes to the navy and the world government. But whether it is Wan Jun or Qingzhi, they all know that this road is very difficult to go down.

But for this green pheasant, after coming to the main world, it can be regarded as an indirect completion of his vision. Because in this world, the new navy that defeated the Marine Fando navy has defined the Tianlong people as beings like ordinary people in the waters under their control.


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