Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 382: The demise of the dragons

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With Wan Jun's shocking power and the high-end combat power of the navy, the Four Emperors Allied Forces quickly stopped fighting.

Every pirate in Wano country knows that their era is over.

Once the name of the Four Emperors was a shock in every corner of the world, but after today, everyone should only know the existence of the Dressrosa Navy.


At this time, the white beard was lying on the ground, his hands were paralyzed on both sides, his eyes were looking at the blue sky. When the fighting camp was over, he knew it was over.

"Rest assured, Punk Hassad Island is building a new naval prison, and you will be held in the same place with your sons."

I don't know when, Wan Jun fell to the ground again, and Wano Kingdom, which was pulled up, also slowly descended.

"fair enough......"

Wan Jun's arrangement is not bad for Whitebeard. Although he and all his sons will be imprisoned, it saves the days of fighting and killing pirates, and he only needs to rest every day.

However, compared to Whitebeard, the other Four Emperors Pirates don't think of these things. They resist being put in prison, but their combat power cannot match the Dressrosa Navy, so in the end they Can only passively accept the arrangement of the new navy.

And because there were too many pirates caught this time, the Navy's ships could not be transported back to Punk Hassad, which was about to be completed. Therefore, after Wan Jun let most of the Navy's personnel board the ship, he directly controlled the ships that had been transported. The island of Wano Country that had started floated in the direction of Dressrosa.

Moving an island like this is unheard of for everyone in the pirate world. Although the golden lion in the past was also called the pirate of the sky, the controlled floating object was only a ship, which was nothing compared to the island controlled by Wan Jun.

The island of Wano country is larger than most of the islands in the pirate world. If Wan Jun wants to destroy a kingdom, he only needs to put the uprooted Wano country into that kingdom, and the attacked kingdom will be destroyed. The whole disappears from the map.

Of course, doing such a thing is completely unnecessary for Wan Jun. What he wants is to conquer the world, not destroy it.

"Sir, there seems to be some energy fluctuations over there."

Just as Wano, which was floating in the sky, was gradually approaching Dressrosa, Uchiha Obito, who came to reinforce from Naruto World, came to Wan Jun and pointed in the direction of the Red Clay Continent and said to Wan Jun. .

"I have already sensed it." When Uchiha Obito came to report, Wan Jun had already sensed the group of energy bodies that were still very far away.

He originally wanted to chat with Shanks, but after sensing this energy body, he stopped in place, and after knowing that Uchiha Obito was coming, he pointed his finger in the direction of the Red Earth Continent, "It's not Chakra. , nor the energy of the Devil Fruit."

"If I think correctly, it should be the ancient weapon of the World Government 'Uranus'."

"Ancient weapons?"

Uchiha Obito is confused about the ancient weapons mentioned by Wan Jun. He has been in this pirate world for a while, but he only knows about devil fruits and sea kings. Haven't heard of it at all.

"One of the ultimate weapons in this world." Because it was suspected that the attack of the king of Uranus would take a while to fly, Wan Jun was not in a hurry and explained to Uchiha Obito, "You can be regarded as the reincarnation eye of our world. Bar."

"Reincarnation eye?"

Obito is a member of the Uchiha clan, and he also became Hokage of Konoha. Of course, he knows the meaning of Samsara Eye.

If the energy body attacked from the Red Earth Continent is really the same level as Samsara Eye, then this attack must not be underestimated.

However, there is Wan Jun on Wano Country Island. Uchiha Obito is not in a hurry. In this pirate world, there should be nothing that can threaten Wan Jun.

"Come on." Just when Uchiha Obito was still guessing what the attack was, Wan Jun suddenly took a step forward, and the whole person floated up just like in the battle just now.

And just after Wan Jun finished speaking, a bright spot suddenly appeared in the sky. As soon as this bright spot appeared, it was even brighter than the sun in the sky.

The pirates who were imprisoned on Wano Kingdom couldn't sit still when they saw this scene. This thing looked like it was attacking the floating Wano Kingdom, and it was definitely not easy to see the brightness. Wan Jun's attack is almost the same.

"Stop now!"

"That thing is coming!"

The pirates looked at the rapidly approaching light, and all became anxious. If this thing collided, it is very likely that the island of Wano country would disappear directly.

Compared with the excited pirates, Shanks, who was also on the island, was much calmer. When he saw the light appear, the corners of his mouth even tilted upwards slightly. The Four Emperors, who had been in contact with the Five Old Stars of Mary Joa, seemed to know the effect of this light.

"Is there really no problem?" Beside Shanks, Ben Beckman, who was watched by Mihawk and others, asked Shanks softly.

Before the battle, Shanks had already told Ben Beckman about his connection with Mary Joa, and the so-called smartest man among the pirates was also a little worried.

Ben Beckman didn't have any doubts about Shanks. The object of his suspicion was Mary Joa on the red soil continent. Ben Beckman knew that the World Government was not an easy role to play with, and they were not to be believed. Although from the news Shanks said, the blow of this light spot was aimed at Wan Jun alone, but it was getting closer and closer, and the light that covered the sky seemed to be somewhat beyond Ben Beckman's expectations.

However, when all the pirates and Ben Beckman were on high alert for the light, Wan Jun, who was floating in the air, didn't mean to panic at all. This is the Admiral of the Navy who defeated the Allied Forces of the Four Emperors quietly floating in the air, waiting for the arrival of light.

At this time, the light attacked by King Uranus of the day had already approached Wano. Its brightness had surpassed the sun, covering most of the sky. Most of the pirates who looked directly were even blinded by the strong light. Temporarily lost sight.

"Is he still moving?" Not far from Shanks, the white beard who was being treated by Marco looked at Wan Jun in midair and frowned.

From Whitebeard's point of view, this light is about to arrive in Wano, and if Wan Jun doesn't take action, he will obviously be a bit overwhelmed.

"He moved!" Foil Bista, who was leaning against Whitebeard, saw Wan Jun's movement after Whitebeard finished speaking. At this time, Wan Jun, who was in midair, raised his right hand towards the direction of the light, as if to The bright light that was about to attack at the moment of head-on attack.

Under the watchful eyes of those who were able to withstand strong light, such as Whitebeard, Wan Jun, who had already floated outside Wano Country, directly bumped into the light with his hands.

"Divine power!"

As Wan Jun spit out these two words, the light that was only a palm away from Wan Jun's fingers disappeared instantly, as if it had never appeared in this sky.

The sudden disappearance of light made Whitebeard and others stunned for a moment. This was not the huge explosion they imagined, and Wan Jun was not directly evaporated by the attack. The light did not even affect the flowers and plants of Wano.

"What's going on? Is it a new ability." Whitebeard is no stranger to these abilities that Wan Jun uses. Now even if Wan Jun can drain all the water in the sea, Whitebeard is not surprised. They will also believe what they say.

"This ability..."

When Whitebeard wanted to discuss with Marko and the others what department it belongs to, the bright light that had just disappeared reappeared. But the difference is that this time the light flew back towards the trajectory that it had just come from.

"He can still bounce that attack back!"

It wasn't just the members of the Whitebeard Pirates who were shocked at this time, Shanks beside him also widened his eyes. He also knows a little about the abilities of Uranus, the king of heaven. The power of ancient weapons cannot be resisted by a single person. But at this time, Wan Jun not only perfectly resisted the attack of the king, but also sent the opponent's attack back.

Wan Jun's performance made Shanks silent. From this moment on, he knew that the world government had no ability to suppress Dressrosa's new navy.

"That's it." After the light gradually faded away, Shanks closed his eyes and leaned against the stone beside him, accepting his fate.

After seeing Shanks' performance, Ben Beckman also shook his head, imitating the appearance of his own pirate captain, closing his eyes and resting aside.

The pirates are completely quiet now, but contrary to the performance of these pirates, they are indeed members of the navy. When they saw Wan Jun sending the light back, they all started cheering. They thought that even if the light did not cause any damage, the splash damage from the collision with Wan Jun would hurt the island. personnel.

But what the navy did not expect was that not only did they not suffer any damage, Wan Jun even sent the attack back intact.

After this threat was over, Wan Jun's Wano country island set off again and floated in the direction of Dressrosa. But just as Wano Country Island continued to move forward, the Marijoya Tianlong people on the red soil continent brought their doomsday.

The strong light with huge energy whistled and smashed towards Marijoa, because it lost the target locked by the king of Uranus, the strong light directly hit the most central position of Marijoa. When the strong light hit the ground, the smoke and dust rose instantly, covering the area where Mary Joa was located.

And the damage caused by the strong light is far more than that. When it smashed the surface and went to the depths, the entire Red Earth Continent also shook.

This time's attack not only turned Mariejoa into nothing, but when the smoke and dust dissipated, on both sides of the red earth continent, in the eyes of those sailing on the great route, the originally flat red earth continent was directly smashed into a hole, The continent that was originally a line became a concave shape.

"What kind of power made the Red Earth Continent look like this..."

Everyone's eyes were focused on the opened red soil continent, but Wan Jun, who caused this scene, rushed to Dressrosa with Wano Country.

When the Wano country island controlled by Wan Jun floated to the vicinity of Punk Hazard Island, Morgans sent the latest photos of the Red Earth Continent to Wan Jun.

"So, did Mary Joa disappear?" Wan Jun asked Morgans with a smile when he saw the red clay continent with a large gap in the photo.

Morgans had no idea at all at this time, he only knew that he must unite around the new navy and serve the new navy.

Therefore, under Wan Jun's questioning, the president of the World Economic News Agency respectfully said to Wan Jun: "Yes, Mr. Wan Jun, a gap has been smashed in the Red Earth Continent, and there is a gap in this gap. It is the Holy Land Mary Joa."

"That is to say, the World Government no longer exists, and neither does the Tianlong people." Wan Jun returned the photo to Morgans, and he walked to the cliff of Wano Country's island, "Very well, the World Government's This one at least saves me from having to do it myself."

After the disappearance of Mary Joa, Wan Jun's progress in conquering the world has gone one step further. What he has to do after that is to wipe out all the pirates at sea, and let the kingdoms that refuse to submit to them bury their proud heads.

And these things don't even need Wan Jun to go out in person. He has already solved the four emperors and the world government. He just needs to wait for the actions of his subordinates. For Wan Jun, it was only a matter of time before he conquered the world.

"Yes, my lord, now the whole world is in your hands." Morgans said with a smile while bending over.

After saying this, Morgans raised his head slightly~www.readwn.com~ Seeing that Wan Jun did not intend to answer, he took another step forward and asked tentatively: "Sir, now the world government No longer exists, are you re-..."

Before Morgans could finish speaking, Wan Jun raised his hand, "Let's talk about the formation of the New World Government when we return to Dressrosa. Now the most important thing is to treat these pirates on the island. To Punk Hassad Island."

Wan Jun is not very interested in the formation of the new world government of Pirate World. These matters can be handed over to Mihawk and others. After the formation of the new world government, Mihawk and others will also be responsible for cleaning up. Drop the last island, Lavrud, that all pirates flock to.

"Yes, my lord." Seeing that Wan Jun didn't want to discuss this, Morgans could only smile and nod.

Now that everything in this world is in Wan Jun's hands, Morgans does not dare to disobey the words of this lord. All he needs to do now is to serve Wan Jun's new navy well, so that he and the World Economic News can survive.


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