Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 390: Awakening Warhammer Giant

"Give them another week. After a week, we will directly cross the sea to Marais. If they are not willing to surrender by then, the giant power on them will be handed over to you."

Wan Jun didn't have much expectations for this world. The combat power of the giant world was not very useful to Wan Jun. He came to this world mainly to achieve conquest, so as to quickly generate another world. 's portal.

"Okay, Your Majesty."

The high-level people in the wall are of course very willing to hear Wan Jun's answer. After all, compared to the three honorary Marais who were imprisoned, the people in the wall are obviously more trustworthy.

Giving the power of the three giants to those from the Malay Empire, not only the high-level people inside the wall, but also the members of the survey corps such as Han Ji and Levi are also not very relieved.

"Will your people control the warships on the dock? The Marais on those warships should still cooperate, right?" Wan Jun looked at the Marais Empire dock not far away and said to the people beside him.

Although Wan Jun was able to send these Eldians directly to Marais, he didn't want to do everything by himself. After all, he didn't stay in this world for too long. After he left, the world was still there. It is up to these Eldians to maintain the state of conquest.

And at that time, there is no Wan Jun who can help them, so these Eldians now have to adapt to the existence of the "god" without him.

"Your Majesty, those Marais are still cooperative. Our soldiers are learning to control their warships. When we arrive in Marais, we will definitely give them a surprise." Very confident, after all, they have already fought the Marais on the Marais' dock. Although these Marai giants have the help of firearms, in the face of the Eldians with three-dimensional mobile devices, they obviously still have some slow firearms that cannot compete with the Eldians.

"Very good. If you finish training earlier, you can start earlier. By the way, I brought you a helper today, and I'm also one of the nine giants of wisdom."

When Wan Jun came to the giant world, he did not open the warehouse immediately. After all, the number of warehouses was limited, with only 800 places. And it is for this reason that Wan Jun does not want to waste too many places in this giant world. Neither humans nor giants will have any qualitative improvement in Wan Jun's combat power.

Wan Jun, who had this idea, did not summon the first giant world character in the warehouse for the first time, but waited until the Eldia arrived at the seaside before preparing to summon the first giant world character.

"Wise giant?"

The people in the wall following Wan Jun have been popularized by information about this world, and they also know that there are nine giants of wisdom in this world. But the nine giants that Wan Jun mentioned before were all in Paraty Island and the Marais Empire. Wan Jun didn't say that any giants should be awakened through.

"Yes, the giant of wisdom, I created another giant in the image of the nine giants. After he comes, he will help you fight against the Marais Empire together."

After Wan Jun finished speaking, he directly contacted the warehouse system in his mind.

‘Just wake up the Warhammer Giant Huan. ’

'Okay, Your Excellency Administrator. ’

The warhammer giant in the warehouse was ready to come after Wan Jun came to this world, and just like Wan Jun just arrived in the world of pirates, as soon as he came to this world, he could directly wake up a character, and this character, Exactly the Warhammer Giant.

'Waking up...'

'Warehouse 3, stock 759/800.

Awakening: Willie Dyba (Warhammer Giant), 28, at his prime:

He is the patriarch of the Dyba family and the owner of the Warhammer Giant.

Like most members of the Dyba family, they secretly control everything in the Marais Empire.

However, unlike the older generation, the new patriarch of the Daiba family wants to rebuild the glory that belongs to the Eldia people, and wants to bring the Eldia Empire back to the world.

And what made this plan possible was, of course, the cooperation with the Eldians inside the wall.

'We the Eldians must regain control of the world. ''

This is the whole introduction to the new character Warhammer Giant that Wan Jun is about to awaken, a character who is not the same as the historical Warhammer Giant.

Although this Willie Dyba is indeed a member of the Dyba family, he is not the owner of the giant warhammer in the main world. The one who can really use the power of the giant warhammer is his sister.

But Wan Jun has seen this kind of thing a lot in Naruto World and Pirate World. Yahiko can be Naruto, Mihawk can be a general, and why is it surprising that Willy Deba has become a Warhammer giant? .

With Wan Jun's awakening, this member of the Daiba family from the Marais Empire also appeared directly in the eyes of a group of Eldians.

"This is the command giant I brought to you - Warhammer Willy Deba." After Willy appeared, Wan Jun patted the warhammer giant on the shoulder and introduced to the Eldian next to him.

"Your Majesty, is this the Warhammer Giant?"

Previously, Pixis and others had learned from Wan Jun that the Warhammer Giant belonged to the Marais Empire, and this guy named Daiba seemed to be the family of the Warhammer Giant.

"Willie, show your abilities to you." Wan Jun did not answer Pixis's question directly, but turned to Willy Daiba next to him.

The warhammer giant who just came to the main world doesn't seem to recognize the situation around him yet, but just now, Pixis's words reminded him that His Excellency Wan Jun doesn't seem to want everyone to know his identity?

After receiving this information, Willy Daiba did not directly address Wan Jun as Your Excellency, but followed the example of Pixis and others: "Okay, Your Majesty."

After saying this, Willy Daiba walked out of the crowd and gave birth to his giant power.

Unlike several other giant transformations, although this warhammer giant also brought the warhammer giant out of the 'road', his body is not at the back of the warhammer giant's neck, but through the underground connection. Wire-controlled Warhammer Giant.

This kind of control method surprised the people inside the wall. They had never seen such a giant that could be remotely controlled.

Before that, whether it was Aaron or Reiner and others, they all placed themselves on the back of the giant's neck to control the giant's body, but the Warhammer giant obviously did the opposite.


Just when you were still amazed by the remote control giant within the walls, the warhammer giant suddenly raised a giant thorn on the ground in front, stabbed a hole in the ground.

After that, the Warhammer Giant also had a warhammer that matched its name. The weapons used by Willy Daiba are obviously not only warhammers. After smashing the giant thorns with the warhammer, Willy Daiba also manufactures various weapons other than bows and swords.

"This giant is obviously stronger than other giants. And it is more reasonable to call it a weapon giant than the warhammer giant." Among the commanding giants that Pixis has seen, he can't use weapons. , or that there is no suitable weapon for them to wield freely.

Although humans can create huge weapons for giants to use, when these intelligent giants have not yet transformed, the transportation of weapons has become a long-standing problem.

Although those weapons are a piece of cake for giants, once they are transported by manpower or horsepower, the manpower and material resources will be extremely huge. For a giant body that is basically a one-time use, it is obviously not worth the loss. .

After all, even if the human who manipulates the giant intelligent loses the giant's body, he can continue to create a second body. Since it can be used repeatedly, neither protection nor attack needs to be so powerful.

After Pixis finished speaking, the attack giant Allen on the side also echoed: "Yeah, his ability is too powerful compared to my attack giant."

At this time, Allen had not completely integrated the ability to attack giants, nor had he come into contact with King Blood, so he didn't know anything about Lu. Just because Aaron doesn't know these things, he doesn't know how powerful the attack giant and the ancestor giant he has are.

But after Allen finished speaking, Mikasa next to him immediately said to Allen: "Allen, you are the most powerful."

To Mikasa, no matter how powerful others are, in her eyes, there is only Ellen.

"Okay, Willy, come back." Wan Jun just wanted everyone to see the ability of the warhammer giant, so after the word Willie made another hit weapon, he called the warhammer giant back.

When Willy walked back to the crowd, Wan Jun C said again: "Willie is very familiar with the Marais Empire. If you don't know anything about the Marais Empire, you can ask Willy directly."

Wan Jun's knowledge of the Marais Empire also comes from animation, and the description of the Marais Empire in the animation is not too much. Wan Jun doesn't know much about all aspects of this world.

And after Willie arrived, this situation could finally be broken. This nobleman from the Marais Empire, the man behind the scenes, had a better understanding of the Marais Empire than Wan Jun.

"Can I ask anything?" As soon as Wan Jun finished speaking, Han Ji was immediately excited. What this member of the Survey Corps wanted to do was, of course, the study of giants, or the study of the unknown.

Willie Deba, who just appeared, the holder of the giant warhammer, of course, became Han Ji's hunting target directly.

If it really is what Wan Jun, the king of the gods, said, the warhammer giant must know more about giants than the people inside the wall.

"Okay, let's do it today. After your manpower learns to control the battleship, we will set off."

After saying this, Wan Jun flew directly into the air and flew towards the pier.

At this time, on the dock built by the Marais Empire, there were many soldiers stationed in the Corps and the Survey Corps. Some of them were on guard nearby to prevent the giants from slipping through the net.

And more people are flocking on the battleship, listening to the guidance of the prisoners of the Marais Empire, and having the simplest understanding of the battleship.

The fleets of the Marais Empire were not the ones that brought Gek to Paraty Island later. These Marai soldiers who have just arrived on Paraty Island, their task is to exile a group of Eldians into Paradise. And just when they were about to turn those Eldians captured by the Marais into dirt giants, Wan Jun appeared with a group of people inside the wall.

With Wan Jun's participation, the people inside the wall have an overwhelming advantage over this small group of Marais. And because it was on the pier, these people had nowhere to escape. They could only let the 'devils' on Paraty Island go after they gave up their resistance.

Those Eldians who were rescued were the ones who resisted the rule of the Marais in the Marais Empire, and how many of them were actually arrested for resisting the Marais Empire is unknown.

"Your Majesty, there seems to be a ship passing by in the open sea."

Just when Wan Jun was staying on the high platform built to prevent giants by the pier, a soldier of the Survey Corps in charge of the lookout ran over to report to Wan Junhui.

"A ship?" Wan Jun looked in the direction indicated by the soldier of the Survey Corps. There was indeed a white ship sailing in that sea area.

"You guys continue to train, you don't need to go out, I'll go take a look." Because the Eldians have not yet controlled the operation of the warship, Wan Jun did not dare to let these people out, but flew into the air by himself. The direction of the white ship quickly approached.

When Wan Jun set off, the prisoners on the Marais warship were all stunned. They had seen Wan Jun's power once before, but when they saw Wan Jun flying in the sky again, they were shocked again.

"They call the man in the sky God." Because they were teaching the people inside the wall how to control the battleship, these Marais could be considered to have learned a lot of information from the Eldia people in the wall.

For example, Wan Jun was made into the 'God King's Crown~www.readwn.com~ within the wall. All the giants they sent were captured, and the Eldians in the wall were preparing to counterattack the Marais Empire.

These news have also become very magical after being spread by every soldier in the wall.

Regarding Wan Jun's strength, the Marais certainly have no doubts. After all, their failure is because of Wan Jun's ice age.

In the previous battle with the Marais Empire, Wan Jun's Ice Age was even frozen with the gun barrels. Without the help of artillery and firearms, the defeat of the Marais was expected.

"What are you looking at! Can you, the Marais, see your majesty as well?" The members of the garrison who stood behind the Marai soldiers hurriedly stepped forward and scolded after hearing the muttering of the two.

"Yes Yes."

After the voices of the soldiers in the garrisoned corps sounded, these Marais remembered that this was not in the Marais Empire, and their status was lower than the Eldians behind them.

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