Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 400: 1 punch man

After questioning nearby residents, Wan Jun also gradually learned where he is now. The city he is in is not City B, which is on the lower right side of City Z, where Saitama is located.

Since City B ranks second in the alphabet, it also shows the importance of its city. Because it is the largest and the most developed City A, City B is still very prosperous compared to other cities.

However, this B city was directly destroyed in the battle between Saitama and the giant in the main world line.

"Weird, there are weirdos!"

Just when Wan Jun was still sighing that City B was still relatively prosperous, the surrounding citizens of City B exclaimed loudly.

The citizens of One Punch World are a very dangerous profession. They are threatened by weirdos all the time, and at some point, they will be sent away by their own heroes.

Accompanied by the shouts of these citizens, an incomparably tall monster suddenly popped out of the tall buildings in the distance. This monster was a super giant that suddenly turned into a weirdo because of his brother's reagent.

This super giant is even bigger than the giants in the giant world. According to the setting, after this thing falls, it will directly destroy the city of B. Of course, this is only the setting of the animation. In the comics, his height is still not enough to destroy a city.

"It seems that the plot has only just begun."

After Wan Jun saw this super huge resident, he knew where the world line of this main world was.

"Is it still coming towards me?" Wan Jun, who didn't want to care about the giant, looked up, just in time to see the super-large giant walking in his direction.

Since the giant himself came to the door, Wan Jun was not ready to shirk. When the giant was about to come near him, Wan Jun also flew directly into the sky, ready to stop the giant's pace.

Not enough Wan Jun's body is a little too small compared to this super-large giant. The giant on the move cannot directly observe Wan Jun flying into the sky. After all, Wan Jun now is like a fly to her, and he has no interest in flies flying in the air.

Seeing this, Wan Jun also knew that he was ignored because of his size, and he came to the world of One Punch Man. He could use more energy than the world of giants. Although it was not a lot, it was enough for him. Use a giant Thor or literally thousands of hands.


When the giant was about to touch Wan Jun, there was a sudden lightning and thunder in front of the giant, and in a burst of dazzling electric light, a super-large Thor appeared in front of the giant.

"What is this?" The giant brother with strong limbs and a simple mind asked the scientist brother standing on his shoulder, "Brother, what is this?"


The scientist brother didn't know what the other party was, but to him, it didn't seem to matter. His current brother was so powerful that even if the other party was a giant, it was impossible to defeat his giant brother, "Don't worry about it. He, as long as anyone stops us, just kill him!"

"Okay, brother." As soon as his scientist brother finished speaking, the giant stretched out his arm and attacked Wan Jun's Thor.


Although Thor is still smaller than a giant, his power is not comparable to that of a giant. When the giant's right hand was about to touch Wan Jun's God of Thunder, a thunderbolt suddenly sounded in the sky. After that, a dazzling light almost blinded the eyes of the residents in this area.

After this bright light, when the surrounding residents saw what was happening in the sky, they saw that the giant's arm had been burnt to pitch black.

"What?" Brother scientist was startled when he saw this scene. Could this guy be a dragon-level weirdo? The strength is so powerful.

"Crackling, crackling, crackling."

Just when the people around were still dumbfounded, Thor, who was covered in electric light, raised his right hand, and the shape of his arm suddenly changed into a single beam of light that reached the sky, rushing directly to the sky.

"God's Punishment!"

When Wan Jun's voice sounded, a larger beam of light suddenly descended from the sky and smashed it in the direction of the giant.


After the huge lightning beam hit the giant, there was a sudden loud noise. With the end of the loud noise, the super giant was instantly scorched black, and the scientist brother on his shoulder was directly smashed.

"elder brother!"

Although the giant brother was smashed to the ground, he was not knocked down directly, but still had huge vitality, but the brother on his shoulder was not so lucky, and this beam of light directly made him disappear into this world middle.


The furious brother of the giant roared, and the whole person began to step in the direction of Wan Jun, "Go to hell!"

"Oh." Wan Jun saw the giant look like this, and after sneering, he controlled Thor to raise his right hand, "Thunder Dragon!"


As Wan Jun's voice sounded, a thunder dragon composed of thunder and lightning quickly flew towards the super-large giant.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

The Thunder Dragon passed through the body of the super-large giant and kept making loud noises, and in the continuous attack of the Thunder Dragon, the super-large giant was also burned blacker and darker, and finally turned into a burst of fly ash and disappeared in this B City on the land.

"The giant monster has been wiped out!"

"Finally gone!"

"What are you happy about? You know this isn't a giant?"

Just when most of the residents of City B began to cheer, the citizens who were still frowning beside them began to worry. After all, there is still a huge gap between Wan Jun's Thor and human beings. In this world full of weirdos, no one can guarantee that this giant, which is also huge and composed of thunder and lightning, is a weirdo.

However, when Wan Jun canceled Thor and revealed his true body in mid-air, these citizens finally breathed a sigh of relief. This is a human being, not a giant.

"Is it a hero of the Hero Association? Why didn't I find it."

"Is it a hero who hasn't logged in yet?"

When the surrounding citizens saw Wan Jun's real body, they took out their mobile phones and began to search for Wan Jun's information, but without exception, these citizens did not find even a single word of information about Wan Jun.

When everyone started to discuss, Saitama, who had just arrived, was very interested in Wan Jun's thunderbolt.

To Saitama, it doesn't matter if Wan Junqiang is strong or not, but his thunder and lightning special effects are really handsome.

Although Saitama was very curious, he had no intention of having a chat with Wan Jun. After all, he still had to go to the supermarket to buy some beef.

Although Saitama didn't come to find Wan Jun who had dealt with the giant, the surrounding Hero Association members hurried over in Wan Jun's direction.

Because the strength that Wan Jun showed just now is too strong, the Hero Association headquarters has prepared to directly incorporate Wan Jun into the ranks of S-class heroes. This is not only because Wan Jun eliminated the giant, but also because of the strength Wan Jun showed when he defeated the giant.

"Quick! Quickly!"

The officials sent by the Heroes Association headquarters to contact Wan Jun kept urging the members to drive. He could not guarantee that he would meet Wan Jun at this speed.

Fortunately, when the official of the Hero Association of City B arrived at the scene where the giant was destroyed, Wan Jun was still on the high-rise building near the battlefield just now, watching the ruins that were stepped on by the giant.

"The world of this punch seems to be more cruel than the world of giants." Wan Jun has been to the world of giants, so he knows that the cruelty of the world of giants is only for the Eldians inside the wall. And more importantly, even if the Eldians inside the wall were not breached, their living environment was not threatened too much.

But the people of this fist world are different. Their dangers are everywhere, and no one can guarantee that the neighbor who was grinning and talking to him just now will become a giant next time.

And more often, super weirdos like super giants suddenly appear, destroying a village or city in one fell swoop.

"This... huhu... This lord, I finally found you." The B City Hero Association official who had seen Wan Jun's power on TV quickly ran to him after seeing Wan Jun . Although he was still gasping for breath, his words were still very respectful, for fear of angering this incomparably powerful hero.

Wan Jun, who had already sensed the official of the Hero Association, turned around slowly, looked at him and said, "Oh? What are you doing here?"

"Sir, I am a member of the Heroes Association of City B. I am here to invite you on behalf of the headquarters." Because Wan Jun does not exist on the list of the Heroes Association headquarters, as soon as the headquarters contacted him, he ordered him Wan Jun must be recruited to the Hero Association.

"Hero Association? So fast."

Although Wan Jun knew the existence of the Hero Association, what he didn't expect was that he had just defeated the giant, and the Hero Association headquarters had already sent someone to find his own.

"Hey, my lord, the headquarters has given a death order, and we must contact you immediately." The member of the Heroes Association of City B grinned and continued, "I wonder if your lord has any idea of ​​joining the Heroes Association?"

When the member of the Hero Association asked this question, he was very worried. After all, if the adult refused, it would be difficult for him to reply to the headquarters.

However, Wan Jun seems to have no opinion on the Hero Association. After all, the Hero Association should be regarded as the most powerful organization in the world. If he can directly control this organization, then his control of the world will be much faster.

In the past, because the giant world controlled the Eldians and controlled the world, this process was a lot easier for Wan Jun, so after coming to this one punch world, Wan Jun still prefers to use this process to complete the one punch world. of conquest.

"OK, no problem."

When Wan Jun nodded in agreement, the member of the Hero Association breathed a sigh of relief. After all, compared to those C-level B-level heroes, Wan Jun, who is more powerful than ordinary S-level heroes at first glance, recruited this The words of this kind of person are also very helpful to him in the association.

And just when the association member was still secretly happy, Wan Jun asked him, "I don't know what my current level is?"

"S-class, of course it's S-class, Your Excellency." The association member said to Wan Jun with a smile.

Having seen Wan Jun's powerful abilities, he even has an idea that this existence that can control thunder and lightning may be more powerful than the most powerful heroes in the association, the two strongest human beings, Blast and Tornado.

"S-level, that's not bad." Wan Jun is quite satisfied with this level. After all, if he were to start from C-level or B-level, he would not have the patience to do daily tasks.

"The association will broadcast your S-class information later. I believe that all cities will know of your S-class hero's existence soon."

After finishing speaking, the officials of the Heroes Association of City B looked at Wan Jun with some flattery, and then said, "This lord, do you know where you usually live?"

Because Wan Jun has never appeared in the world of one punch, the members of the association thought Wan Jun was a master hermit. Since he appeared in City B for the first time, Wan Jun probably lived near City B. of. And it is for this reason that the association member of City B very much hopes that Wan Jun can stay in City B. After all, there are not many heroes in City B, and there is no S rank. This kind of combat power is compared with that of City B. In terms of position, it is quite weak.

Without the existence of the S-level, the city would be a little powerless when facing ghost-level or even dragon-level monsters. This can be seen when the super giant appears. If there were S-rank officials such as Tornadoes or Mechanical Knights stationed in City B at that time, then the giants would not have caused such a big threat.

"I haven't found a place to live yet, but I'm going to Z City recently."

For Wan Jun, City A and City Z, located at the center of the One Punch World storyline, are the places he plans to go. Only in these two places can he meet a powerful enough giant and make his influence continue to rise. .

City A is the center of the whole one-punch world~www.readwn.com~ Whether it is strength or financial resources, it is at the top. And Z City is the city where Saitama lives, and below the city, there is an organization opposite to the Hero Association - the Weird Association.

"Z City? That's not a good place." Of course, this Hero Association member knew the situation in Z City. It was very dangerous. There were basically no people living in the suburbs. There were so many weird people there. It's like hell.

But the member thought about it, with Wan Jun's strength, even if he encounters weird people, there is no danger. It may be these weird people who need to escape.

"Go back and tell the association headquarters, I will be stationed in Z city in the future."

After saying this, Wan Jun was about to take off directly to the direction of Z City, but when he was about to leave, Wan Jun suddenly turned around and said to the member: "By the way, there is no introduction yet. Now, my name is Wan Jun, don't forget to report to your headquarters later."


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