Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 58: Snake Princess and Orochimaru

After Tobirama left, Wan Juncai continued to say to Senju Hasuma: "Minato stayed there for the time being, and will be back in a while."

"Why don't you stay there? Well, I just need him when I see him there." Chisuma Hasuma also saw what that Konoha had turned into before. At this time, one more Minato would really be much better.

After he finished speaking, Hasuma wanted to leave, but suddenly stopped and said to Wan Jun, "By the way, what about that child? It's the child named Naruto."

"Here, I'll find him later, Minato will not be long, let him play with Tsunade Tobirama for a while." Wan Jun, who doesn't know how to take children at all, the last thing he wants to meet is Tobirama Naruto Children of this age.

Thinking of this, Wan Jun didn't want to go to Naruto anymore, so he directly called Fu Jian Qi Shi, who passed by him, and asked the team's toolman to inform Naruto.

After Fu Jian Qi Shi took over the task, as expected by Wan Jun, Naruto, who had just met his father not long ago, made a fuss and was going to find his father. But fortunately, on the outside of Tobirama, a hand knife smashed Naruto directly, allowing Fu Jian Qi Shi to move back to the room.

Because of the absence of Watergate, Wan Jun's team's ability to obtain this bounty dropped a lot.

The first generation said that he was very tired every day because of the world war where Minato was located. Although Wan Jun did not see how much he ate less, but going out to do bounty missions must not let the **** of ninjas go. Done.

After throwing aside the Hokage of Senju Hashirama, the only one left who can fight against most of the bounty characters is Snake. But this scientific research expert has never left the laboratory after he has Feiduan and Samsara Eye, and every day's meals are sent to him by Fu Jian Qi Shi.

In this way, the only ninjas that Wan Jun can really send out to carry out missions are the two members of the Jōnin level, Toshiba Tokien and Tobirama Senju.

However, no matter how they look at it, they don't seem to be able to accomplish anything. One is the team's tool man, Fu Jian Qishi.

As for the thousand-hand Tobirama, Wan Jun didn't want to send it out. Although the second generation of Konoha, who will become Hokage when he grows up, and is still very strong, he didn't win much after Wan Jun woke up. .

The second-generation Hokage of the Senju family was either beaten by Jiraiya or almost beaten by Kakashi. Most recently, Madara Uchiha kicked out an internal hemorrhage. Fortunately, there are Senju Hakuma and Minato World. A large number of medical ninjas, otherwise, this guy will be scrapped directly.

"Could it be that I was the only one who went?" After thinking about it for a long time, Wan Jun felt that the job of going out to find money seemed to be the only one he could do.

"Qi Shi, what do you think we should do now?" Wan Jun, who couldn't figure out how to solve the funding problem after thinking for a long time, still brought Fu Jian Qi Shi over.

This Junin should be regarded as a person in the organization who has some experience in making money.

"My lord, why don't you ask Lord Sheji to sell something?" When Fujian Qishi went to Sheji to deliver food before, he could see a lot of things in the room out of thin air. These things should be worth it. A lot of money.

"Sell her stuff?" After listening to Fu Jian Qi Shi's words, Wan Jun looked in the direction of Sheji's laboratory. "It's been so many days, and I don't know if anything has been researched."

"Lord Snake Princess has a lot of things every day, and Lord Sheji released that Orochimaru yesterday. Lord, you have to let Lord Sheji pay more attention." Speaking of Orochimaru, Fu Jian Qi Shi unconsciously He glanced at the room he used to live in, "How about you sell him? I don't think Orochimaru's bounty is low."


Wan Jun's eyes lit up when he was reminded by Fu Jian Qi Shi. Yes, Feiduan and Orochimaru are also valuable.

"Your suggestion is good, well, let's cook, I'll go to Sheji's place to see." Wan Jun said, patted Fu Jian Qi Shi's shoulder as a reward.

When Fu Jian Qi Shi was shot by Wan Jun like this, he immediately smiled, "Okay, my lord, I'll go right now."

After the two finished speaking, they walked in two directions respectively. When Wan Jun arrived outside Sheji's door, he knocked lightly and pushed open the door and walked in.

When Wan Jun entered Sheji's laboratory this time, it was very different from what he saw last time.

The whole room is now filled with bottles and jars, and the busy people in the room, in addition to Sheji, also have an Orochimaru.

At this time, Orochimaru was holding a small knife at Feiduan's arm on the table in the center of the room. When he saw Wan Jun coming in, he grinned, even saying hello to Wan Jun.

"Master Wan Jun." Different from Orochimaru, Sheji's greeting was much more enthusiastic. After seeing Wan Jun, this Snake Princess, who was basically the same as Orochimaru except for her gender, immediately leaned towards Wan Jun.

After leaning beside Wan Jun, She Ji pointed to where she was standing and said to Wan Jun, "Sir~www.readwn.com~ I'm going to buy some more things, this thing still needs some things."

What Snake Ji said at this time was the eye of reincarnation that Wan Jun brought back from the time and space of Minato.

"Do you want money?" Wan Jun looked at Sheji and asked.

Snake Ji thought for a while and replied, "This, I should have it."

"The money is almost gone, why don't you sell something? If you really don't sell it, both are fine." Wan Jun said, his head turned to the direction of Orochimaru and Feiduan.

"Orochimaru is not bad."

As soon as Wan Jun looked over, Sheji helped Orochimaru to speak, "Having him there can save a lot of trouble."

As soon as Sheji said this, Wan Jun's eyes on Sheji were wrong immediately. Seeing this, Orochimaru is still doing well here?

"If Orochimaru doesn't work, then go for the flying section. During this time, you should have almost studied him." Since Orochimaru is no good, then there is only the flying section.

This guy has been in a semi-conscious state, and he doesn't know what happened in the room, so Wan Jun doesn't worry about what this guy leaks.

"He, yes, it's useless." She Ji has already cut a lot of material from Feiduan, so it's not necessary if this guy is still here.

"That's fine, I'll ask Qi Shi to send it in exchange for the bounty tomorrow." Wan Jun said with a smile after receiving a positive answer from Sheji.

Although I can only send one, but this is a figure at the level of the Akatsuki organization, so I should be able to exchange a lot.

However, before Wan Jun could be happy, Orochimaru said next to Feiduan, "I think it's useful to keep it."

This Konoha Sannin, who has always been reluctant to part with immortality, is very attractive to him by Feiduan.

"It doesn't matter what you said here." Sheji smiled at Orochimaru and said.


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