Eight Hundred Hokage

Chapter 81: i want it all

The latest website: After Fu Jian Qi Shi paid the bill, the four followed Shimura Danzo's guards to Hokage's home.

Wan Jun is also very familiar with this place. Every generation of Hokage basically lives here, and it can be regarded as a village product of Konoha.

"There are still three people left." Wan Jun stood at the corner of the street and looked at Shimura Danzo's room. He saw that the six people who were guarding just now only left three, and the remaining three were at the main entrance and one at the roof. The other did not know where to go.

"This teacher is too cautious." As another disciple of Shimura Danzo, She Ji also felt that her teacher had done a little too much.

Being able to be a Hokage, she must be the best in Konoha in terms of strength, and there is an Anbu protection in the dark. With so many guards on the bright side, Snake Ji can't stand it anymore.

"Wait, it's still early, we'll take a look at night?" Wan Jun stared at the Hokage's residence and said helplessly, "If there's nothing else to do at night, let's go back directly."

It has been almost an hour or two since Wan Jun came to this world, but there is no sign of danger in this Konoha. Wan Jun has reason to suspect that this so-called danger is just what the steady Hokage thought in his mind.

Just when Wan Jun and the others were about to check the situation outside the Tuanzang residence, Konoha's third-generation Hokage was in his bedroom, holding a pen and paper, planning the next day's Five Shadows meeting. .

"Well, Tsunade and the three of them must be called tomorrow, as well as Hatake Sakumo and Namikaze Minato, these two little guys seem to be pretty good. By the way, I have to discuss it with Fuyue and Hizu. , let them send more people too."

Shimura Danzo used a pen to write and draw on paper, and it didn't take long before he drew the general appearance of the venue tomorrow, without wasting every position in the venue. Except for the center where the five shadows are located, every corner of the surrounding area has been written with names by Shimura Danzo.

"I just said that the Five Shadows Conference should not be held in Konoha, but this guy Hizan disagrees." Although Shimura Danzo had called back many ninjas who were doing missions outside before the Five Shadows Conference, he still felt that It wasn't enough, "Tokage, Raikage, Suikage, Kazekage, alas, it's really a headache."

"Lord Hokage, the people from Wuyin Village have arrived."

While Shimura Danzo was still contemplating dealing with various impending crises, an Anbu suddenly came to his desk.

"Minato, I've said it many times, don't forget to knock on the door." Shimura Danzo raised his head when he heard the voice, and already had a kunai in his hand. If it wasn't for the voice that was so familiar, the Kunwu in Danzo's hand might have been thrown out.

"Okay, Hokage-sama."

Although wearing Anbu's iconic mask, Minato with blond hair looks quite handsome. To get this effect, I have to thank the second generation Tobirama for the Anbu costumes and masks designed.

"You said just now that the people from the Hidden Mist Village are here? The third generation of Suikage is better than the third generation of Raikage." In Shimura Danzo's risk factor rankings, the third generation of Raikage is higher than the third generation of Mizukage. dozens of.

"According to your instructions, Lord Hizan has already taken them to rest." Minato reported the news he had just received to Shimura Danzo. As an Anbu guard appointed by Shimura Danzo, Minato has always been conscientious.

Shimura Danzo put down his pen, nodded and said, "Okay, I see. Tomorrow you and Sakumo will pay more attention to that third-generation Raikage from Yunyin Village. This guy has the worst temper."

"Okay, Hokage-sama." Minato responded to Danzo's order.

"By the way, where did Jiraiya and Tsunade go?" Tsunade and Jiraiya were both disciples of Shimura Danzo in this world, and they were also chosen for him by Qianshou Tobirama. At the time, Shimura Danzo was also happy to see it happen. After all, Danzo didn't need to perform any dangerous tasks with three people who had just started practicing ninjutsu.

But all of this was shattered by the rapid growth of Tsunade and the three of them, and the three quickly reached the strength of Jōnin. The tasks they take on are becoming more and more dangerous. And it is precisely because of Shimura Danzo's cautious leadership that he solved every task perfectly, thus slowly winning the position of Hokage.

"The two adults seem to have gone behind Hokage Rock. I think that Jiraiya-sama was caught up in the mountains. It should be that Jiraiya-sama has provoked Tsunade-sama again." Minato reported truthfully to Danzohui. .

"When are these two uneasy guys, they are still playing around. Hey, Orochimaru is better." At this time, Shimura Danzo only felt that among his three disciples, only Orochimaru was more obedient. some more.

Shimura Danzo was thinking about the only Orochimaru among his disciples who could keep him from worrying, but was immediately stabbed by Minato: "Master Orochimaru has left."

"What? Didn't I just call him back? Why did he run away?" Shimura Danzo stood up excitedly, but now was the critical moment of the Five Shadows Conference, and this guy Orochimaru started to lose his chain.

"He said that the two adults Tsunade were too noisy, and he will come back tomorrow." Minato is quite competent as a guard, and every news has been grasped by Shimura Danzo.

"Huh, that's fine, that's fine."

Shimura Danzo breathed a sigh of relief after learning that Orochimaru would return.

This is the first Five Shadows meeting held by Konoha since he became Hokage. Ever since this plan was implemented, Danzo Shimura has always felt a sense of crisis, for fear of what will happen tomorrow~www.readwn.com~ Yes Now, how is the Fei Lei God that I gave you some time ago? "In order to strengthen the strength of the wood, Danzo Shimura recently took out a lot of Konoha's forbidden techniques. Among them, there is the technique of the **** of thunder, which was handed over by Shimura Danzo to Namikaze Minato. And he His disciple, Orochimaru, took the reincarnation of the dirty earth from him.

"You're already very skilled, Hokage-sama." After Danzo asked, Minato Namikaze took out a kunai with the imprint of Fei Lei Shen from his pocket.

Shimura Danzo nodded with a smile, and affirmed Minato: "That's good, practice well."

After Danzo finished speaking, he also took the Kunwu in Minato's hands.

Minato Namikaze glanced at Kunai, who was holding Danzo in his hand, and didn't ask for it. Now that the information has been reported, Minato is not going to stay in Hokage's house. "Hokage-sama, I'd better go to Tsunade-sama first."

"it is good."

After Danzo replied, Namikaze Minato vanished into Danzo's house in a flash.

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