Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 101: Hell burial! (One/five)

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While Sakaski stood on the dock and looked at the ten warships, the Akadog, Fujitora, and Zefa on the warship were also observing the movements on the Chambord Islands.

"It's really like you." Zefa didn't participate in the last battle of Water Capital, so it was the first time I saw a member of the Wanxiu Pirate Group who looked like an acquaintance.

However, Aka Inu did not take his teacher's words. Instead, looking at the direction of the shampoo ground, he said to the ghost spider behind him: "Get closer and prepare to shell the shampoo ground."

Since it is a mission, Akagu will directly execute it to the end. No matter who is on the island now, it is always right to cover a wave of artillery first.

Under the order of Akagu, the ten warships moved a certain distance in the direction of Chambord, so that the entire Chambord archipelago could be covered by artillery fire.

"They're here!" Seeing that the navy's warship was getting closer to the Chambord Islands, Bucky, who was already nervous, became even more anxious.

Now Bucky has no way to leave the Chambord Islands. The only thing he can count on is the companion who looks exactly like the opponent's general.

"Do you know why I didn't let you go?" Sakarski didn't take care of the warships on the sea, but turned to talk to Bucky.

"Actually, when I went to Rayleigh before, the captain said that he would let you go. I asked the captain to keep you."

When Bucky heard this, his eyes widened, "What? Why?!"

Before Bucky could finish speaking, Sakarski continued: "Your fruit is very powerful, don't waste it."

"What?" Bucky didn't understand what Sakarski's words meant, he just felt that the surrounding temperature had risen a lot.

"You retreat to the island first."

When Sakaski spoke, both his left and right hands had already turned into a state of lava.

The hot lava rolled over Sakaski's arm, and the occasionally churned lava fell to the ground. After the hot lava came in contact with the slate on the ground, it was directly burned through.

When Bucky on the side saw this, he knew that Sakarski was about to start fighting, so he didn't have time to think about what Sakarski had just said, and he turned around and ran towards the ripping bar where Raleigh was.

Compared to Sakaski, Rayleigh's sense of security to Bucky is obviously more sufficient.

And just after Bucky left, Sakarski's lavaged arms were directly raised and turned into a pair of giant lava fists.

After seeing this scene, the general Aka Inu on the ship, who had always been very calm, couldn't help frowning.

"This is, Great Spitfire?"

When the general Akainu just said the name of the opponent's move, Sakaski on the island had already spewed a large amount of lava from the lava fist he made.

These engulfing flames with high temperatures fell from the sky and went straight to ten naval ships.

"Isn't this your Devil Fruit ability?" Zefa's tone was also full of doubts on the navy ship enveloped in lava.

Although in the information he knew, the opponent had already appeared with the same demon fruit ability as Doflamingo and Kata Kuri, but when he saw it with his own eyes, Zefa knew the strangeness of this.

The general Akainu who was asked by Zefa didn't know how to respond for a while, even if he was a real rockberry, but the situation in front of him was really difficult to analyze.

And just as Akinu and Zefa were still thinking about where the devil fruit of the other party came from, Fujitora, who had just joined the navy, had already drawn out his sword.

Although Fujitora is blind, his strong sense of sight allows him to easily understand the changes in his surroundings. The lava in the sky that was about to fall on the ship was clearly observed by Fujitora.

"Gravity Knife·Tianjin!"

In order not to damage the surrounding naval ships, Fujitora directly drew his sword towards the lava in the sky, and an invisible gravitational ripple also flew outwards from Fujitora's blade at high speed.

When this gravitational ripple hits the lava in the sky, the lava that was flying downwards stopped for an instant. The flame following the lava did not immediately stop the car. Instead, it plunged into the head of the lava and splashed. spark.


The navy on board the warships was a little panicked just now because of the lava overwhelming the sky. Although there are two generals on board, Akainu and Fujitora, as well as the chief instructor Zefa, the navy is still very bottomless in the face of the hot lava.

Fortunately, Fujitora directly halted the opponent's attack with a single blow.

But Fujitora's attack did not stop there. When all the lava stayed in the air, Fujitora directly flipped his stick and knife, and the lava in the sky also reversed its direction following Fujitor's movements.

The flames that had been gathered just now gradually moved towards the direction of the naval ship, and the lava that had been stagnant also began to fly upside down to the Chambord Islands.

While Fujitora made these moves, Zefa had been watching the new general by the side.

Although this general did not come from the training of the navy, just looking at the actions just now, this Fujitora does have the strength of a general.

While Zefa was observing Fujitora, Sakaski on the dock was also watching the sky change.

"It's Fujitora for no loss."

Sarkarski seemed to have expected the opponent's response long ago, so even if the lava flew upside down, Sarkarski did not panic at all.

However, compared to Fujitora, Sakarski wanted to see the strength of the opponent's general Akagu.

"Don't let me down."

After Sakaski murmured, his entire body began to melt at a rapid rate.

When the lava in the sky is about to fly back to the Chambord Islands ~www.readwn.com~The lava at the dock Sakaski is also rapidly expanding.

In the field of vision of Zefa and others, there were more and more red areas on the wharf. In just one breathing room, the red lava enveloped the wharf.

The changes on the wharf were very immediate and rapid. Just as the flames in the sky were about to fall, dozens of huge magma arms suddenly protruded from the lava area of ​​the wharf.

"Hell burial!"

As these magma arms stretched out, Sakarski's voice sounded at the same time.

When the pier's outstretched arm came into contact with the flames in the sky, the two masses of lava instantly merged together.

After all the lava was absorbed by Sakarski, the giant magma hand did not disappear, instead they all gathered together to form a huge humanoid creature.

"What kind of monster is this..."

In the shampoo area, Bucky, who had run outside the ripped-off bar, looked back at the stalwart giant who had covered half of the sky, with a shocked expression on his face.

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