Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 103: magma! Kings and generals! (Wed/Fri)

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In fact, not only the reporter of the World Economic News Service, but even the general Aka Inu standing on the plank felt that the enemy's serial attacks were almost the ultimate threat to the navy.

Although the meteor volcano that fell from the sky just now was blocked by Fujitora, most of it fell into the area where the naval ship was located.

In an instant, the seven warships sank instantly, leaving only two ships near Fujitora.

Faced with such a battle damage, even Akadog had to pay attention to it.

‘Defense is useless. ’

At this time, the general Akainu also knew that defense alone could not stop the opponent's magma attack. And the only way to solve it might be to get rid of the user of the opponent Rock Berry, the guy standing on the head of the giant.


Since the warship is still some distance away from the dock, the red dog wants to directly attack Sakaski on the dock, but also needs to rely on the gravitational fruit of Fujitora.

Although Akadog only called Fujitora's name, Fujitor still understood what the other party meant.

While Fujitora used gravity to bounce off the meteor volcano in the sky, he took time to reduce the gravity of Akagi, so that Akagi, who was also a general, could easily leap towards the pier.

After feeling the reduction of its own gravity, the red dog kicked its feet on the board, and everyone suddenly shot out from the area of ​​the sea of ​​fire and went straight to the lava giant on the dock.

"Want to come over?" Sakaski, who was controlling the lava giant to spray the breath of lava, also caught a glimpse of the admiral Akadog who was leaping quickly, but although the admiral came, Sakaski did not stop his attack on the navy. .

Seeing that the opponent didn't intend to protect him, the general Akidog didn't think too much, his right hand stretched out quickly after magmaization, and when he shot the ‘Nether Dog’, he smashed towards Sakaski on the lava giant’s head.

But before the Akagi's "Hairdog" touched the opponent, the red dog's peripheral light swept the two arms that suddenly emerged from behind the lava giant.

The appearance of these two arms was very swift, and when the red dog had just smashed out the "Nether Dog", the two arms had suddenly closed, covering the general Aka dog in it.


After a muffled sound, lava splashed in all directions, and the general Akadog directly disappeared from Zefa's vision.

"Contact the navy headquarters!" At this time, Zefa also knew that he couldn't forcefully resist, and he had to contact the navy headquarters first.

Because Fujitora was fully resisting the meteor volcano in the sky, he didn't have time to take care of his surroundings.

And more importantly, the surrounding sea area became extremely chaotic after being bombarded by the meteor volcano. The waves were higher than the waves, and there was a tendency to increase. Under such an environment, Fujitora's response to the magma masses in the sky is still very affected.

"The newcomers of the Wanxiu Pirate Group have such a strong strength. After a while, they will not be able to directly run over the new world?" Zefa was also very surprised by the strength of Nasakaski on the dock, except for Karp and Outside of Baibeard and others, Zefa rarely sees anyone who can be so powerful.

Just when Zefa was surprised by the opponent's strength, the flying squirrels who came to carry out the task of killing the magic order also handed the phone bug to the navy headquarters to his teacher.

"Zefa, what's the matter?" As soon as the phone worm was connected, the voice of the Warring States Period came from the other side.

"The opponent is very strong, and it is indeed a rockberry capable person, Aka Inu...Aka Inu is fighting that person."

Before Zefa could finish speaking, new changes appeared on the dock side.


The red dog, who was supposed to be slapped in the palm of the giant, somehow created two huge arms, directly breaking the palm of the giant.

The red dog appeared again with a sullen expression. Although the magma palm he created was a circle smaller than that of a giant, when both arms were swung down at the same time, the power was also huge.

Sakaski on the head of the lava giant looked up at the two lava arms smashed, but his body did not move.

"It's exactly the same as when I was in the navy." Sakarski said lightly when the general Akadog's fist was about to fall on his head.

When General Akinu heard this, his brow furrowed. The other party seemed to mention the'Navy'?

However, even though Akinu was puzzled that the other party would say ‘in the navy back then’, the strength in his hand has not diminished a little.


The red dog's magma circle smashed firmly on Sarkarski's head, and the opponent who also had rock berry fruit smashed into the body of the giant.

"Huh, huh..."

After the first blow was achieved, the Akagi was breathing freely while falling.

Just now, in order to resist the giant's palm slap, the red dog mobilized a lot of physical strength in a short time, which is also the reason for his rapid decline in physical strength.

But at the same time that the red dog was still descending, dozens of lava spears with flames sprang from the body of the lava giant, and they stabbed towards the red dog from all directions.

"He's really fine." Although the attack just now succeeded, Akagi also knew that it would never be possible to knock down his opponent with a single blow.

And now, the threatened person has changed from an opponent to himself.

Although the red dog itself is a strong rock berry, the magma used by the shampoo land is somewhat different from the red dog's own.

Just now when he was on a navy warship, the red dog tried to fuse the opponent's magma, but the moment the red dog made contact, he noticed something was wrong.

Although the opponent's magma looks exactly the same as his own, Akadog himself can't merge at all, and he can even be injured by the opponent's magma.

Therefore, when facing the magma spear that emerged from the giant's body~www.readwn.com~ The red dog didn't use his fruit ability to swallow the opponent's spear for the first time, but threw a punch forward again. , So that he can avoid the spear attack.


Although the red dog avoided the spear on the lava giant's body, he himself smashed firmly on the stone bricks of the dock.

However, compared to the opponent's lava attack, hitting the dock is much better than being attacked.

"We really look alike." Just when the red dog got up, the Sakarski under Wanxiu's came out of the lava giant's feet again.

Sakaski looked at the general who was doing his best for the navy headquarters, and recalled the days when he was still the navy.

The two have the same appearance and the same ability, but they are standing in different camps.

"However, no matter who you are, as long as you stand in front of the captain, there is only one way." Sarkarski said as he made a magma spear in his right hand, "That is, death."

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