Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 106: Justice belongs to me (1/6)

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At this time, on the two naval ships in the sky, the red dog was shocked by the huge magma wall formed around the Chambord Islands and crushed the ship's railings.

Covering the Chambordian Islands on three sides and reaching a height of one hundred meters, how powerful is this kind of strength?

"I didn't expect him to be able to block it in this way."

Next to the red dog, Fujitora was also muttering to himself.

Although Fujitora couldn't see the lava walls blocking the huge waves with his eyes, he could also perceive the changes on the shoreline of the Chambord Islands through his observation and observation.

"General Akainu, General Fujitora, and Marshal of the Warring States period let us evacuate some distance." Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, who had been communicating with the navy headquarters with the phone bug, said to Akadog and Fujitora, holding the phone bug.

Looking at the shoal outside the Chambord Islands that had been washed into black, the red dog whispered: "No, shelling immediately! Covering such a large area, his consumption is definitely a lot, we must take this opportunity to attack the shampoo in one fell swoop. Land."

"Can't let him exist for one more day."

For that lava giant, the red dog still remembers still fresh.

Such an opponent must not be allowed to stay for one more day. If he stays for one more day, those who are capable of rock berry will pose a greater threat to the Navy.

Therefore, the red dog must take advantage of Wan Xiu's not in the Chambord Islands to clean up the opponent in time.

"This..." The flying squirrel suddenly didn't know how to try it after hearing the words of the red dog.

The Warring States on the phone worm requested that the remaining two-handed warships retreat temporarily, pending the reinforcement of the navy headquarters. But the general Aka Inu in front of him wanted the navy to continue to stay in the sea off Chambord and shelling the island.

If the person on the island still has physical strength, isn't their two naval ships in danger?

"He's right, shelling." In the phone worm in the hand of the flying squirrel, the Warring States period, who heard the words of the red dog, finally expressed his attitude.

After the Warring States agreed, the flying squirrel did not insist anymore, but directly handed the phone worm to the red dog, then turned around to arrange for the personnel on the ship to shell the island.

At this time, the naval warships were still in mid-air, so even if the Chambordian Islands were wrapped by a hundred-meter-high lava wall, the warships’ artillery could also bombard the island.



Under the command of the flying squirrels, the remaining two warships volleyed into the Chambord Islands after loading their bombs.

"Boom! Boom!"

Dozens of artillery fired together, and the shells out of the chamber quickly flew towards the Chambord Islands like a meteor.

As the waves below the warship were still rolling, the sound of the artillery was loud, but the roar of the gun popping out of the chamber could not be heard on the island.

But even though the sound of the artillery was suppressed by the sound of the waves scouring the lava wall, Rayleigh still perceives the cannonballs rushing in the sky.

After taking a look at the location of the pier, Raleigh moved his feet and jumped to the nearest lava wall.

When Rayleigh fell to the place where the periphery of the huge wall had turned into obsidian, he was already holding a long knife that was still hung in the rip-off bar in his hand.

Lei Li watched dozens of oncoming shells, waving the long sword in his hand, and with the sword energy overflowing, the shells disintegrated in mid-air and turned into thumb-sized pieces of steel.

All the navy people on the warship saw the fired artillery being shattered, and they all turned their eyes on Lei Li who was standing on the obsidian.

"Raleigh! He is also in the Chambord Islands!"

The red dog on the warship and the lieutenant generals of course knew the right arm of the One Piece, after all, this was also a great figure on the sea back then.

Originally wanted to take advantage of Sarkarski's exhaustion to attack the island, now it seems that this plan can only be temporarily shelved.

With Raleigh's assistance, the Chambordian Islands are no longer so easy to attack.

"Retreat temporarily." The red dog handed the phone worm back to the flying squirrel, then turned and walked towards the cabin of the warship.

Following the command of the red dog, the demon-killing order, the remaining two warships were gradually restored to gravity by Fujitora, and fell lightly onto the calm sea.

Although the waves had stopped at this time, the huge walls of lava on the shoreline of Chambord did not disappear with them.

It has gradually turned into obsidian, just like a black door to hell, just standing on the coastline.

If a pirate who has been to the Chambordian Islands saw this scene, he would definitely not think that this was the only way to enter the new world, the coated capital-the Chambordian Islands.

After the navy began to leave, Rayleigh, who was standing on the huge lava wall that was still smoking, also took away the long knife in his hand.

Raleigh, who had retreated the navy in awe, glanced down at the destroyed Chambord Land pier, shook his head, and jumped back to the open space in front of the hold-up bar again.

"Knot, is it over..."

At this time Bucky the clown was still sitting on the ground, and he didn't know what he was talking about.

Today this day can be described as a huge impact for Bucky, whether it is a huge wall of lava or a monstrous wave, it makes Bucky feel like he is in a dream.

"Sure enough, I shouldn't have come to the Great Route." When Bucky saw Raleigh came back, he knew that the matter had finally come to an end, and then he loosened his hands and lay down on the ground.

"Aren't you going to see your companion?" Reilly walked to Bucky's head and said, looking down at Bucky, who was an intern on the Roger Pirate Ship.

"Companion?" Bucky shook his head abruptly when Raleigh said these two words, "That's not my companion. If it weren't for him, I would have already returned to the East China Sea!"

Bucky still remembers Sakaski's retention. Had it not been for Sarkarski's suggestion to Captain Wan Xiu in advance to keep himself~www.readwn.com~ The captain would have released himself a long time ago, and maybe he would be able to divide a sum of gold brought down from the sky island.

Raleigh shook his head slightly. Of course he also knew Bucky’s character. Since he didn’t want to go, Raleigh would certainly not force it. After all, Bucky is not the intern on the Roger Pirate ship, but the Captain Wanxiu. The pirate crew under its banner is gone.

On the dock, Sakaski, who was being talked to by Rayleigh and Bucky, was sitting slumped on the ruined ruins, breathing heavily.


The huge lava wall surrounding most of the Chambord Islands consumed all of Sarkarski's stamina. If Akadog and Fujitora really chose to attack, Sarkarski would have no strength to resist.

"Teacher, the banner of justice belongs not only to the navy, but certainly not to the world government."

Sakarski turned his head, looked at a deep pit next to him, and said softly: "Justice belongs to people with strength. Only with strength can justice be practiced."

"And I am one of them."

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