Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 114: Who is the newcomer? (Wed/Saturday)

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Chambord Land, directly behind the Obsidian Moon, is the only coast that can land on the Chambord Islands at this time. The Warring States and the Green Pheasant have also successfully landed on the Chambord Islands.

"Compared with before, there is no special change." After setting foot on the Chambord Islands, the Warring States first took a look at the situation on the island.

Due to the distance between the Chambord Islands and the headquarters of the navy, the Warring States Period has been to this island many times.

Except for the Obsidian Moon, which surrounds most of the island, the situation on the island is no different from when the Warring States period came before.

"Marshal of the Warring States period, do I need to go directly in?" Although Fujitora is a navy admiral, he is also a rookie, so he speaks quite politely.

Although the Warring States period was fairly familiar with the Chambordian Islands, the current situation on the island was confusing.

No one can guarantee that there are really two people on the island, Sakarski and Raleigh. If there are other Wanxiu Pirates in hiding, then this time the task of detecting the raid will probably be crippled again.

"Go in, but we will not focus on fighting this time. Let's see how many people the other party has left in the Chambord Islands." After the Warring States period, he walked toward the Chambord Islands first.

After leaving the Warring States period, the green pheasant and Fujitora also followed the marshal's footsteps into the island.

Just when the Warring States and others began to enter the Chambord Islands, Wanxiu and others in the fisherman island had also returned to the palace hall.

"Captain? When shall we go to the New World?"

"Ivankov in this place should be easy to find, right?"

After Wan Xiu returned to the palace hall with Nicole Robin and Guangyue Mitian, Polusalino, who was turned into a woman by Ivankov, kept talking next to Wan Xiu.

The reason for this is that Polusalino saw an acquaintance in the hall-Cap.

When Polussarino met Nicole Robin and Mitsutsu Mita before, the main reason was that they didn’t know each other very well. But the one sitting in the hall now, Kap, was the one who was in the room. The navy headquarters did not see the seniors who looked down.

If Karp sees himself like this, Polusalino feels terrible even thinking about it.

Following Polusalino's gaze, Wan Xiu also glanced at Karp who was still struggling, and then said: "He, he is not familiar with you, don't worry."

"And isn't that good?" Wan Xiu said with a smile when he saw this young Polusalino look very embarrassed.

"Unfamiliar? Isn't he also..."

After hearing Wan Xiu's explanation, Polusalino was a little relieved. In this way, Karp, who is eating Hessian and slept from time to time, is also from another world, just like her.

But even so, Polusalino still wanted to find Ivankov in this world sooner, and return to his original form as soon as possible.

"Captain! Captain!"

Just when Polusalino wanted to say something, Ronandi ran in from outside the hall, shouting.

Luo Nandi didn't like the lively scene very much, so he left the palace by himself after eating two bites indiscriminately.

But before he could walk out of the gate of the palace, a new newspaper made him run back again.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Luo Nandi's urgent appearance, Wan Xiu quickly stood up and asked.

"It's the news from Chambord land, something has happened in Chambord land!" Luo Nandi said as he handed the newspaper he was holding to Wanxiu.

"problem occurs?"

Not long after Wan Xiu left the Chambord with all the talents, the navy actually dispatched directly to the Chambord to find faults.

"Let me consider."

As Wan Xiu spoke, he directly opened the newspaper Luo Nandi had handed over.

Since the one who stayed behind in the Chambord Islands was Sakaski, who had just arrived under Wanxiu's banner, this guy who insisted on'righteousness' was probably going to die to the end, so Wanxiu was still very concerned about the safety of this subordinate.

But when Wan Xiu opened the newspaper and saw Morgans' exaggerated headline and content, he was relieved.

As long as Sarkarski defended the navy's attack, it was not bad.

"Captain, do you want to send someone back?" Luo Xindi was still a little worried about the Chambord Islands. After all, the navy can attack the first time, then it will attack the second time.

Although Sakarski performed extremely dazzlingly in this battle, and was even praised by Morgans as not weaker than the emperor of the sea, after all, he was alone and could not compete with the entire navy.

"The navy is indeed coming a little bit soon, and I still want to send the newly arrived yellow ape after we arrive in the new world, but now it seems that the Champagne land needs more manpower for the time being." Wan Xiu was in. After watching the battle against the Chambord Islands, I understood that Sakarski had the confidence to defend the Chambord Islands.

With such a powerful force, he can indeed prevent the navy from attacking.

However, the information in the newspaper has been very clear. The navy’s fleet of demons has retreated, and the crisis in the Chambord Islands seems to have been lifted.

But since the navy can attack the Chambordian Islands immediately after he leaves, it is also possible to fight the islands again after the killing order fails.

Therefore, after a short period of thought, Wan Xiu said directly: “Notify Belle Mer and Polusalino and let them return to the Chambord Islands. After we enter the new world, they will return from the red earth continent. Come across to the new world."

Porusalino and Bermel are a shining fruit capable person, a fire tyrannosaurus fruit capable person, both have the ability to fly, so Wan Xiu also gave this task to these two crew members.

"Okay." After Wanxiu spoke, Luo Xindi walked directly to the middle of the hall, ready to inform Bermel and Polusalino to return to the Champagne ~www.readwn.com~ in Luo. When Nandi went to spread the word, Wan Xiu picked up the newspaper and glanced at it again, "There are still too few people. If you want to defend your territory, you will have to bring in a few more talents."

According to Wanxiu's previous arrangement, Sakarski should be trying to defend the Chambordian Islands. If it fails, he will directly take the people from the island to Murloc Island.

But now Sakarski's performance was too dazzling, and he didn't mean to give up resistance, so Wanxiu could only send personnel back to the Chambord Islands.

Thinking of his own staff, Wan Xiu remembered that the introduction of the next king in the warehouse should have come out.

Therefore, after Wan Xiu walked back to his position, he directly contacted the warehouse, ‘has the new One Piece information available? ’

‘It’s already available, your Excellency. ’

After several exchanges, Wan Xiu has become accustomed to the direct introduction of the voice, so after confirming that the next king is ready, Wan Xiu said directly: “Then let’s just say it, I’ll look at the next one. Who is it. ’

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