Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 136: Welcome to the "land of death"

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Hearing this sudden sound, Caesar Courant turned his head and looked at it boldly, but it happened to meet Doflamingo's eyes with black sunglasses.

"Do, Doflamingo!"

When Caesar Kuran saw the man's appearance, he was stunned.

But just as he was thinking about why Doflamingo appeared here, he suddenly remembered that there was also a Doflamingo in the Pirates in Wanxiu.

If it was Doflamingo from the group of Wan Xiu, wouldn't he have been exposed? Your plan will also go bankrupt?

While Caesar Courant was still thinking that his well-designed plan would not succeed, Doflamingo raised it too low.

Caesar Courant who was mentioned by Doflamingo quickly wanted to struggle, but the strength gap was a bit big. No matter how Caesar Courant resisted, he was finally bound by a thread of silk and was taken by Doflamingo. Wan Xiu before walking to the foot of the mountain.

Wan Xiu glanced at Caesar Courant who was held by Doflamingo, and said, "Caesar Courant?"

Hearing Wan Xiu directly calling out his name, Caesar Courant was surprised and said, "How do you know my name?!"

Wanxiu did not answer Caesar Courant’s question, but continued to walk towards the research base of the Naval Science Corps, "Are you from the Naval Science Corps? Since you are all here, what about the others?"

When Caesar Courant heard this, he was surprised again. Do you know everything about this island?

The naval scientific force has always been a secret force under the navy headquarters. It hasn't appeared on the surface before, but this person seems to know everything about the scientific force.

While Caesar Courant was still thinking about how to answer Wan Xiu, Wan Xiu threw a word out again, "That's right, Bega Punk is here, right?"

‘Vegapunk, it’s Vegapunk again...’

Caesar Courant felt uncomfortable when he heard the name of Begapunk. He obviously has the same talent as Begapunk, but both the world government and the navy treat Begapunk as a guest, but he almost completely ignores him.

Now even a pirate spoke with Begapunk's name, which really made Caesar Courant a little depressed.

"I don't know, I don't know any Begapunk." Caesar Courant said angrily.

"Don't know?" Wanxiu, who was walking towards the Naval Science Force Research Base, turned his head and looked at the other party after hearing the answer from Caesar Courant, "Are you sure?"

Caesar Courant, who was held by Doflamingo in his hand, shuddered when he saw Wan Xiu's gaze, "Maybe he knew it."

Of course Wan Xiu knew the character of this Caesar Courant, and he wouldn't be able to tell the truth without persecution.

"It's good to know him, is he on the island?" Wan Xiu didn't care about the two words the other party said, but asked about the location of Begapunk again.

"He..." When Caesar Courant was about to explode the message that Vegapunk was leaving by boat, his eyes suddenly turned, and he changed what he was about to say. "He was right there. In the base, I will take you over. If you want to catch him, you must hurry up."

"The people at the base already know the news of your arrival and are planning to leave. If it's late, there will be no one."

Caesar Courant spoke out at this moment, and his head kept swinging in the direction of the research base.

As soon as Wan Xiu saw Caesar Courant's state, he knew that this guy was definitely telling lies.

However, with the current strength of his own group, even if Caesar Courant was going to plot against himself and others later, it would definitely not succeed.

So Wan Xiu didn't care about the news that Caesar Courant confided. No matter whether Begapunk was or not, he was going to the research base.

"Let me go first, I will lead the way for you."

"It's not far ahead, let me lead the way."

On the way from the place where Wanxiu landed to the research base of the Naval Science Forces, Caesar Courant kept talking, the purpose of course was to escape from the control of Doflamingo's silk thread.

The silk thread controlled by Doflamingo is entwined with armed and domineering, so even though Caesar Courant has the ability of natural gas fruit, it cannot be taken out of Doflamingo's hands.

However, although Caesar Courant had been talking about it, Wan Xiu didn't mean to pay attention to the captive at all. Instead, he took his crew and rushed to the base of the Naval Science Force.

"Is it here?"

When the gate hidden in the mountains appeared in Wan Xiu's eyes, Wan Xiu asked Caesar Kuran who was still chattering.

When Wanxiu asked, Caesar Courant was telling how powerful his research ability was.

But such a sentence by Wan Xiu directly interrupted Caesar Courant's narration. However, although Caesar Kuran was very dissatisfied, for the ‘plan’ in his heart, Caesar Kuran nodded and said, “Yes, it’s in there.”

Caesar Courant was afraid that the other party would not believe him, so he added, "Vegapunk is also inside."

Caesar Courant's expression at this time was extremely funny. He seemed very afraid that Wan Xiu would not believe him. Although his hands were bound, his fingers were still trying to point in the direction of the door.

When Wan Xiu saw this, he was also amused by this guy's performance, "Okay, since it's already here. Then Luo Nandi, go and open the door."

"Yes, Captain." After Wan Xiu finished speaking, Luo Nandi, the Secret Fruit Ability, directly raised his leg and walked towards the gate.

Although the base gate of the Naval Science Forces is large, for a person of Rosundi's strength, its weight is nothing.


Under the pull of Luo Xindi, the door of the research base of ~www.readwn.com~ suddenly opened to both sides.

At the same time as the gate opened, a thick purple mist burst out of the base.

When Caesar Courant saw the thick fog, the flattering expression on his face also changed. I saw the corners of the scientist’s mouth rising in an instant, and he laughed and said, "Shoo, hello, welcome to, ‘the kingdom of death’!"

Caesar Courant's previous plan was to allow Wan Xiu and others to enter the interior of the research base, let the poison gas stored in it suddenly gush out, and wipe out Wan Xiu and others in one fell swoop.

As long as Wan Xiu and others can be captured, his position in the scientific force will definitely suppress Begapunk and become the chief scientist of the scientific force.

This is why Caesar Courant insisted that Begapunk was in the research base after he was arrested.

"Shoo, **** pirates, I want you to know who is the real wisdom ahead of the world!"

"It's me, Caesar Courant!"

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