Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 151: Navy plan

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After the sea building stone handcuffs in Ace's hand were untied, the successor of the red-haired pirate group just nodded slightly without saying much, and then jumped directly from the execution platform and went straight to the red-haired one. Location away.

But now the pirate ship of the Redhead Pirates had been sunk, even if he fled to Shanks's side, he couldn't leave immediately by boat.

Although the yellow ape who fell from the execution platform had returned from below, and saw Ace leaving under his eyelids, he did not dare to catch up directly. After all, the white beard controlled by Wan Xiu was right in front of him. If a sea emperor goes after Ace, the risk is still very high.

"Porsarino, leave them alone, and leave Marin Vando."

The Warring States on the dock of course also saw everything that happened on the execution stage. Since Ace had left, the early execution could not be carried out.

Since there is no way to execute Ace in advance, then these pirates will be handed over to Pluto to deal with.

"Kuzan, let our people quickly evacuate." In addition to asking Polusalino to leave immediately, the Warring States did not forget to let the green pheasant inform the other navies of Malin Vando.

And when the navy kept shrinking the line of defense and began to board the ship away from the island, Marco and others also found something wrong.

After both Dorag and Karp left in front of Shanks, Marco also flew directly to the execution platform and asked the white beard controlled by Wan Xiu: "Father, the navy seems to be retreating. They are going to give up Malinfan. too much?"

"I saw."

Of course, Wan Xiu had noticed the movement of the navy. When Huang Yuan left the execution platform, he had already set his sights on the "Pluto" in the sea off Malin Vandor.

"That should be the ancient weapon'Pluto' of the world government, you go to Shanks, and then leave directly with that Ace." In order to successfully complete the task, Wan Xiu can only let the phoenix Marko. The fruit-powered man took Ace away.

However, Wan Xiu’s order, Marco did not execute immediately. Instead, he stood there and said to Wan Xiu, “Pluto? Daddy, then we have to leave quickly.”

Although Marco had never seen the "Pluto", he still knew the power of ancient weapons.

Now their White Beard Pirates are just here to help the red-haired Shanks, but there is no need to keep all the White Beards controlled by Wan Xiu in Malin Vando in order to save an Ace.

It is precisely because of this that Marco did not want to take Ace away.

"Go, leave it to me here." Wan Xiu didn't mean to leave with Marko. In order to make the character complete smoothly, he could only stay here to confront the "Pluto".


When Marco wanted to say a few more words, Wan Xiu waved his hand directly: "Go."

Under the repeated urging of Wan Xiu, Marco could only become a giant bird again, flew off the execution platform, and swooped towards Shanks.

After Marco rushed to Shanks and Ace, he first explained what Wan Xiu had said, and then he was about to leave with Ace.

Although Shanks didn't know why Wan Xiu wanted to do this, even if the white beard controlled by Wan Xiu was better than Roger before, it wasn't that way.

If the steel frame is driving the ancient weapon ‘Pluto’, then no one staying on the island should want to leave alive.

However, although Shanks was very puzzled, this was not the time to think carefully. For Shanks, if you can give away some now, let's give away some.

Therefore, Shanks did not refuse Marco's proposal to take Ace away, but he did not leave either. Instead, after instructing Ben Beckman and the others to take the first step, he jumped onto the execution stand.

"That's ‘Pluto’, won’t you leave?" Shanks said to Wan Xiu as soon as he landed on the execution stage, "This matter has nothing to do with you."

Facing Shanks’ question, Wan Xiu said without looking back: "It has nothing to do with me, so what?"

When Shanks heard Wanxiu's words, he could only be silent. As the strongest person on the sea, Wan Xiu really has the qualifications to say such things.

If it weren't for the appearance of ancient weapons, there would be no existence that could defeat White Beard on this sea.

When Wanxiu and Shanks were standing on the travel platform at the same time looking at the ancient weapon "Pluto", the Warring States and Warring States were also brought to the top of Pluto by a navy capable of flying fruits.

"What's going on?" As soon as he arrived on the large deck of ‘Pluto’, the Warring States Period looked at the steel frame with an angry expression and asked.

"Warring States, this is the decision of the Five Old Stars." Steel Bone folded his chest with his hands and said softly.

When the Warring States came to the deck of ‘Pluto’, he already knew that it was the plan of the five old stars, but this kind of battle itself did not require ‘Pluto’. You should know that the current "Pluto" is in disrepair for a long time, and it will be lost once if you use it once. Maybe after this use, this "Pluto" will be directly scrapped.

This is exactly where the Warring States period puzzled.

"The above decision is to eliminate all the pirates. The white beard and red hair will be the first to be the first target." The steel frame looked at the pirates and the navy who were still fleeing from Malin Vando, and continued, "Destroy two four emperors at once. , This kind of opportunity is not always available."

"When the world government learned that the White Beard Pirates rushed from Chambord to Marin Vatican, I already brought the "Pluto"."

"Warring States, this is an opportunity, the best opportunity for the Navy."

After the steel bone finished speaking, he was about to turn and walk in the direction of the captain's room.

But before the steel frame took two steps~www.readwn.com~, the whole sea shook violently. Just like Malin Fando was moved by Wan Xiu, the sea surface at this time was as if being lifted up, and he was hurriedly lifting it upwards.

"White beard?" After feeling the power, Steel Bone turned his head and looked in the direction of Malin Fando. "It really is the strongest person in the world."

After Steel Bone said this, he waved his hand at a group of members of the special forces on the deck of the ‘Pluto’.

After seeing this scene, the Warring States hurriedly walked to the side of the steel frame and said: "Our people have not completely evacuated yet!"

Although Steel Bone didn't say anything, the Warring States had already known that the army commander wanted to directly let the "Pluto" attack Malin Fanduo.

But now there are still a large number of navies on Marine Vatican that have not evacuated. Except for the powerful navies such as generals and lieutenants who have quickly boarded the ship, everyone else is still staying at Marine Vatican's wharf.

"Another unit is in the New World. If we can directly annihilate the red-haired and white-bearded pirates, the Golden Lion and the aunt in the new world will also be attacked at the same time." Seeing that the Warring States period was so excited, Ganggu told the world government's plan. To the admiral of the navy.

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