Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 158: Luxurious offensive lineup

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Although Yamato is Kaido's daughter, she is also a staunch supporter of Mitsuki Mita.

Growing up in Wano Country, she always wanted to be a samurai like Mitsuki Mida. This was also after she saw Mitsuki Mida appear again in the newspaper, she secretly boarded Jhin’s fleet and came to Dresro. Sa's reason.

It was precisely because of the infinite worship of Guangyue Mitian that the girl who was hiding in the cabin watching the battle cheered loudly after her father Kaido was broken off the scales.

Of course, this cheer seemed a bit out of place on the side of the Beast Pirates. After all, it was the leader on his side that was attacked, and even if he only made a sound, it seemed to be a mistake.

But whoever makes Yamato's identity special, even if the surrounding pirates want to control, they dare not control it.

Jhin also looked back at Yamato at this time, but he was not going to take care of the aliens in the beast pirate group, but said to Jack beside him, "Jack, you stay here."

After speaking, Jhin fluttered his wings, and his whole body instantly flew into the air, and attacked the still falling Guangyue Mitian.

After comparing the strength of the two sides, Jhin also knew that this was a rare opportunity to reduce the opponent's combat power. At this time, only when the opponent's combat power is weakened, can the Beast Pirate Group have the possibility of victory.

And Guangyue Mitian, who is now falling to the sea, is a very good target.

However, when the pterosaur-transformed Jin quickly approached Guangyue Mitian, a golden light suddenly fell from the cloudless sky, and it fell directly toward Jin.


After sensing the threat in the sky, Jhin could only stop forward and turn to resist the thunder and lightning from above.


The golden thunder fell on Jin's body, and the surrounding air was blasted with clouds of smoke.

At this time, Blackbeard Titch, who was focusing all of his attention on Luo Xindi, happened to see the opponent's shot, and this shot made Blackbeard Titch even envious.

‘This guy can actually absorb devil fruits? ’

Blackbeard Titch's possibility of Dark Fruit is mainly because of his own special physique, his physique allows Blackbeard Titch to absorb more Devil Fruit.

In this way, Blackbeard Titch can obtain the power of multiple Devil Fruits, which is why Titch has been searching for the dark fruit.

But now, Titch saw a fellow like himself on the right ship, a pirate who could also absorb multiple devil fruits.

‘I must, must get that devil fruit! Due to the stimulation of Rosanne, Blackbeard Titch became even more excited.

But Titch's excitement didn't last long, because when the thunder fell, Wan Xiu had already launched a full-scale attack.

After the thunder fell, countless glutinous rice **** attacked from mid-air in the direction of the beast and pirate group. Although these glutinous rice **** seemed harmless outside, they were definitely not easy to deal with.

And behind these glutinous rice balls, there are traces of white silk threads. Although these small threads are hard to see with the naked eye, their penetrating power is also very huge.

"Quick! Defend!"

Jack, who was standing in front of Blackbeard Titch, hurriedly shouted to the pirates of the Beast Pirate Group after seeing these things shot from the opposite side.

Jack also knew that the opponent's strength was very strong. Although these things looked like glutinous rice **** and silk threads, their lethality was definitely not to be underestimated.

Under Jack's command, the pirates who had been a little flustered took up weapons one after another to defend against the opponent's attack.

However, before these pirates could pick up their weapons, the Nuomi Group had already smashed onto the ships one by one, setting the pirates of the Beast Pirate Group in place.

And when the pirates were anchored, the white silk thread that followed directly fell on everyone.

After these silk threads entangled everyone's hands and feet, the pirates of the Beast Pirate Group suddenly felt that they had lost control of their bodies.

"My hand! Why did my hand move by itself!"

"Damn it, me too."

"Don't! Move your knife away!"


Under Doflamingo's control, these pirates took up the weapons in their hands and slashed at their companions.

As one of the three major disasters, Jack Sun Ran was not controlled by Doflamingo's silk thread, but the appearance of Nuomi Group still restricted his ability to move.

At this time, the drought can only wave the two sickles in his hand, trying to cut off the surrounding white silk threads.

But after all, the range that Jack can control is still a small number. When he wielded the black sickle, most of the pirates of the beast pirate group had fallen under the weapons of his companions.

After fighting among the pirates, several black cannonballs silently flew towards the fleet of the beast pirate group.

"What? Why is there no sound of cannons?"

Jack was also very surprised by the cannonball that approached suddenly. He put his mind on the cut thread just now, and didn't see Kapu throwing a cannonball on the deck of the pirate ship in Wanxiu.

Since Karp throws the shells too fast, when Jack saw them, the shells had fallen on the ships of the Beast Pirate Group.



Under Karp's attack, the flagship of the Beast Pirate Group was knocked out of several large holes in an instant. The Pirate Ship, which was a little closer to the flagship, was also hit by unsuspecting disasters, and the side hull was hit by the silent and fast shells from time to time.

'too strong......'

At this time, even the reckless Jack had to admit that Wan Xiu's strength was too strong.

This was only the first wave of attacks, and the opponent directly reduced most of the Beast Pirate Group's combat power. Even the Pirate Ship is already full of holes.

But Jack doesn't know yet, this is just the beginning.

After the saturating attack of the Nuomi Tuan and the White Line and the cannonball thrown by Karp, Wanxiu, who had just obtained the shaking fruit, also raised his right hand~www.readwn.com~ I saw an invisible ripple at Wanxiu’s. The right hand gathered, and Zai Wan Xiu waved his right hand, and the entire sea suddenly churned like boiling water.

"What's wrong?" In the midair, Jin, who had just resisted the thunder attack, lowered his head and looked at the sea. The churning sea was really strange.

"No, it looks like..."

"Shaking the fruit!"

At this time, he wasn't the only one who had the same idea as Jhin. Jack on the flagship of the Beast Pirates, Morgans on the airship, and Stracy also had the same idea.

As the strongest person in the world, Baibeard's devil fruit is also the object of everyone's research.

The surrounding visions are too similar to the shaking fruits of White Beard, because not only is the sea surface, even Dresrosa also began to tilt up at this time.

"Shaking the fruit! Great!" Morgans laughed. This is definitely a big hit in the newspaper tomorrow.

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