Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 194: Whitebeard and Shanks

After Wanxiu’s reconciliation in the new world, the world’s separatism has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Although the new world is still the place where the pirates yearn for, but above this sea area, its owner is completely different.

The pirates who once entered the new world from the first half of the great route can have their own choices, or join the pirate group, one of the four sea emperors, and become their subordinates.

Or occupy an island by yourself and live on your own in this new world.

But when there is only one person in the whole new world, that is, after Wan Xiu, such an approach will not work at all.

After the defeat of Kaido and Auntie, the new pirates entering the new world have to weigh their own strength, whether they can shake the rule of Wanxiu's pirate group.

If you can’t, you can only report your pirate group to Dresrosa controlled by Wanxiu. Even if you don’t want to join Wanxiu directly, you must obtain a navigation permit from Dresrosa before you can enter the new world. Of the depths.

This approach was not what Wan Xiu himself thought, but the Golden Lion Shiji who joined Wan Xiu's team in the middle of the battle.

The Golden Lion, who has always thought about controlling the world, will quickly exercise his power as the ‘New World Hegemon’ after obtaining this rare opportunity. Of course, Golden Lion alone cannot do this. Before starting to implement this system, Golden Lion must first get Wanxiu's consent.

However, even though the entrance to the new world was guarded by the golden lion, people such as the red-haired Shanks still escaped the golden lion's inspection.

The great pirate who was about to meet White Beard did not enter the Murloc Island from the Chambord Islands this time, and then enter the new world. Shanks' route this time was to break into the new world directly from the four seas through the windless zone.

Although there are countless sea kings in the windless zone, for the powerful red-haired Shanks, these sea kings are still unable to cause any damage to his pirate ship.

The red-haired Shanks who bypassed the golden lion's eyeliner from the windless belt didn't make the slightest stop, and directly increased the horsepower and sailed towards the sea controlled by the white beard.

Since the windless zone chosen by Shanks was not very far from the sea controlled by White Beard, Red-haired Shanks had already found White Beard’s flagship "Mobile" in the afternoon.

"Father, Shanks has arrived."

A pirate in charge of the lookout was at the top of the mast. After seeing the red-haired pirate flag, he quickly shouted to the white beard below.

"Well, so fast?" The white beard who was drinking didn't expect Shanks to come over so soon, and it hadn't been two days since the letter sent by the red hair.

"Looking at this, he should have entered the new world directly from the windless zone. If it were from the fisherman island, he would definitely be stopped by the people of Wanxiu."

After hearing the news of the arrival of the red hair, Marco also analyzed it on the sidelines.

Although the members of their White Beard Pirates did not sail out of the waters under their control, they were well aware of the changes in the new world.

After decades of business, most of the New World has the eyeliner of the White Beard Pirates.

It is precisely because of this that Marco also knows some of the rules that Wan Xiu has recently begun to implement in the new world.

"It seems something is urgent." White beard drank the drink in his hand with a big mouth, stood up, and walked towards the deck railing.

In the new world now, Red Hair, the former sea emperor, is a pirate in the same situation as White Beard.

Although Baibeard himself didn't care much about Wanxiu's rise, Wanxiu's power was too large now. Even if the Whitebeard Pirates didn't provoke each other, there would inevitably be some friction after the two parties' spheres of influence contact.

And it’s not impossible to communicate with the red hair and think about how to deal with it later.

Waiting for the white beard, the ships of the Red-haired Pirates quickly lined up with the "Mobile", and Shanks, who was on the ships of the Red-haired Pirates, jumped directly and came. Arrived on the'Mobile'.

Because the current situation is very different, it is not too arrogant for the red hair to come to the flagship of the White Beard Pirates this time. Unlike the scenes Wanxiu had seen before, after the red-haired Shanks arrived on the deck of the ‘Mobil Dick’, he neither put his domineering look outside nor did he draw a knife to compete with the white beard.

After the two sea emperors looked at each other, they sat on the ground on the deck, ready to discuss.

At the greeting of White Beard, Marco also brought a large bowl of wine for Shanks and placed it directly in front of Shanks.

"You are here this time, should it be for that Wanxiu?" White beard raised his hand and took a sip of the drink from Marco, and then said to Shanks who didn't move.

After White Beard asked, Shanks nodded slightly and replied, "Yes."

"I'm not prepared to fight Wanxiu. If you are here to persuade me to go out and fight Wanxiu, then it goes without saying." Baibeard put the bowl on the deck and said to Shanks in a deep voice.

The members of Baibeard's own pirate group are all his own'sons', and if you fight against a super pirate like Wanxiu, death and injury are inevitable. No matter who was killed by the opponent at that time, it was unacceptable to Baibeard.

Wan Xiu's strength is no better than those who have just entered the new world. Fighting against such a powerful pirate, it is impossible for all of them to be intact.

Shanks seemed to know that White Beard would answer him in this way, so after White Beard finished speaking, Shanks said directly: "There is no need for the White Beard Pirates to attack Wanxiu~www.readwn.com~ I'm just here. I want to fix it in your waters for a while."

"Do you want to stay here?" After hearing Shanks' words, the white beard frowned. Shanks must have some plan to do this.

And if Shanks were to make a sudden attack when Wan Xiu entered the last quarter of the new world, it would very likely bring the Whitebeard Pirates directly into the battlefield.

Therefore, Shanks' request was not the way that White Beard wanted to respond. In this way, Shanks didn't come to discuss cooperation with him, but he already had a specific plan of action.

The most likely point is what kind of cooperation this guy has with the world government or the navy headquarters.

Above the four seas, the only thing that can compete with Wanxiu is perhaps the world government.

"Are you working with those guys on the Red Earth Continent?" Baibeard asked Shanks with doubts.

Shanks did not hide it at this time, but nodded and said, "Yes."

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