Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 21: Navy response

   Seeing that the ice thorns were about to approach him, Karp squatted down slightly and raised his right hand, preparing to smash all the ice thorns with a punch.

However, when Karp was about to start his hand, the ice spurs that moved quickly in front of him suddenly showed an ice skate. The green pheasant, who was supposed to be standing on the sea, appeared between these ice spurs and pointed at Karp. Stabbed straight over.

  Because the blue pheasant came too suddenly, before Karp, the old One Piece, hadn't reacted, the blue pheasant slashed at Karp's arm.


   The ice thorn in the hand of the green pheasant cut Karp's clothes directly. If it weren't for Karp's quick reaction, perhaps this arm would be confessed to Roger Town.

   After evading the attack of the green pheasant, Karp reached out and touched the blood-stained left arm, and said to the green pheasant who was still attacking him: "It melted into the ice, no wonder you didn't notice you coming."

   Regarding Karp's statement, the green pheasant did not reply, but merged into the ice again, then leaned out from another ice stab, and slashed towards Karp again.

   But Karp, who had been hit by the green pheasant once, was prepared for a long time. When the green pheasant appeared behind him, Karp had turned around and punched him.


   Karp hit the ice thorn with a violent punch, but the green pheasant attached to it through elementalization was long gone.

  As a natural demon fruit ability, the strength of the green pheasant is of course not simple.

   Although Karp has been suppressed before, but the green pheasant who already knows Karp's strength has also changed his mind, and no longer heads up against Karp as before.

   Qing Pheasant knew that it would be impossible for him to fight against the opponent if he relied on frontal physical skills to fight against. At this time, the green pheasant can only use his natural devil fruit ability to defeat the opponent with his devil fruit ability.

Facing the blue pheasant who suddenly began to hide his figure, Karp was not in a hurry. He glanced at the ice thorns that surrounded him, narrowed his eyes and said, "Do you think I can't help hiding in the ice? "

   "I have defeated countless people with natural demon fruit abilities, and every one of them thinks that they can defeat me."

   "But in the end? They all became losers."

   "Do you think you will be the only successful person?"

   After finishing the last sentence, Karp suddenly turned around, jumped up from the ruins of the dock, raised his right hand and went straight to an ice thorn not far away.


   When Karp's attack fell, a figure flew out of that ice thorn in an instant. And this person is the admiral blue pheasant hidden in the ice and snow.

   Although the green pheasant is hidden among the many ice thorns through its own devil fruit ability, Karp, who has the domineering blessing of seeing and hearing, has discovered the hidden place of the opponent during his observation.

   As a three-color domineering one piece that is exceptionally good, Karp’s one piece name is not an illusion.

   After Karp's attack, the green pheasant who had been hit again was lying in a pile of ice thorns. He was obviously injured by Karp's attack.


   Just as Karp flew the blue pheasant again, after leading the navy to leave, the flying squirrel also came to the warship and quickly contacted the navy headquarters.

   As soon as the call worm connected, the flying squirrel said excitedly: "Marshal of the Warring States Period!"

   "Squirrel, what's the matter? Those pirates have arrived in Rogue Town?" asked the Warring States who received the call bug from the flying squirrel.

The flying squirrel, who took a breath of breath, clutched his chest and replied: "Marshal of the Warring States Period, the opponent has landed in Rogge Town just now, but Lieutenant General Karp has not yet arrived. Now, now General Green Pheasant is fighting the opponent. ,but......"

   Before the frowning Warring States inquired, the flying squirrel continued: "But just now I saw General Green Pheasant seems to be knocked into the air, Marshal Lord, we might..."

   "Needless to say, I know." At this time, the Warring States in Marin Vando had already understood. The group of pirates landed in Rogge Town before Karp, and now the green pheasant seems to be unable to stop the opponent.

   "Contact Qing Pheasant and ask him to evacuate first."

   As the marshal of the navy, the Warring States Period is also a legend known as the wise general. In this choice, he certainly knows what to do.

   There are countless powerful pirates in the whole world. The four emperors of the new world and the Qiwu Sea of ​​the great sea route are all prestigious among the pirates.

   The navy cannot eliminate all these pirates at the moment, so when necessary, it is still necessary to preserve the strength of the navy.

   These generals under his command must not be injured in the East China Sea, nor can they lose a navy general of their headquarters because of a capture mission.

   If the navy headquarters loses a general, the entire maritime power structure will be instantly rewritten. After all, the emperors of the new world will definitely take action when the naval power is reduced.

   After hanging up the flying squirrel’s phone worm, the Warring States hurriedly contacted the phone worm to Karp who was still in the East China Sea.

   "Warring States, what's the matter?" Karp, who was sitting on the deck, took the adjutant and handed it over to the phone worm~www.readwn.com~ and swallowed the doughnut in his hand.

Compared with the relaxed Karp, the tone of the Warring States Period is much more serious. After Karp's question, he directly said: "Where are you now? The pirates have already arrived in Rogge Town. The green pheasant may not be able to stop it. Those pirates."

   When Karp heard the news, he immediately put down another donut he had just grabbed in his hand, "I see, I will be in Rogge Town soon."

   "Okay, try to speed up, otherwise..."

   Although the Warring States did not finish his words, Karp also understood what the other party meant. If he arrives later, the green pheasant may not be able to keep it.

  Kapu, who had already fought each other in Windmill Village, of course also knew the strength of that group of people. This group of guys are not ordinary pirates, anyway, they are definitely not pirates who should appear in the East China Sea.

   After hanging up the phone bug in the Warring States period, Karp rarely became serious.

   I saw the navy hero stand up and look in the direction of Rogue Town, "How far are we?"

   The adjutant on the side took out the map he carried with him, estimated his location, and replied to Karp: "Lord Admiral, we should immediately..."

   Before the adjutant's words were finished, the navy of the entire ship suddenly looked directly in front of the ship.

   This adjutant may have felt the change in the surrounding atmosphere. When he raised his head, the place where the sea and the sky connected was already covered by ice and snow, and the waves were beating against this ice and snow continent that did not know how to appear.

   "Ice? It's the green pheasant general." The adjutant also knew that the navy headquarters sent the blue pheasant to the East China Sea, so when he saw the frozen sea, he immediately thought of the general who came from the navy headquarters.


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