Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 59: The war is about to begin!

   The navy in the Water City immediately took action after receiving the notice from Akaku. They were mobilized to the Water City just for this day.

   "Captain, that is the city of water." When the pirate ship was about to reach the city of water, Kata Kuri pointed to the city of water that he could already see.

   Before the introduction of Kata Kuri, Wanxiu had already seen the naval flags flying on the many shipyards of the Water Capital.

   "It seems that the navy really has lost money." Wan Xiu said to Kata Kuri, looking at the wharf of the city of water, where people flowed.

   At this time, the people on the dock are basically navy soldiers, and those who are standing on the dock waiting for Wan Xiu's group to arrive are the Marshal Sengoku and the naval hero Karp.

"Warring States, Karp, Green Pheasant, Yellow Ape." Wan Xiu counted the high-end naval forces on the dock, but he did not find the red dog. "The red dog is not there? He shouldn’t be slower than us. ."

   Before the Aka Dog was responsible for monitoring Wanxiu and the others, it stands to reason that the distance to the Water City should be about the same. Even if the red dog has not returned to the water capital, it should not be too far away.

   From this point of view, the red dog should have received some mission from the Warring States Period. Most likely, it was to block Wanxiu and his party's retreat.

"The right side seems to be Moria's devil's barque. If the red dog is behind us, the only way we can quickly bypass the water capital is to walk from the left." Wan Xiu observed the environment he was in. At this time, Moria had already controlled the devil's three-masted sail to cover it in the direction of the water capital.

   At this time, the area where there is no obstruction to Wan Xiu and his party is the sea area to the left of the Pirate Ship.

   But Wan Xiu's trip was not to get around the Water City. If he wanted to get around, there was no need for him to sail towards the Water City.

   "Kata Kuri, the green pheasant will be handed over to you."

   When the Pirate Ship was not only approaching the Water Capital, Wan Xiu also appointed his opponents to the Pirate Kings. Compared with other high-end naval forces, the green pheasant, a general who has been seriously injured recently, should be the best to deal with.

   Because of this, Wan Xiu asked Kata Kuri alone to deal with the admiral Qing Pheasant.

   "Dover, Luo Xindi, Huang Yuan has very strong mobility, so he will leave it to you two."

   After arranging the opponents for the two generals who had already appeared, Wan Xiu turned his head to the side of Bermel and said, "Belmel, we will be in charge of the Warring States Period."

   "Okay, Captain." As soon as Bermel heard that he was about to face his boss, the Warring States period, he nodded in response. ‘Your Excellency Sengoku, it seems that even if the two of us are separated by a world, we still have to stand on opposite sides. ’

   Wanxiu asked Bermel to follow him to deal with the Warring States period, and then said to the strongest One Piece on his side: "Kapu, don't you need me to talk about your opponent?"


   Karp didn't speak too much. When he appeared in the Water City, he handed back the position of the helmsman to Bucky's staff. Facing the navy, Karp's fighting will can be described as very high.

   "Captain Wan Xiu, what about me?" Shanks, who had been waiting next to Wan Xiu for a long time, saw that his captain did not continue to call people, and quickly asked in front of Wan Xiu.

   Although the strength of the young Shanks is not that strong, but for this kind of battle, he also very much wants to participate in it.

"You and Bucky are guarding the ship, don't let the navy come near." Since the young Shanks's strength is really not on the stage, Wan Xiu did not dare to rush into the tiger's den with the undeveloped king under the king. go with.

   Shanks was still very dissatisfied with Wan Xiu's arrangement, but after Bucky's strong retention, the young Shanks finally chose to stay.

   The main reason why Bucky kept Shanks in this way was that he didn't want to rush to the Water Capital to fight the navy.

  ‘These guys don’t look at how many navies there are in the Water City. This is not the East China Sea. There is more than one general. How could they have won. ’

   Bucky had already had the idea of ​​escape at this time, but the frozen sea of ​​the green pheasant made Bucky very difficult to operate.

   Going back now is likely to encounter the red dog who had been monitoring them before, and this admiral is definitely not a friendly opponent.

   In this way, Bucky seems to have to stay where he is, waiting for the result of this battle.

  ‘Isn’t the newspaper saying that the navy also called Qiwuhai to come over? Why didn't you see any outside Moria with the devil's barque? ’

   When Bucky and the others walked into the ice field and began to confront the navy in the city of water, he also began to observe the naval lineup.

   At this time, the navy came out of the two generals that Wan Xiu saw, as well as the Warring States and Karp. There was no Qiwuhai on the dock of the Water City.

   The swordsman Mihogg, known as the world's largest swordsman, did not appear, and Doflamingo of Dresrosa did not arrive. Did those Qiwuhai refuse the navy's call?

   But Bucky didn't think too much~www.readwn.com~ Now no matter who the opponent is, Bucky can't beat any of them.

   At this time, Bucky is not the only person observing the waters near the Water Capital. At the highest point of the Water Capital, the reporters from Morgans are observing the entire battlefield and sending live signals to every corner of the world.

Morgans was able to get the battlefield live broadcast business this time mainly because the Warring States wanted to show the power of the navy in the world. The warring States wanted to let the navies of the world know that the power of the navy is very powerful, no matter how powerful a pirate you are. , Will be sanctioned by the Navy.

   For the Warring States Period, this war is a good opportunity to show off the military capabilities of the navy. It was the beginning of the navy's renewed prestige after the pirate king Roger yelled out the words to lead the times.

   "The navy, under the leadership of the Marshal Warring States, has set up a tight defense around the Water City. The Wanxiu Pirates seem to be aware of this. They have stopped in the sea outside the Water City and are not moving forward."

   "While the Wanxiu Pirate Group stops advancing, let's also introduce the current situation around the water capital."

   "The navy is now stationed in the Water City. After a long period of construction, the Water City has become a small fortress. Facing the attack of the Wanxiu Pirates, it will definitely play a very important role."

"Shichibu Kai Moria also sealed off one side of the Water City at the request of the Marshal Sengoku. Now the Wanxiu Pirates can only bypass the island and enter the new world from the west side of the Water City. Brother Ming and Jinping are in..."

   The reporter of the World Economic News Agency who was still introducing the scene immediately took back the camera after seeing Wan Xiu and others disembark, and aimed at the focal point of the lens-Wan Xiu.

   "The members of the Wanxiu Pirate Group have disembarked, and the war is about to begin!"

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