Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 78: Target: Shampoo

   Needless to say, Sengoku himself knew that with the exhausted navy, he would not be able to fight the Redhead Pirates again.

   Even with the new force of the red dog now joining, it is impossible to fight Shanks, who has just won the title of Four Emperors.

   "I know, no matter what, I can only let them go." When the Warring States period said this, he was obviously a little bit lost. After all, when did the Navy endure such an aggrieved thing.

  Even Roger, the Pirate King, was chased and fought by Karp all the way. But now a newly emerging pirate regiment can directly defeat the navy headquarters, and a new sea emperor can deter the entire navy.

This made the Warring States as a navy marshal very disappointed. He once again glanced at the red-haired pirates ship that was still approaching, turned to the herald on the side and said: "Tell the red-haired, let him not approach the city of water. The navy has just fought a battle, but it also has the strength to fight him."

   "Okay, Lord Marshal."

   After receiving the order, the messenger hurriedly led people in a small boat towards the group of red-haired pirates.

   After receiving the words of the Warring States Period, the Red-haired Pirates really stopped.

   The former One Piece crew member who had just received the title of Four Emperors had stayed in the waters outside the water capital for a while before he suddenly turned and drove towards the Chambord Islands.

   Although the confrontation between Shanks and the Warring States is not long, the navy of the Water City is still very nervous. After all, they are facing a sea emperor and another pirate team with extremely high combat effectiveness.

   But fortunately, the other party has already left.

   When the Red-Haired Pirates chose to leave the Water City, the navy ships of Akakinu and Hawkeye also docked at the Water City Wharf.

   Just when Akadog came to the Water City to report the situation before the Warring States period, the pirate ship of Wanxiu and others was also heading towards the Chambord Islands with difficulty.

   "Master Wanxiu, the hole has been filled." Bucky's animal trainer Moqi got out of the cabin and said with a wipe of sweat on his head.

  Because the Pirate Ship was hit with a hole in the Warring States before, they have been repairing the hole since they left the area of ​​the Water Capital.

  Although the hole in the cabin is now blocked, Bucky, who walked out with Moqi, looked upset, "The gold that I brought down from the island has dropped a lot."

   For Bucky, neither the bounty nor the ship is as important as the gold he brought out of Shandora from the treasure land.

   "Anyway, you can't build a ship in the Water City anymore. If you have less, you can have less." Wan Xiu didn't really care about the loss of gold.

   Before Wanxiu exchanged the pirates for the navy, and brought gold from Shandora, all in order to build a huge ship in the city of water. But now the water capital is entrenched by the navy, so the shipbuilding plan can only be temporarily stranded.

   But in this way, Bucky and the group can't leave, they can only continue to follow Wan Xiu and others to the new world.

"By the way, Bucky, after arriving in the Chambord Islands, we can buy a boat. Do you want to go back to the East China Sea?" After Bucky sat cross-legged on the deck, he told the man who followed all the way from the East China Sea. Half of the companion said.

   Bucky's eyes widened when he heard this, "No! Captain, just use our boat. Although a hole is broken, it should be able to be repaired in the shampoo field."

  If Bucky had heard Wan Xiu's words in the East China Sea, he would have agreed directly. After all, in the East China Sea, no one can threaten Bucky's survival, and it feels good to be the boss.

   But after entering the Great Sea Route, and after a battle between the Water Capital and the Navy, Bucky also knew that at this time, he must never leave Wanxiu's group.

   Now whether it is the navy or the pirates, they must know that there is him. Even if the navy does not improve his bounty, the bounty hunters and pirates will target him.

   This team Bucky is definitely not good news.

   In order not to be the target of being hunted, Bucky can only choose to continue to follow Wan Xiu and enter the new world together.

  Although the new world is equally dangerous, it can’t hold back people like Wanxiu!

   Just looking at the previous battle in the Water City, even if Captain Roger is back to life!

   "Oh? Together? All right." Wan Xiu seemed to have expected Bucky's reply a long time ago. The character of this person with the split fruit ability has always been like this.

   "Captain! Newspaper! Look at it, the latest ones are out!"

  While Wanxiu wanted to continue to say something to Bucky, Shanks, who was standing at the bow of the ship, had already taken the latest newspaper from the albatross.

   "So fast this time? It's hard for that newspaper giant."

   When Wanxiu took over the newspaper, he didn't forget to complain about Morgans, the president of the World Economic News Agency.

   After finishing speaking, Wan Xiu opened the latest issue of the newspaper, and on the first page, the headline that Morgans had mentioned before was written on the first page.

  ‘The Pirates of Ten Billion Bounty! ’

   "The title is quite bluffing." Wan Xiu glanced at the title and said with a smile.

   "Three billion bounty? Is the evaluation of me so high."

   Bucky, who was still sitting cross-legged on the ground, got up from the deck when he heard the number 3 billion, "3 billion Baileys?"

   Speaking of the words 3 billion~www.readwn.com~ Bucky’s eyes are all Pele's symbols.

   "That's too much..."

   For Bucky, the money is too much.

   Wanxiu didn’t pay attention to Bucky, who was surprised by the amount of bounty beside him, but looked at Karp on the other side and said: "Kapu, your bounty is 3.6 billion."

   "3.6 billion? Got it." Karp didn't have any special feelings about his bounty.

   You know, in his own world, Karp’s bounty has reached more than six billion. Although it is more than 3.6 billion, it is still far from the original height of Karp.

"Haha, the third is Luo Xindi, Dover, you have to work hard." Wan Xiu did not forget to make fun of the two of the Don Quixote family when he swept through the billion-dollar bounty of Luo Xindi. Members.

   "Kata Kuri......"

   After Wanxiu finished reading most of the people’s bounty, Bucky, who was waiting next to him, saw that Wanxiu didn’t want to continue reading, and quickly asked: "Me, what about me?"

   In fact, for Bucky, he doesn't want his bounty to increase. After all, the more bounty, the higher his risk.

   But in this environment, if the bounty doesn't increase, will it be a little frustrating?

"You? Let me take a look." Wan Xiu, who turned to the second page after reading Bellemel's bounty, was reminded by Bucky, and could only turn the newspaper back, "70 million Bailey. "

   "70 million Baileys?" Bucky heard the bounty with a moment of joy and worry on his face.

  I am happy that my bounty is approaching 100 million Baileys, but I am also worried about the bounty approaching 100 million Baileys. After all, this means that one's position in the heart of the bounty hunter has improved by one more level.

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