Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 121 Goodbye Xiang Yu! Are you willing to lead the army for me in Daqin?

"Ah? Xiang... Xiang Yu? 99

Hearing this name, Yu Yue and Yu Miaoyi's father and daughter were all confused.

This name, as people from Huiji, they are all too familiar with it.

He was the only one who rebelled in Kuaiji back then.

Why is Your Majesty today...

and many more!

Yu Yue's whole body was suddenly startled, and he remembered the "Brother Yu" he met yesterday.

Now... he is in his own mansion, and he is the only outsider in his mansion.

Could it be that……

Thinking of this, Yu Yue's complexion turned white.

Today in Daqin, people who are guilty of covering up are punished with the same crime.

If that brother Yu was really Xiang Yu who rebelled at the beginning of the uprising, wouldn't he be...


Seeing that Yu Yue's face was wrong, Yu Miaoyi was also a little panicked.

Could it be that my father really did something he shouldn't have done?


Zhao Tuo casually glanced at the black air wave above Yuyue's head that represented fear, and suddenly said "830":

"Since I know that Xiang Yu is with you, I also know that you are unintentional.

"Besides, you're still Miao Yi's father, so I won't blame you either."

"Come on, go in and have a look.""

After that, Zhao Tuo took Yu Miaoyi into the inner courtyard first.

Behind him, Yu Yue quickly followed.

"Where's Xiang Yu?"

"He... he went to wash up and should be able to come out later. 35

66 "Hmm"

Taking care of himself, he found a table and sat down, and Zhao Tuo started to bring Yu Miaoyi and Yu Yue together to make a home.

A posture that doesn't treat himself as an outsider at all.

It's just that Yu Miaoyi is better, after all, he has been with Zhao Tuo for a long time.

But Yu Yue couldn't let go.

Zhao Tuo didn't say anything about it.

no way.

Here is my identity.

It is obviously impossible to communicate with others like ordinary people.

"You father and daughter chat, I go around..."


Seeing Zhao Tuo get up, Yu Yue quickly got up and didn't dare to sit again, but Zhao Tuo pressed him back with a look.

With his hands behind his back, and humming a little tune, Zhao Tuo slowly wandered around the inner courtyard.

The news that His Majesty the Second Emperor was visiting Yu Mansion quickly spread throughout the entire servants.

Even Zhao Tuo could feel it.

When the servants in the mansion saw him, their initial surprise and doubt gradually turned into fear and respect.

All unfamiliar eyes began to gather on him.

This feeling was fine at first.

But after a long time, it is inevitable to be a little irritable.


The door opened, and Xiang Yu wiped his hair and walked out.

"It's really good that I didn't take a bath, it's comfortable..."

"Is the water temperature okay?

"Okay, if... eh?

Xiang Yu wanted to continue to say something, but he was suddenly stunned.

this voice...

Looking back, the next moment Xiang Yu's pupils suddenly shrank, and the whole person jumped out of the way, instantly tense.

"Qin Ershi!!!

"Yes, I still remember my face." Zhao Tuo looked at Xiang Yu with a smile.

"Why are you so nervous? Let's go, sit down with me and have two more drinks."

"Don't think about it! 35

Xiang Yu refused Zhao Tuo's invitation without hesitation.

The last time he drank with Zhao Tuo, he lost his energy.

In the end, the whole uprising came to nothing.

This time, he will definitely not make the previous mistakes again.

"Take your life!!!

With a loud shout, Xiang Yu suddenly punched out.

Obviously, he has not forgotten the reason why he came here.

"Tsk tsk tsk... It's rude to do it as soon as we meet..."

Zhao Tuo clicked his tongue slightly, and at the same time moved his footsteps slightly, not retreating but advancing.

In a trance, a pair of hands caught Xiang Yu's elbow and shoulder at an unknown time.

Interspersed with footsteps, unloading force and sending shoulders...


After a muffled sound, Xiang Yu got out all the way.

"I have more strength and less skill, you can't help me, why don't you sit down and talk? 35

Hearing Zhao Tuo's tone so light and calm, without even making waves, Xiang Yu, who was lying on the ground, was burning with anger.

In his entire life, he had only been so embarrassed in the face of this Qin Ershi.

Could it be that he was destined to be trampled under the feet of this Qin Ershi forever?


Absolutely not!

"Come again! 99


"I kill you!


Xiang Yu got up again and again and fell again and again.

Desperate every time...

At the same time, a deep sense of powerlessness began to permeate Xiang Yu's heart.

He had already tried his best, but Qin Ershi didn't even catch his breath.

What kind of monster is this...

"His Majesty!

Yu Yue and Yu Miaoyi, who heard the movement, also rushed over at this moment.

Seeing Zhao Tuo standing with his hands behind his back, and Xiang Yu lying on the ground with a bewildered face, Yu Yue's face turned green.

"Brother Yu, you...you.

"Xiang Yu, where is your gun?" Zhao Tuo asked suddenly.

"What's your business?"

Xiang Yu was angry.

Obviously, he didn't want to talk to Zhao Tuo any more.

Zhao Tuo squatted down slowly...

"Don't you want to kill me? You don't need a gun, just rely on you now, how can you kill me?"

'Are you scolding me to death when you talk to me? 35


Xiang Yu was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Taking a deep breath, he said with a dark face: "Okay, okay! You wait for me!"

When the words fell, Xiang Yu got up angrily and walked towards his room.

When he came out again, he had a long gun in his hand.

Zhao Tuo glanced at the Overlord Spear in Xiang Yu's hand, and there was no trace of nervousness in his eyes.

"Tsk tsk, this thing can be brought into the city. It seems that this soldier who guards the gate of Xianyang City should be severely punished."

"Stop talking nonsense and die!


"Be careful, Your Majesty!"

Xiang Yu was angry and stabbed with a spear, causing the father and daughter of Yu Yue, Yu Miaoyi and their daughter to exclaim in surprise.

However, Zhao Tuo still looked the same.



The Overlord Spear was like a hidden dragon rising into the abyss, and the dark shadow of the spear was impenetrable by Xiang Yu.

The strong wind caused the surrounding flowers and trees to suffer.

Looking at Zhao Tuo, I move around and move lightly.

Walking in the shadows of the guns, but not sticking to the wisps.


Suddenly Xiang Yu shouted angrily, and the spear grabbed the gap and stabbed it straight at Zhao Tuo's eyebrows.

At this time, Zhao Tuo was at a time when the old power had exhausted the new power, and there was no way to avoid it.


Xiang Yu's eyes flashed with ecstasy.

However, in the next second, the joy in his eyes suddenly solidified!


After a muffled sound, the Overlord Spear was firmly held by Zhao Tuo.

The sharp spearhead was only a finger away from the eyebrows. 1.0

But it is also this finger that is like the separation of the sky, and it is difficult to save it.

Xiang Yu only felt that the spear in his hand was difficult to shake.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't pull the Overlord Spear back.

"Just here..."

Zhao Tuo's indifferent voice sounded, and then Xiang Yu felt an irresistible force coming from the Overlord Spear.


The Overlord Spear flew out and directly inserted into the wall behind Zhao Tuo.

Xiang Yu stood there blankly, looking desperate, but with a hint of relief.

In fact, after the first shot that night, he was very clear.

I can't kill this Qin Ershi by myself.

This time... just to seek death.

"Finally... do you want to be free?"

Xiang Yu murmured.

But at this moment, Zhao Tuo's voice came again.

"Xiang Yu, are you willing to defect to my Da Qin and lead the troops for my Qin army?"

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