Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 123 Foreign trade war! How can the economy grow if the rich don't spend m1y?

After coming out of Ba's house, Yu Miaoyi's face was full of confusion.

Just curious, and a little afraid to ask.

Zhao Tuo's heart tickled when he looked pitiful.

"Are you curious, what did I just say to Madam Qing?


Yu Miaoyi nodded her head.

"Your Majesty, Miao Yi... can you know?

"Of course, you are all my people, what else can't you know?

Yu Miaoyi's pretty face flushed red when Zhao Tuo hugged Liu's waist.

I couldn't help but think of the good night I spent with this His Majesty.

That's right... I'm already His Majesty's person.

"What I explained to Madam Qing before was a foreshadowing that was laid down a long time ago.

Zhao Tuo began to whisper to Yu Miaoyi about what happened just now.

"The Peacock Dynasty is a super dynasty on the west side of the Great Qin. No matter in terms of territorial area or total population, it is not inferior to the Great Qin. 66


Yu Miaoyi was slightly startled.

She had heard that there was a wider world outside of Daqin.

But I didn't expect that there would be a country as big as Daqin.

"Not only that, the standing army of the Peacock Dynasty is as high as more than 600,000, and there are nearly 10,000 war elephants.

"In addition to the climate and geographical advantages, it will be difficult for the Qin army to capture the Mauryan Dynasty in the future.

"Although Daqin is not afraid of any country in this world, even if he launches a strong attack, Daqin's casualties will certainly not be low.

Yu Miaoyi nodded in understanding.

Although as a woman, I really don't know what these wars are.

But from Zhao Tuo's mouth, she could hear a hint of caution.

"So, I thought of a way from the beginning, from the inside of this Peacock Dynasty, it started to devour it.

"In this way, when the Qin army goes to war, the Peacock Dynasty, which has already had its own appearance, will no longer be a threat!

"Then... how do you hollow it out?" Yu Miaoyi asked curiously.

Zhao Tuo explained: “To put it simply, it is to quietly plunder their resources into our hands in the form of transactions.99

"Professional, it's called a trade war. 99

"The money they earn will be converted into useful resources and shipped back to Daqin. In this way, their domestic economic aggregate will remain unchanged, but resources will become less and less, prices will soon rise rapidly, and the economy will collapse.

"The money of the Mauryan government's treasury depreciated, and the whole country became poor."

"Money becomes waste, gradually causing chaos...

"Of course, the main premise of all this is that we have a commodity that has no practical significance at all, low cost, but can sell high-value commodities and export them to the Peacock Dynasty on a large scale!

"Ah? Is there such a thing?" Yu Miaoyi's eyes were full of doubts.

In the end what is meaningless, the cost is still low, and it can be sold at a high price?

Isn't it stupid who buys something like this?

Zhao Tuo smiled mysteriously.

"The method of making something like that is now handed over to Mrs. Qing."

"I believe that in the near future, Daqin will receive a steady stream of supplies from the Peacock Dynasty."

"Oh, right.

"Nowadays, in the hands of many merchants and nobles in Daqin, there are also a lot of excess property accumulated in warehouses.

"Now that Daqin has become stable, it is time to let the money flow and make it useful to Daqin."

Back in the palace, it was getting late.

Just after dinner, Zhao Tuo received a memorial from Feng Quji.

"Your Majesty, now half of the sewer pipes have been poured, and the excavation in Xianyang City has also begun according to the line preset by the line of sight."

“Other than that, all tenders for paper mills have been closed today. 35

"Well... the tender is finally over? That's long enough.

Cheng || Yes... The main reason is that there are many counties in Daqin, and the merchants who came to hear the news are like crucian carp crossing the river. It is true that it cannot be completed in a short period of time.

"Well, let's talk, how much is the tender for storage?"

"Go back to Your Majesty, the bidding amount... 37 million dollars!"

Even Feng Quji, when he said this number, couldn't help but feel a little unreal in his heart.

Without paying anything, nearly 40,000,000 yuan was entered into the account.


Zhao Tuo nodded with satisfaction.

"Thirty-seven million dollars, plus Xianyang City's businessmen are now making daily profits, and the next earnings after the operation of the paper workshop...

"It's time to make a big move..."

Hearing this, Feng Quji was a little dumbfounded.

"Your Majesty, didn't you (money is good) just decide to mine?

Zhao Tuo waved his hand and said, "Mining is mining, so how much money does it cost?

"We have to fight. Except for some emergency money in the treasury, the other money will be spent for him as soon as it comes in!"5


"Feng Xiang, there is something you may not have heard."

"How can the economy grow if the rich don't spend money?"

"The money in the treasury is not spent, are you waiting for him to give you a baby? 35


"Okay, pass my oral instructions, and then make a large number of blocks used in movable type printing to expand the printing scale."

"At the same time, the important ministers in the DPRK are ordered to come to the palace tomorrow to discuss the opening of the Daqin School together. There must be no mistake!"

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