"Suddenly calling all of you Aiqing here is because there is an important matter to discuss.

In the main hall of the bedroom, Zhao Tuo and Ying Zheng both had serious expressions.

Looking below, Meng Yi, Feng Quji and others could not help frowning slightly.

Could it be... is there some bad news?

Before there were too many conjectures in everyone's mind, Ying Zheng took the lead in saying: "Just now, Tuo'er made soy milk and facial mask with bean sprouts.

"The original one pound of bean curd, after being made into soy milk and facial mask, the profit will be multiplied thousands of times!"

Just this sentence made everyone present froze on the spot.

How much... how much?

A thousandfold profit!?

In an instant, everyone present knew why the Emperor Taishang and His Majesty were so serious.

Yes, the profits are high, and no one is unhappy.

But sometimes, once the profit of one thing reaches a certain level, it is not a good thing.

Once handled carelessly, it is easy to lose the whole game.

The most important thing is... a country will not be a country!

"Let me tell you about these two things first. 35 Zhao Tuo opened his mouth and started to tell everyone how to make soy milk and facial mask, and their specific functions.

"That's about it. 35

Zhao Tuo's voice fell.

Needles could be heard in the entire palace hall.

Meng Yi and others looked at Zhao Tuo with horrified eyes.

Everyone is already trying to overestimate this young His Majesty.

However, the reality has always reminded them that it is not enough, far from enough!

If it weren't for the difference between the ruler and the minister, they really wanted to see what was in their Majesty's mind that was different from theirs.

Why is it always possible to bring them such a surprise...or a fright.

Just relying on the most common and cheapest thing in Daqin.

You can make soy milk that is comparable to milk and a facial mask that will be sought after by thousands of people... It's outrageous!

After pondering for a moment, Feng Quji was the one who finally spoke first.

"Your Majesty, this minister thinks... Although the profit of this mask is terrifying, it must not be sold in the same way as tea and fruit wine.

"At least until all the people of Daqin can have enough to eat, it can't be made public.

Zhao Tuo nodded slightly.

He agrees with this view.

When he first took out the mask, he didn't think too much about it.

I just remembered that my sister in the previous life often used the bean dregs at home to apply to her face, so she did it.

But after receiving Ying Zheng's reminder, he suddenly realized.

Hidden behind extremely attractive benefits, is a more deadly hidden danger!!!

Feng Quji continued: "If the method of making this mask is leaked, then the price of bean curd must rise rapidly. 55

"This is the ration for the people of Daqin to live!"

"Besides this year's bean curd is valuable, then the people will plant bean curd next season, and then the bean curd will flood again, the price will plummet, and the prices of other grains in Daqin will skyrocket..."

Feng Quji did not continue to speak.

But everyone knows it.

The back... will be a mess!

After Feng Quji finished speaking, Li Si also got up and said in a heavy tone: "Your Majesty, the emperor, in addition to the problem mentioned by Feng Xiang, this minister believes that the more serious problem lies in the workers who make it."

"The production method of this mask is simple, low cost, and a thousand times more profitable.

"Human nature is inherently evil... How many of these workers can resist such temptations?

"Not to mention workers, even maids and eunuchs in the palace, with such profits, I am afraid that I will be evil and courageous!

After hearing Li Si's words, everyone nodded.

This is indeed a very serious issue.

Ask yourself, if this is replaced by yourself, you will definitely not be able to resist this temptation.

Once someone makes a profit from this secretly, there will still be chaos behind.

Ying Zheng frowned and rubbed the beard on his face, and murmured, "It seems that there are quite a few problems to overcome in order to make this thousandfold profit."

"What the emperor said is very..." Everyone below frowned.

After a while, Meng Yi also got up and said: ".|| While there is still a sentence, I don't know if I should say it or not.

Ying Zheng nodded.

"Your Majesty, the emperor, in addition to the issues mentioned by the two prime ministers just now, should we still consider it?"

"After this mask is sold, will anyone find out the practice of this mask, after all... it's really too simple. 99

The crowd nodded again.

In short, after a discussion, the reality that everyone must face is.

If you want to make this thousandfold profit, you must first overcome various problems.

If you can't overcome it, you can only stare at it.

For a time, everyone was talking about it.

Here Meng Yi just proposed to reduce profits, sell at a reduced price, sell in limited quantities, special supply...

Ideas were proposed, and there were quick rejections.

For half an hour, everyone failed to discuss a suitable and complete case (money is good).

Until the end, the sound of the round became less and less.

Everyone couldn't help but look at Zhao Tuo, who had been silent.


"What are you all looking at me for?"

"Your Majesty, what is your opinion on this matter?" Feng Quji asked.

"Insights... Anyway, listening to your discussion just now, I feel that we have to start from the root of the problem.

"Since we can't sell the formula, then we'll have a monopoly and sell the shit by ourselves."

"Since you're afraid of being discovered by others, then make it a little more complicated so that they won't be able to discover it."

“As for how to prevent the leakage of the production process‥

Zhao Tuo suddenly smiled.

"There are a lot of people here who are absolutely loyal and won't reveal any secrets.


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