Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 168: The Forbidden Recipe of Medicine Lost? Find the Tomb of Bian Que!

Uncle's apprentice?

Hearing this, everyone who was still in shock looked at it again.

The wooden tiles and plums also frowned.

They would like to see.

Who is taking advantage of them.

In the eyes of everyone, Doctor Ju stepped out of the crowd with the grain of millet.


With a heavy sound, Millet put the whole basket on the big table in front of him.

"These are all medical books handed down by the ancestors!"

All the doctors present were speechless for a while.

For a while I looked at the small stack of hard books, and for a while, I looked at the hard books, and it seemed that I didn't know what to do.

Everyone is an insider.

Who knows how many medical books there are, it all depends on the accumulation of the authors.

After all, this medical book is different from other books, so you can't just write it all...

"This senior..."

Muwa and Meizi walked up to Doctor Ju, bowed slightly and said in a deep voice, "You said just now that my two masters, Bian Que, are your uncles?

"Dare to ask old gentleman, who did you learn from?

In the face of the two people's inquiries, Doctor Ju did not panic at all.

"Since he is a disciple of Ziyang and Ziyi, he must have heard of the teacher and the old man."

"The family teacher cultivated fish roe, and went out of the same school with the teacher and uncle Bian Que, and once studied medicine under the sect of the master, Chang Sangjun.

Hearing Juyi's words, Muwa and Meizi were shocked.

"You...you are Uncle Ju Liang! Are you still alive!?"

Doctor Ju smiled and nodded.

Ju Liang... It's been a long time since I heard someone call this name.

Looking at the wooden tiles and plums at this time, they had changed their displeasure before, and bowed respectfully to Doctor Ju again.

And all the doctors present couldn't help looking at each other.

A disciple of the medical ancestor Bian Que.

This counts...that's their old senior!

Muwa and Meizi glanced at the whole baskets of books on the table, and asked tentatively, "I dare to ask Shishu, this medical book is the one that was handed down even before Changsangjun and Shizu were finished. `?

"Yeah..." Doctor Ju sighed: "This medical book is also the legacy of the ancestors, and it has been passed down to the old generation."

"Originally, the old man could only hope that my disciple, or even the disciple and grandson, would complete this book on non-medical medicine.

"I believe this is also what the teacher and the ancestor wished.

"Uncle Master can have such a belly, the younger generation admires!"

Doctor Ju waved his hand.

"Didn't the two of you also take out this "Difficult Sutra", which is not passed on to outsiders, hahaha...

Muwa lowered his head and said a little disappointedly: "Uncle Master doesn't know anything, and the hands of the two of us are only a small part of the difficult experience."

"The rest should have been completely lost with the disappearance of the masters and uncles!"

"Ah! 35

Doctor Ju's complexion changed slightly, and the surrounding doctors were also shocked.

Even Zhao Tuo couldn't help frowning.


Could it be said that the hard scriptures left behind in later generations are only half-finished products?

Although he had doubts in his heart, Zhao Tuo did not rush to ask questions, but chose to continue listening.

Here, Meizi continued Muwa's words and said: "Nowadays, the sutra is just a transcript, the original work and all the forbidden recipes for medical skills passed down by the master are all buried with the master.

"The old man has heard of this matter. Now Master Bian Que's "Inner Canon" and "Outer Classic" have all been lost, but I didn't expect that even the hard scriptures... Hey, this Crown Prince."

Doctor Ju shook his head again and again with a look of regret.

Crown Prince Guo was Bian Que's tenth disciple and the youngest.

He was rescued by Bian Que when he was about to die, and he was the one who revered Bian Que the most among his disciples.

After Bian Que died, he was buried, and it was his decision to bury all medical books with Bian Que.

And the burial place has not been disclosed to others, in order to prevent the undisclosed secret from being missed.

And Zhao Tuo understood it now.

When I communicated with Doctor Ju before the relationship, what he said, "We don't want some doctors in our family. When we die, we have to bring the secret recipes into the coffin." He was referring to Bian Que!

"It seems that this generation has a lot of grudges and entanglements, tsk tsk..."

"But this is not the question to consider now. 95

Zhao Tuo's eyes were burning.

He was right in not rushing to leave today.

He even inquired about the original book of the Difficult Classic, as well as the forbidden prescription of the medical skills that Bian Que had passed down to Lord Changsang.

For others, these things may be lost.

But as a descendant two thousand years later, he happened to know some news about Bian Que's tomb!

Although it is said that because of Bian Que's footprints all over Guanzhong, people everywhere built a lot of Bian Que's tombs to commemorate him.

But the real Bian Que tomb was discovered two thousand years later in Boye Lu Village, Hebei Province.

It's a pity that at the time of social unrest, the tomb of Bian Que was destroyed as soon as it was discovered.

It is estimated that it was at that time that the authentic works of hard scriptures and a large number of forbidden medical techniques were completely lost.

After pondering for a moment, a smile appeared on the corner of Zhao Tuo's mouth.

'.||Let's go, go back to the palace.

"Go back to the palace!

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!

As soon as he returned to the palace, Zhao Tuo opened the map and searched for the location of Yelu Village after the Expo.

Today, it is in the territory of Guangyang County.

Find a relatively specific location, the rest is easy to say.

After extracting the map and giving it to an Iron Eagle guard, Zhao Tuo instructed:

"Order the people from Guangyang County to this location and carefully search for the location of Bian Que's tomb.

"I will reply as soon as I find it.


The Iron Eagle Guard left with the map.

Zhao Tuo sat back in the chair and thought to himself.

Today, the medical book of Daqin has not only the addition of "Emperor's Internal Classic", but also the unexpected joy of "Nanjing".

In addition, there may be the lost "Inner Canon", "Outer Classic" and a large number of forbidden prescriptions for medicine.

If this is the case, it is impossible to compile a masterpiece medical book.

That's really a bit of an understatement!

Just thinking about it, suddenly Xiao Taozi, Ba Man, and Yu Miaoyi San (Qian Lihao), all dressed in gauze skirts, walked in together.

"Your Majesty, are you busy?"

Zhao Tuo shook his head: "It's nothing for now."

Immediately, he glanced at the three people's attire, and said with a smile: "What's the matter? Looking at your outfits, are you going to go out for a walk? 35

Baman Yanran smiled and said: "Your Majesty, you haven't rested much during this time, and it happens that you are wearing plain clothes now. Why don't you go out and step on the folk customs together and experience the public sentiment?"

"You are smart.

Zhao Tuo shook his head helplessly, Jie.

Although I know the excuse that Baman made for this, but if you think about it carefully, it is indeed the case.

During this period of time, he was also busy when he went out.

I haven't really visited Xianyang well.

Thinking of this, Zhao Tuo got up and sorted his clothes.

"Okay, since you want to go shopping, go for a walk.

"It just so happens that I also take a good look at what the living conditions of the people in Xianyang are like today."

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