Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 180 The 3 heroes of the early Han Dynasty gathered!

Chapter 180

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the frontiers are reporting that the first and second groups of prisoners of war have been sent across the border, and letters have also been sent to neighboring capitals."


Listening to the information handed back by the Black Ice Platform, Zhao Tuo nodded in satisfaction.

"Let them hurry up, the military deployment map is time-effective."


If nothing else, within the next three days, all the prisoners of war in Daqin Pass will be sent across the border.

Although the time is relatively short, the number of personnel and the target of each batch are relatively large.

But this is also impossible.

After all, there are many neighboring countries around Daqin, and every time I use the military map to check the military strength, I will consume a lot of reputation points.

Moreover, after exchanging the design of the clipper ship, his current balance has always been tight.

The people on the Black Ice Terrace stepped back, and Zhao Tuo turned his attention back to the people in the hall again.

At this time, in addition to the regular guests Ying Zheng, Wang Ben, Meng Yi, and Li Si, and the "special guest" Huang Shigong.

There are also three new faces.

Xiao He, who was summoned in the capacity of trusting the Chefu Ling.

Zhang Liang sitting next to Meng Yi.

And next to Wang Ben, Han Xin, who was only in his early twenties.

The three heroes of the early Han Dynasty are here!

However, at this time, the three of them have not experienced any big storms.

Being in the palace of His Majesty II today, it is inevitable that there are some restraints.

"Huang Shigong, how are the three of them?" Zhao Tuo looked at Huangshigong with a smile.

"The person selected by Your Majesty has nothing to say.

Huangshi Gongfu must chuckle

In front of these three people, it was naturally hard to say anything.

But Ying Zheng, who couldn't hold back, asked in a low voice, "Mr. Huang Shi, apart from Zhang Liang and Han Xin, what else is special about Xiao He?"

Huang Shigong said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, Xiao He, like Zhang Liang and Han Xin, are people who have gathered great luck!

"According to the old man's calculation, if Da Qin did not have the emperor to suppress the luck, the emperor summoned these three people to overthrow the foundation of Da Qin and establish a new heaven!


Ying Zheng was stunned, his eyes changed when he looked at Han Xin and the others.

On the side, Duke Huang Shi continued: "The present His Majesty is really a god, and this old man thinks that he is very accomplished in this deduction technique, but he only knows that the Son of Heaven should have three people to help him.

"But who the three are, you can only know if you see them. 35

"I never would have thought that your Majesty, so calm, would have recruited all three of them into his command, and abruptly robbed the emperor of his luck.

"As expected of my son... Hahahaha!"

Ying Zheng's sudden laughter caught everyone's attention.

"Cough, don't look at me, you guys talk about you. 35

Zhao Tuo retracted his gaze and flipped the memorial in his hand.

"Well...now the Afang, the mausoleum, and the Great Wall have all been completed, and there are more than 300,000 guilty people who are free.""

"It's definitely not okay to waste food, let them use their residual heat. 35

"Shut up sir.

"The minister is here.""

"I said before about using these guilty people to open up wasteland, how's it going?" Zhao Tuo asked.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, with the help of the ovary, the progress has been much faster. 35


Meng Yi glanced at Zhang Liang and said with a smile: "Zeng Fang and ministers suggested yesterday that these guilty people should be allocated to the county of their origin.

"Those who have performed well can give some more acres of land to their families as appropriate, which can greatly improve the enthusiasm of these guilty people and turn passive into active. 99


Zhao Tuo summed it up a little.

Indeed, to open up wasteland in one's own hometown, the enthusiasm should indeed be stronger than in an unfamiliar place.

And even in modern times, if you perform well, you can still be punished.

It's just a gift, not a bad thing.

As expected of Zhang Liang, this idea is really good.

"That's it!"

.....for flowers · 0

"By the way, Li Xiang..." Zhao Tuo looked at Li Si and asked, "I remember you seemed to have something to say before?"

Li Si got up and nodded: "Yes, Your Majesty, now the new crops are harvested, and the seeds have been distributed to the counties."5

"And after the second issue of the newspaper was distributed, the family planning strategy you mentioned has begun to bear fruit."

"Huh? You can see the effect so quickly?" A surprise appeared in Zhao Tuo's eyes.

It's only been less than two months, right?

"Yes, Your Majesty, now the county towns and towns have implemented a policy of reporting pregnant women to ensure that the prepared wasteland is enough to be rewarded.

"Judging from the news reported from various places, His Majesty's move has indeed achieved remarkable results.


Zhao Tuo nodded with satisfaction.

"But..." Li Si suddenly hesitated.

"Li Xiang, but it's okay to say it.""

After hesitating for a while, Li Si said: "Your Majesty, this minister thinks that this move can indeed inspire the people of Great Qin to give birth, but there is a problem that Great Qin has to face."5

"That's the land issue.

"There are so many people in Daqin, if you give birth to a child, you will give away a piece of land, it will be fine in a short time, but it will take a long time...

"You mean this." Zhao Tuo chuckled lightly: "This is indeed a problem, but in the short term, the speed of people's birth should not be able to keep up with the speed of Qin's expansion. "5

Li Si was at a loss for words.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems to be the case.

In just a few months, the territory of Great Qin has nearly doubled.

And the next goal of Daqin is a Peacock Dynasty no less than Daqin.

If you can take it down, you can get a large area of ​​wasteland to be developed.

If this situation continues, judging from his age, there should be no chance to worry about it.

At this moment, Xiao He who was beside him suddenly got up and said:

"Your Majesty, Wei Chen...I have an idea."

"If it is feasible, maybe it can be done once and for all." +.

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