Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 183 Bearings and screws challenge the processing level of Daqin!

Chapter 183


Early in the morning, Zhao Tuo walked out of Yu Miaoyi's bedroom, stretched a lot, and then began to move his body.

However, the warm-up action here has just begun, and the maid in the palace walked over quickly.

"Your Majesty, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Palace is asking to see you.

"So early?" Zhao Tuo was slightly taken aback.

He said yesterday that Xiangli Yang would come to him this morning.

But now it's just dawn, so it's probably four or five o'clock.

It's a little too early, isn't it?

"Your Majesty, Lord Xiangli was waiting outside the palace when he first arrived at Chou."


ugly time.

Man, it's past two in the morning.

Didn't you say yesterday that he should have a good rest?

Emotions are all ignored, right?

Zhao Tuo had blue veins on his forehead, rolled up his sleeves and went straight to the gate of the bedroom.

"Well, you are a relative sheep. It doesn't matter if you don't obey. If you die suddenly and break the assembly line, I will dig your grave."

The door opened, and when he saw Xiangli sheep outside the door, Zhao Tuo stepped up and raised his hand to give Xiangli sheep a "mandatory rest".

However, Zhao Tuo was slightly startled when he saw Xiangli Yang's energetic look.

It doesn't look like it's taking a break, does it?

"Your Majesty! After I went back, I had a good sleep, and when I woke up, I hurried over to wait for you.

"Go back... Wasn't it still dark then?"

"I didn't pay too much attention to it, all I was thinking about was the solution you said."

Zhao Tuo couldn't help rubbing his temples.

I have some doubts in my heart, whether this Xiangli Yang has gone crazy.

But think about it.

Maybe it is precisely because of being so focused on one thing that there are no other things distracting, so the ancients could have such great achievements?

"Okay, for the sake of your persistence, come in and wait for a while.

Having said that, Zhao Zi walked into the main hall without hesitation.

When he came out again, there were already two more gadgets in his hand.

"This is……"

Looking at the unfamiliar object in Zhao Tuo's hands, Xiangli Yang was at a loss.

Zhao Tuo didn't explain too much. First, he picked up one of the hollow rings about the size of a thumb, pinched its axis, and moved it slightly...


Under the fluctuation of Zhao Tuo, the outer ring of the ring turned rapidly.

However, its axis was still held in his hand by Zhao Tuo's questioning, and it did not move at all.

Obviously, it's a bearing.

However, such an extremely ordinary sight to modern people shocked Xiangli Yang.

"This this………"

Seeing that this is not such a miraculous thing, Xiangli Yang is already trembling all over.

"It's called a bearing." Zhao Tuo said:

"The inner and outer rings of the bearing are connected by movable spherical balls or rollers, so that the friction when the inner and outer rings rotate independently will be greatly reduced.

"With this bearing, wear on the line gears and shafts is minimized.


Xiangli Yang nodded again and again, and a light called excitement burst out from his eyes.

The reasoning here is so simple!

"Besides this, it's actually a set of things called screws and nuts.

Zhao Tuo picked up the screws and nuts, twisted them apart, and handed them to Xiangli Yang.

"See the pattern on it? It's called a thread.

"With this thread, sets of screws and nuts are held together. 99

Xiangli Yang nodded and tried to screw the nut onto the screw.

With hands on the line, Xiangli Yang can easily complete it.

"Your Majesty! I understand! This thing must be used to fix metal parts?"

"Exactly." Zhao Tuo nodded.

"In some cases, nuts are not necessary, and threaded holes are drilled on the object, which can also function as nuts and fix screws.

"Things are just these two things, how does it feel?"

Zhao Tuo looked at Xiangli Yang with a smile.

This time, although he gave Xiangli Yang a solution.

But it can also be regarded as two problems for Xiangli Yang.

He wanted to see it.

In the Qin Dynasty, just because he understood the function of the gear set and some transmission structures, he was able to create an automatic assembly line because of his own words.

Under the current technical conditions of Daqin, it is possible to restore the modern bearings and screws and nuts that only appeared in modern times.

After all, these two things have very high requirements for the level of mechanical precision.

And the current Daqin, let alone finishing.

Even the processing is laborious.

Looking at the bearings and screws and nuts that Zhao Tuo handed over to him, Xiangli Yang thought for a moment, and then said:

The two things that His Majesty brought out are really ingenious, and it is impossible for an extraordinary person to make the same thing. "

"But...with its reasoning, it is not impossible for me to become something of Qin! 99


Hearing the confidence in Xiangliyang's tone (of King Qian's), the corners of Zhao Tuo's mouth raised slightly.

"You seem confident."9

"In this way, you don't need to make a complete recovery, as long as you can make something similar, I will promise you the Hundred Schools Forum in the next issue of the newspaper, and leave it to you Qin Mo's lineage to develop on your own. 99

"And if you can apply the principle of bearings and screws on the assembly line, I will show you the same thing, you will absolutely love it!

"How about it?"

Xiangli Yang's eyes widened in surprise.

"Your Majesty, is this true?

"You have no jokes."

"Okay!" Xiangli Yang tightly grasped the bearings and screws and nuts in his hands.

"Your Majesty, wait for the good news of the minister!

"It is stated in advance that the manufacture of the structure of the large ship cannot be delayed because of this time."1

"Don't worry, Your Majesty!"

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