Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 196 Today, I will use you to kill chickens as an example!

Chapter 196

Hearing Li Si's icy voice, Wei Yao was so frightened that he almost sat on the ground.

"Li Xiang! The lower official knows it's wrong! Li Xiang is kind!

"show mercy?

Li Si sneered: "Why be kind? Just because you are a noble, and the teacher of the school is a commoner?"

"Or is it because you are the dignified ninth master, and he is just a teacher?"

"I tell you, Daqin has always ruled the country by law.

"When a prince breaks the law, he should punish the common people with the same crime. This is a rule handed down from the pre-Qin period!

"If I am generous today, what will happen when others make mistakes tomorrow? Where is the majesty of "Qin Lu"!?"

"How do you explain the truth to Your Majesty!?

After Wei Yao heard Li Si's words, he was so frightened that he was heartbroken.

He knows it now.

From the moment Li Si sent him into the "eight seven zero" of his guard house, he had no intention of leaving him alive at all!

"Li Si! You forced me to do this!"

"Someone! Block Li Si and the two Iron Eagle Guards for me!"

"Fen'er, go with Daddy! 35

Wei Yao gave an order, grabbed Wei Fen who was still sitting on the ground stupidly, and was about to run away.

The servants of the Wei family also rushed towards the two Iron Eagle Guards and Li Si.

There is a huge disparity in strength, and they are clear.

But they just heard it.

As accomplices, they will also die!

Left and right are dead, only by fighting one hand can we live!


"Eat my stick!"

"Come on!

A group of frightening claws rushed over.

However, the ideal is very full, but the reality is extremely skinny.

How elite are the Iron Eagle Guards, and how could these servants be able to defeat them by relying on numbers?


The steel long sword was unsheathed, and the silver-white brilliance flickered, and blood splattered.

A scream came and went.

More than a dozen servants were beheaded by the sword in a blink of an eye, and Wei Yao took his son Wei Fen across the courtyard gate.

The two Tie Ying guards quickly caught up, and after a while, they each carried one, and Wei Yao and his son returned to Li Si.

Li Si said coldly: "Refused to obey the law and attacked the officials of the DPRK and China... Mr. Wei, it seems that you have two more charges to be added to this crime."

"Let's go, take this father and son on, and go back to the palace!

Looking at the father and son with their foreheads full of sweat in front of them, Zhao Tuo's mouth had a cold arc.

"Wei Yao, you really didn't disappoint me. 99

"Let's not talk about the matter of wanting to kill the teacher of our school... I heard that you seem to have some criticisms about the reform of the Daqin official position selection system? 99

"I don't...don't dare."

"Don't you dare? Hehe... Come on, let's Lord Wei see if this letter was written by him.

Zhao Tuo's voice fell, and the people from the Black Ice Terrace came over and dropped a letter at Wei Yao's feet.

No need to open it at all.

Just from the way it was folded, Wei Yao recognized at a glance that this was one of the letters he ordered to send out in the afternoon.

"Actually, if it's just what's on the letter, it's nothing.

Zhao Tuo spread his hands.

“After all, it is normal for officials from the DPRK and China to discuss whether the policy is reasonable. 35

"However, when you get together, what will be discussed...isn't the policy beneficial to the people?


Wei Yao lowered his head, not daring to meet Zhao Tuo's eyes.

"Heh...Aren't you curious why I made this decision? 39

"Look at your son, look at yourself, that's the answer!

Zhao Tuo paced up to Wei Yao, looked down at him and said, "In Da Qin, it was because there were too many people like you that the ruling class and the common people were out of touch.

"Now Daqin has managed to get on the right track, but you guys still don't know how to repent."

"Today, I will use you to kill the chickens to warn the monkeys!" Zhao Tuo's eyes shone with cold light.

"Come on!"

"Drag this Wei Yao out and put him in the prison! Execution at noon tomorrow!"


Two Iron Eagle Guards stepped forward and dragged Wei Yao out of the hall while holding Wei Yao's arms.

"Your Majesty! Forgive your life, Your Majesty!

"I will never dare again! 35

"His Majesty!!!"

It was not until Wei Yao's figure disappeared from the bedroom that his mourning gradually faded away.

He never imagined that...

I want to come to His Majesty's bedroom day and night.

Now here comes the result.


Faced with this situation, young Wei Fen finally couldn't hold back the fear in his heart and burst into tears.

However, in the face of this arrogant and domineering little guy, Zhao Tuo's eyes did not show any pity because he was a child.

The bad characters of these aristocratic children are far more than modern times.

The deformed educational methods of the feudal society and the class gap like a moat make the common people, in their eyes, as cheap as ants.

Today, he can confidently grab other people's meals.

Tomorrow, he will be able to snatch the lives of the people without any psychological burden!

This kind of person does not even need to be corrected.

"Come here, take this little brat down to the crime camp, and after a while, go with the most common people to open up the wasteland.


Another Iron Eagle Guard stepped forward and carried away the struggling Wei Fen.

Seeing all this, Li Si on the side couldn't bear it.

Although Wei Yao was indeed guilty, Wei Fen was still a child after all.

After hesitating for a while, Li Si finally did not open his mouth to plead.

Because he is very clear.

Zhao Tuo is right.

Allowing such a person to grow up is simply harming innocents in disguise.

"Tsk tsk tsk, His Majesty usually seems to be easy-going and humble, but when it cools down, it's really hard-hearted.

Li Si thought to himself.

But it is.

If not so cold-blooded, it is estimated that there may be someone else sitting on the throne now?

"Li Xiang.

Zhao Tuo's voice interrupted Li Si's thoughts.

"The minister is here. 33

"You go back and drop by the school, and help me bring a note to my brother. 95

Saying that, Zhao Tuo picked up the pen and paper.

After a while, a note was written and handed to Li Si.

Zhao Tuo sighed slightly.

"Let brother get ready, if nothing else happens, there should be many parents who want to drop out of school tomorrow. 35

"When the time comes, you can ask him to do as I say on this note."


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