Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 216 Tianji Pavilion is established! Left and right hall masters and deans!

Chapter 216

The corner of Zhao Tuo's mouth raised a successful arc.

The reason why he brought Gong Shuming here was because he wanted to take advantage of the charm of Shenjitang's creations to attract him.

Second, he wanted to stimulate him by taking advantage of Xiangli Yang's status as a tycoon of Qin Mo.

Gongshujia and Mojia have been at odds with each other for more than a hundred years.

Seeing that the skills of the Mo family are already so superb, it's no wonder that this man can sit still!

And the truth is exactly as I guessed...

Looking at Gong Shuming in front of him, Zhao Tuo raised his hand slightly.


"Since the loser is willing to devote himself to my Daqin command, I will naturally not treat you badly."

"In the future, all the people who join the Shenji Hall will enjoy the same treatment as the people of Qin Mo. In addition..."

Zhao Tuo glanced at the sheep and said, "I promised you once on "883" that if we can manufacture bearings, screws and nuts, I will give you another goodies.

Xiangliyang was overjoyed when he heard Zhao Tuo mention this.

Originally, he thought that Zhao Tuo had forgotten about it, but he never dared to mention it.

Unexpectedly, something good happened today.

Looking at Qin Mozhi and Gong loser who have always been at odds, Zhao Tuo said: "Although you two have always been at odds, but now that you are both working together for our Qin Dynasty, you should turn your battles into jade and silk."5

"Things like that will provide a steady stream of impetus for the development of Shenji Hall, you should share it, and love you in love with each other, okay?

"Chen, I have no opinion!" Xiangli Yang's eyes were very clear.

He just wants to get the treasure that is said to be able to improve his understanding of machinery.

As for who to share with, he has no opinion.

He is just a loser, even if he shares this treasure, Qin Mo can still overwhelm the loser!

As for Gongshuming... Bailai's stuff, can you have any comments?

Zhao Tuo nodded with satisfaction.

"In that case, Gongshu Aiqing, you can deal with the family affairs."5

"When you return to court, I will hand that thing into the hands of both of you.""


Gong Shuming made a salute.

Xiangli Yang on the side snorted coldly: "You can hurry up, don't delay my good deeds.


Gong Shuiming left, and Zhao Tuo also returned to the bedroom.

The first thing I did after I came back was to open the system mall and search for a book I accidentally saw last time.

After searching, the book came into view again.

[Intermediate Transmission Structure Encyclopedia and Analysis]: 2980,0000 Prestige Points

It records the advanced transmission structure including gear train and rotor transmission.

Remarks: Precise, complex and beautiful, appearing in this era, I don't know how it will be magically changed...

"Nearly 30 million reputation. Fortunately, I made a lot of money from the newspaper and dealing with the nobles last time."

Looking at the 35 million reputation in the balance, Zhao Tuo clenched his teeth and his heart turned, and directly chose to exchange.

With the pleasant system prompt, the reputation points shrunk rapidly, leaving less than 8 million.

"Could it be that I don't get rich?"

"That's not right? You made a lot of money in your last life, why can't you save any more in this life?

Zhao Tuo's face hurts.

However, for the future mechanical development of Da Qin, he could only smash his teeth and swallow in his stomach.

After all, machinery will be the mainstream for many years in the future.

Even in the modern age two thousand years later, technology has developed in the direction of electronics and networks, but machinery and transmission are inseparable from life everywhere.

He believes that it is not a disadvantage for Daqin to start early in terms of machinery.

Once the monster that eats coal and breathes black smoke appears.

The charm of machinery and its efficacy will be fully developed!

A few days went by in a flash.

Gong Shuming also moved his family to Xianyang with a group of people who had decided to hide from the world as promised.

Zhao Tuo also specially prepared a large vacant house for him.

Well, in fact, among the dozen ministers whose homes were raided last time, four of them lived next to each other.

So they sent people to open up the courtyard wall and transformed it into a super compound.

In this regard, the public losers have nothing to dislike.

Compared with the original thatched cottage, isn't this big house a thousand times better?

After settling down his family, Gong Shuming brought his son Gong Shuheng and many skilled Gong losers into the palace to the prepared temporary residence of Tianji Pavilion.

Why is it temporary.

The main reason is that the Epang Palace has been completely completed.

Zhao Tuo's house is also undergoing rapid repairs and is expected to be completed before the end of the year.

At that time, the main functional departments in the palace will be completely relocated to Afang.

At this time, in the temporary residence of Tianji Pavilion, Zhao Tuo was sitting in the main seat, next to Huang Shigong, Xiangli Yang and Gongshu.

Below are Qin Mo and the public losers.

"Gong Shuming, bring Gongshu's parents and children, come and return to life! I have seen your majesty!""

"Meet Your Majesty!!!"

"No ceremony." Zhao Tuo smiled and looked at the loser in front of him, with a faint expectation in his heart.

Excessive demands they have.

He only wanted them to be as good as Qin Mozhi led by Xiangliyang, and he was satisfied.

"Okay, since everyone is here today, I will announce that the Tianji Pavilion is officially established today!

"Wait, you are the first members of the Shenji Hall under the Tianji Pavilion!"

"Xianli Sheep! Gong Shuming!"

"The minister is here!" Xiangli Yang and Gong Shuming hurried forward.

"The two of you, from now on, will be the first right and left hall masters of Shenji Hall! Mainly responsible for the creation of Shenji Hall's organs! 35



1.0 "The old age is here."

"From now on, you will be the dean of this Tiandao Academy, mainly responsible for studying the truth of heaven and earth, and trying every means to put it into practical application."


Huangshigong smiled and took the order.

Although he had an appointment with Zhao Tuo before, he would not enter the court as an official.

But his original intention at the time was not to get involved in messy state affairs.

If, like today, he went to study the Tao of Heaven with one mind, would Zhao Tuo explain the principles of the Tao to him?

He would be happy to do this job.

"Come here, bring me the catalogue I drew! 99

Zhao Tuo gave an order, and several eunuchs came forward with more than twenty scrolls.

"Two hall masters, take a look, this is the 'baby' I promised you!

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