Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 219 Rose and Aloe, the public health system in action!

Chapter 219

The three of them were ordered to leave, ready to go back to pack their things.

This battle is no different than in the past, and the time for the expedition will not be too short.

The other party is a super country whose population and area are no less than that of Da Qin.

Even if they have been hollowed out for this matter, the camel is bigger than a horse, and it must not be taken lightly!

On the other hand, Zhao Tuo put on his casual clothes and left the palace after everyone left, and came to the stronghold of everyone in the middle of the night.

Among the bases of this matter, only Chuner and Wuming were there.

Solstice helps and supervises Dutt on the Mauryan side.

Qiu Niang and Dong went out on a mission.


"Well, I came here to explain something.

Zhao Tuo found a random place to sit down, took out a map of the Mauryan Dynasty's capital from his arms, and handed it to the two of them.

"Here, it is recorded that the approximate military strength of the capital of the Peacock Dynasty was deployed."

"The Great Qin and the Peacock Dynasty are about to go to war. I need you to kill the king of the Peacock Dynasty, the King of Sarishuka, and the most important generals before that."

Chun'er and Wuming nodded solemnly.

Catch the thief first to catch the king.

When they were without a leader, they were caught off guard.

They understand this.

"Remember, don't force it." Zhao Tuo solemnly urged: "The Peacock Dynasty can be won sooner or later, but you can't have an accident.

Seeing Zhao Tuo facing this question so seriously, Chun'er and Wuming also smiled slightly.

"Don't worry, chief, we have our measure.

"That's good." 9

After leaving the nest at midnight, Zhao Tuo went straight to the base camp of official businessmen in Xianyang City.

At this time, Baman was here, in charge of various business affairs of merchants from all over Daqin.

"Your Majesty! Why did you come here in person? The concubine will help you bring the item back. Finished product.

Seeing that Zhao Tuo actually appeared in the merchant, Ba Man was obviously stunned for a moment.

Zhao Tuo smiled and said, "I just came out to find Chun'er Wuming and the others, so I stopped by to see what is so mysterious.

"Your Majesty wait a moment... someone, go and bring something over. 35


The two maids turned and walked out of the room, and when they came back again, they each had an extra pot of plants in their hands.

"This is... rose and aloe! Found it?" Zhao Tuo was overjoyed.

Ba Man nodded and said, "I found it, and I found a lot.

"If your majesty needs it, the concubine will let people pick and transplant some more."

"Okay! With these two things, you can cut another wave of leeks!

"Chinese chives?

Zhao Tuo laughed: "It's okay, you pay attention to your body, I will go back first."

"Your Majesty, walk slowly.

In the next few days, Da Qin was like a awake tiger.

First, a group of Midnight Assassins who were hiding in the dark went straight to the Peacock Dynasty.

Afterwards, they were replaced with an army of 150,000 soldiers made of steel, and 50,000 elite cavalrymen, who were equipped with a full set of horse gear, and had been trained by the 800 cavalry system, a total of 200,000 soldiers, and went straight to the southern border.

Immediately, a notice was posted all over Daqin.

The news that Daqin sent troops to the Peacock Dynasty spread quickly.

Replace the original.

Once they heard that there was going to be a war, the people would definitely be the first to cry out.

Because fighting means spending money, it means conscription.

Spending money means raising taxes.

Whether it is the Qin Dynasty, the Qin State, or the countries during the Warring States Period, there are no exceptions!


(bjba) This time, the people not only did not complain, but cheered and cheered!

The main reason is that this notice not only announced the news of Daqin sending troops.

It also revealed the decree that Daqin is about to cut taxes!

This time, it can be said that the people of Daqin are completely boiling.

Although only revealed, the policy is far from being implemented.

But this is also enough to make Daqin be crushed by the taxation and the people will jump three feet high for joy!

Apart from these.

Another piece of good news that Zhao Tuo has been waiting for for a long time has finally arrived.

"Your Majesty! The sewer system of Xianyang City is completely completed today!"

"Public health facilities have also been repaired and are ready to use!

"Good!" Zhao Tuo was overjoyed.

The sewer that he had been thinking about was finally finished!

For him, this is simply a great deed comparable to laying down the Peacock Dynasty!

Why do you say that?

You don't have to endure the hot summer all day long, and there is a faint smell of shyness wafting from outside the palace, it's just heaven, isn't it?

"Go on! Put it into use immediately, and observe if there are any loopholes, and improve it in time!

"In addition, the employment of sanitation workers will be implemented immediately, and the fines for those who excrete everywhere will be owned by the sanitation workers who are found!


Another decree was passed down.

The public toilets built on the streets and alleys of Xianyang City were finally put into use.

Don't say it yet.

Today's public toilets in Xianyang City are much larger than modern public toilets.

The main reason is because, unlike later generations, every household had a toilet in this period.

There will be fines for defecation anywhere, and everyone must go to the public toilet to use the toilet, which spreads in the streets and alleys of Xianyang City.

The sanitation workers hired by the palace for five dollars a day have also taken up their posts.

While sorting out the environment of Xianyang City, he glanced at the people who didn't follow the rules and gave them money.

As for the common people, in the face of such coercive measures, if they want to go to the toilet, they can only honestly rush to the newly built public toilet.

Originally, everyone was extremely disgusted with public toilets.

But after the actual use, every citizen of Xianyang City was stunned.

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