Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

The 224th chapter captures the thief 1 and captures the king, the army is coming!

Chapter 224

"The water is... poisonous!"9


Another mouthful of blood spurted out, and King Sarishuka only felt that there were countless poisonous snakes all over his body, biting him madly.

This scene also frightened everyone present.


"call out!""

"Pfft! 35

A wisp of silver light as thin as hair shot out from nowhere and directly pierced into the throat of the man just now.

He could only cover his blood-guzzling throat with both hands, making a "ho, ho, ho" sound.

Before everyone came back to their senses, a few silver lights flashed again.

Several high-ranking officials in the palace fell to the ground.

Immediately, all the maids around were so frightened that their faces turned pale.

"Ah! Help!"

"Run away! Dead!"

"Quick! Let's go!"

"Don't... go to 887, save... save me... save... uh

Sharipukar King shivered and stretched out his hands.

However, the maids who were still alive at this time rushed out of the palace in a panic.

Now all that is left here is the dead.

It didn't take long for the guards from Jingdong, the maids who had fled outside the palace, to arrive late.

What caught their eyes were only the corpses of a few high-ranking officials in the palace, as well as King Sarishuka who had just died!

At this very critical moment for the Mauryan Dynasty.

King Sarishuka... is dead!

Returning to his senses, the head guard took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Come here, block the news, and report the matter to other officials in the palace!

"As ordered!""

The guards were ordered to leave.

But soon one of them turned back.

"Chief guard! The maid who ran out (bjba) just now...one less! 35

"What!" The captain of the guard was shocked.

"It's her! She must be the one who assassinated King Sarishuka!

"The whole city search! The whole city search!

"As ordered!"

At this time, outside Fahrenheit City, a woman with a beautiful face and silky eyes swayed through the crowd with a water snake-like figure.

It wasn't until she came to a street corner that no one cared about, she slowly put on a half-face mask with a withered yellow face.

It is Qiu Niang!

"Oh~ I really can't think that this relic King Shuga is so careless. 35

"If I had known that I could poison him, why did this girl waste so much energy and sneak into the palace? I hate it.

"Qiuniang, it's time for us to go, Fahrenheit City is under martial law."

An unknown figure appeared on the roof beside Qiu Niang at an unknown time.

Qiu Niang nodded: "I see, what's going on with Chun'er and the others?"

"Successful, it is estimated that this Fahrenheit City will be in chaos in the future. I hope this can reduce some losses in the frontal battlefield."

"Hey, I said, don't worry, don't you know the leader's vision? Those generals were all personally selected by the leader, no problem.

"I hope so, let's go!


The words fell, Wuming and Qiuniang flew over from the roof.

Get away from Fahrenheit quickly.

Meanwhile, the Mauryan frontier...

"General! Not good!

The spy patrolling the borderless land outside the border ran back quickly, his face full of panic.

The guard on the Peacock Dynasty frowned.

"What's the matter, in a hurry?"

"General! Hundreds of thousands of troops suddenly appeared on the other side of the border! They are coming towards the border!"9

"What did you say! 9

Hearing this news, the defenders of the Peacock Dynasty couldn't hold back.

"Is it a man from the room spread but Luo?"

"No...don't know, it's a black flag I've never seen before. 35

"No! It shouldn't be Sri Lanka, they don't have so many troops!

"Dian people? Or Ou Luo? Neither, how could he have the courage to attack the dynasty over such a long distance?

The guard on the side of the Peacock Dynasty fell into contemplation.

The Kingdom of Danluo, the Dian people, and the Ouluo were the three most powerful forces in the east of the Mauryan Dynasty that he was familiar with.

However, none of these three major forces can produce hundreds of thousands of troops?

unless two of them combine.

"I can't handle so much anymore, go and order someone to send a letter back!"

"Follow your orders!

"By the way, when will those troops arrive?

"It should be...after noon.""

"So fast!?"

The defender of the Peacock Dynasty was shocked.

The spies on their side are quick to report back. I came to say that those troops should arrive at the front line in the evening.

In this way, they can mobilize the army just in time.

But if it's noon...

The patrolling spy replied, "They don't seem to be carrying luggage, so..."

"No baggage... These people are crazy? Fuck!

The defender of the Peacock Dynasty spat and shouted loudly at the soldiers here: "Send a letter back to the camp and ask for support!!!"

"The rest! Ring the alarm! Prepare to meet the enemy!"

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