Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 228 Comparable to the city defense crossbow, the individual giant crossbow!

Chapter 228

Everyone came all the way to the Qin army camp outside the city.

Due to the deployment of troops against the Peacock Dynasty, the Qin army camp at this time was much deserted compared to before.

More than half of the 200,000 resident army was directly transferred away, and the empty space can be imagined.

A suitable place was found, and the carriage stopped.

The sackcloth above was lifted by Gong Shuming, revealing two large and small crossbow arrows below, as well as various types of crossbows.

"This is……"

Meng Yi and Li Si looked at each other.

Seeing these two crossbow arrows, he immediately noticed that something was wrong.

In the current Daqin, the crossbow and arrows equipped by the military are all strenuous and powerful.

But Rao is so, and the crossbow body has not done much.

However, of the two crossbows, the larger one was nearly as long as one person, and the arms of the crossbow were more than half as long.

According to the calculation of the strong crossbow commonly used in Daqin, the tension of this crossbow is probably three or four times that of the ordinary strong crossbow!

With such a powerful crossbow, I am afraid Xiang Yu would not be able to open it.

Not to mention ordinary people...

It's not that Da Qin didn't have such a big crossbow arrow.

On the walls of various county towns, there are even more exaggerated large-scale defensive crossbows that require two or three people to operate together.

The crossbow that Gong Loser took out was embarrassing because it was embarrassing to be used by a single soldier on the battlefield.

But if it is placed at the head of the city for city defense, it seems a bit unattractive.

what does this mean?

Zhao Tuo narrowed his eyes slightly.

"It's not quite right... It has something to do with the transmission mechanism, could it be that...

Regarding this crossbow, Zhao Tuo did not rush to a conclusion.

On Gong Shuiming's side, he seemed to see Meng Yi and Li Si's doubts, and explained: "I am dissatisfied with Meng and Li Xiang, this crossbow is a one-step crossbow.

"Although the operation is clumsy and slow, it is powerful! 39

Infantry Crossbow!

Hearing these three words, the two widened their eyes.

Li Si couldn't help but ask: "You mean, this crossbow can be operated by one person alone?"

"Exactly. 35

"How is this possible? 35

Meng Yi took a step forward and tried to wave the crossbow string.

However, although the force was not small, the crossbow string did not move at all!

Obviously, the force required to pull this crossbow is consistent with what he guessed, and it is far from comparable to ordinary strong crossbows!

At this moment, Zhao Tuo suddenly said, "Meng Shangqing, do you still remember the hand-cranked sharpening stone from before?"

"I'm afraid this seemingly immovable crossbow has a gear set similar to a hand-cranked whetstone."


Li Si and Meng Yi looked at each other.

What does this powerful crossbow have to do with that hand-cranked whetstone?

The two were puzzled, but Gong Shuming smiled.

"As expected of His Majesty! The mystery of this powerful crossbow is revealed in one sentence! 35

"In this strong crossbow, the principle of the labor-saving gear system is used, so that a soldier can pull this strong crossbow that requires two people to work together without relying on others! Jingjing

After all, Gongshuming gave a look to the craftsman next to Gongshu.

The man nodded and took the giant crossbow from the car.

I have to say that this crossbow is indeed big enough.

Carrying it on the back, it can directly block the whole person.

"Crack... squeak..."

With two abnormal noises, a folded bracket unfolded under the giant crossbow body and stood on the ground.

"Yes, it's quite thoughtful." Zhao Tuo nodded slightly.

It seems that the loser is also concerned that such a big crossbow is really inconvenient to use alone, so he made such a thing similar to a machine gun bracket.

Looking at the bearings and mechanisms on it, it must be flexible to adjust the direction...

Here, Zhao Tuo was thinking, and the craftsmen of the loser also began to operate.

As soon as the giant crossbow was set up, he quickly shook a handle on the crossbow.

And with his shaking, the bowstring, which was difficult to open with one person's strength, was slowly pulled open by an iron hook.

However, after three or five breaths, the crossbow string was completely opened.

This time, Meng Yi and Li Si were completely dumbfounded.

"This... this, is it really open? With the power of one person?"

"How did you make it happen? And what does it have to do with that whetstone?"

Under the horrified eyes of the two, the craftsman took out a crossbow that was much thicker than a normal crossbow and placed it in the arrow slot.

After a simple aiming, aiming at the distance, the craftsman pulls the trigger directly!


"Hey!!! 99

A breathtaking bowstring bounce sounded.

Immediately, he saw that the crossbow suddenly turned into a black line, piercing the sky with a shrill whistling sound, and disappeared directly into the distance.


This time, let alone Meng Yi and Li Si, even Zhao Tuo was a little surprised.

This... how far does it have to be shot?

Although there is no exaggerated distance of three or four hundred zhang like the defensive crossbow, but at least there must be more than two hundred zhang, right?

If this is shot flat on the battlefield, I am afraid that this arrow will not be difficult to penetrate five to seven or eight people.

I'm afraid it's even a heavy cavalry like Tiefutu.

This one has to be cool.

And... this is a single crossbow!

So powerful, so terrifying...

"Your Majesty, are you satisfied with the power of this crossbow?"

"Very satisfied! He really deserves to be a loser, (Qian Nuo's) is really talented! 99

Zhao Tuo has never been stingy in complimenting such a brainy person.

At the same time, he was in awe.

Sure enough, the brain circuits of people are different.

Even if I am familiar with these institutions, I have never thought about it.

And Xiangli Sheep is also...

It seems that the people who are the losers have different brain circuits than ordinary people.

Something subconsciously thinks of this aspect.

After seeing this exaggerated giant crossbow, Zhao Tuo turned his attention to another crossbow in the car that was about the same size as an ordinary strong crossbow.

This crossbow, compared to the common strong crossbows in Daqin, has a rather peculiar shape.

In this regard, Zhao Tuo is even more curious in his heart.

Can be taken out by the loser together with the giant crossbow just now.

Presumably this crossbow must not be simple!

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