Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 240 The birth of black powder! You can call it a bomb!

Chapter 240

"Bring me some charcoal. 99


Zhao Tuo took the charcoal handed over by the eunuch and began to grind it finely with a wooden pestle.

After a while, a line of black toner-was exported and set aside.

After cleaning the pottery altar, then - saltpeter and sulphur.

After a while, three piles of black, white and yellow powder were ground.

After receiving a small half bowl of water, Zhao Tuo poured the three powders into the water in proportion and started to stir.

Until a bowl of water has become a thick dark gray.

Then I put a few thin hemp threads next to it and soaked it.

Taking advantage of this time, Zhao Tuo was busy with other things.

First, I found a large jar, which was filled with three kinds of powder mixed in proportion.

Then they asked people to make a wooden plug with a small hole in the middle to completely block the mouth of the altar.

After doing this, the soaked twine is almost dry under the sun.

Zhao Tuo was not in a hurry, and directly passed the thread through the cork, leaving one end outside and burying the other into the mixed powder.

Finally, the plug was put back into the pottery altar.

"You're done!"

Looking at the clay pot in Zhao Tuo's hand, the faces of the surrounding eunuchs were full of puzzled expressions.

What is it?

Isn't it just a bunch of powder in a jar?

Why is it so simple, that His Majesty is so cautious?

And...it doesn't seem like something special, does it?

Zhao Tuo obviously did not intend to explain to these eunuchs, but waved his hand to call someone over and instructed: "Go, invite the Emperor Taishang, General Wang Lao, Meng Shangqing, Feng Xiangli and Li Xiangtian Pavilion Master over. "


The camp is not far from the location of Xianyang City.

After half an hour, Ying Zheng and others had already arrived.

"Tuo'er, didn't we just separate? What important things do you sometimes need to come to the Qin army camp to talk about?"

Ying Zheng looked puzzled.

So did the rest of the people.

In response, Zhao Tuo directly raised the pot in his hand.

"because this!

Everyone gathered their eyes.

"This is the treasure I just made, and I said before that he was the one who could forcefully break the city gate!

"It's done so soon?"

Everyone's faces instantly became extremely surprised.

They originally thought that such a powerful thing would take a lot of time to make.

Unexpectedly, it took less than two hours to make it?

And this thing doesn't look like... nothing special, right?

Facing the surprise in the eyes of everyone, Zhao Tuo did not explain too much.

After scanning around in a circle, he led the crowd to a boulder.

"Hide away, don't come out.

After finishing speaking, Zhao Tuo came to the open space ten feet away, and after ordering someone to dig a hole, he carefully put the jar in his hand into it.

Then he beckoned someone to bring the thick wooden board that had been prepared and pressed it on top of the jar.

Only one soaked twine was exposed.

Everything was ready, Zhao Tuo motioned to the people around him to leave quickly.

After the people evacuated, he slowly took out the fire book...


A faint flame rose, seemingly inadvertently licking the thin cotton thread soaked in the mouth of the can...


Sparks erupted in vain, and then quickly ignited into the interior of the jar.


Zhao Tuo's eyes widened, and he didn't care about the honor of the emperor, so Sayazi ran back!


How can the fine linen fuse burn so much faster than the cotton fuse.

While complaining in his heart, Zhao Tuo exerted all his strength to suckle.

That's a full jar of doses.

If you don't run away quickly, he will be the first to suffer.

Seeing Zhao Tuo run wild, everyone's heart thumped.

They had never seen Zhao Tuo so flustered before.

What the hell is this?

・・・・For flowers・0

The eyes of everyone looking at the pottery on the ground became more and more curious.

"F*ck! Don't look at it, don't die!"

Zhao Tuo, who rushed back in a panic, pushed everyone back to the back of the boulder, and he followed the trend to hide in.

next moment……

“Boom rumble!!!”

Deafening roar, the ground exploded!

The earth shook violently amid the loud noise.

At the same time, a lot of wood dregs and soil splashed around.

There was even a high-temperature heat wave passing over the boulders, which completely opened the surrounding turf.

Everyone watched as they swallowed their saliva secretly, and a lingering fear flashed in their eyes.

If they didn't hide in time just now, it is estimated that all of them would have to be thrown out!

what is happening?

The loud rumbling echoing between heaven and earth gradually receded.

Calm also seemed to be restored behind the stone.

Then everyone carefully probed and looked outside.

I saw that the place where the clay pot was originally placed has turned into a huge dark pit.

As for the thick wooden plank that had been pressed on it just now, it was nowhere to be seen, and in its place were sawdust of various sizes that had been smoked and blackened.

As for all the plants within a ten-foot radius, they were completely burnt.

There were still some heat waves.

With such a terrifying power, everyone who saw it was pale.

Ying Zheng was horrified and asked: "Tuo'er, what exactly is this...? Jing is so terrifying!

"Yes, Your Majesty. Wang Jian also wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and asked tentatively, "Is this a thunderbolt from the sky that you borrowed?

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at each other in dismay.

Thunder in the sky?

Really don't say it.

I am afraid that only the thunder can have such a loud and terrifying power, right?

However, Zhao Tuo did shake his head.

"This is not some kind of thunder, the name

"You can call it a bomb! +.

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