Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 242 The front line makes gunpowder! Let you taste the power of Daqin in 3 days!

Chapter 243

The reason why it is said to be home empty-handed, not defeated.

The point was that he felt that the loss of the storm would be a bit large, so in the end Wang Ben gave the order to retreat.

"Those people in the Peacock Dynasty are really good enough, they would rather sacrifice the moving space on the city wall to thicken the wall, so that our ladder can't get stuck, ++"

Wang Ben angrily hammered the table.

The rest of Lu Bu and Han Xin were somewhat helpless.

All the ladders that Da Qin used today were brought by the losers.

Not only is it easy to move, but it is also flexible and can be called a siege weapon.

The reason why it is so easy to use is mainly due to the hook on the front end of the ladder.

Once this hook is stuck on the opponent's city wall from top to bottom, and a few people go up, no matter how hard the opponent is, they can't move the ladder.

However, 19 million did not expect it.

After learning about the situation of the Qin army attacking the city on the side of the fortress, several cities around the fortress sacrificed the activity space on the city wall overnight and thickened the city wall.

As a result, everyone was dumbfounded when they attacked the city today.

The ladder hook just went up, but it didn't stick at all!

If a single hook can't be locked, if there is a person on the ladder, the enemy can push the ladder directly with a long pole!

Even if the public loser's ladder had a special structure, it would inevitably shake violently, and the soldiers would not be able to climb the ladder at all.

So, seeing that the situation was not right, Wang Ben decisively issued an order to retreat, and decided to come back and have a long-term plan.

"No, if this continues, the casualties of the siege will definitely increase greatly." Feng Jie said solemnly.

Wang Ben nodded.

"If we don't find a way to deal with it, I'm afraid we will lay down a few more cities, and the troops we have brought will no longer be able to attack."

After hesitating for a while, Xiang Yu finally said, "I have established a firm hand. The latest battle situation has been reported back to Xianyang. We might as well wait and see if Your Majesty will come up with any new countermeasures."

For Zhao Tuo, Xiang Yu has always had a trace of fear and awe in his heart.

After all, it was the man who completely crushed the self who used to have a higher heart than the sky.

Hearing Xiang Yu's words, everyone finally nodded.

Wang Ben also said: "Then wait and see, but... we don't have much time.


Everyone was silent, and the pressure was doubled.

The climate of this Peacock Dynasty is far from that of Daqin, and the crops are three crops a year.

Now the season, according to the time of Daqin, is on the verge of the autumn harvest.

Although the Peacock Dynasty will be later, but even so, the time left for them is only two months.

Once the autumn harvest, the army of the Peacock Dynasty has supplies, then the battle will undoubtedly be more difficult.

Time flies by in this oppressive atmosphere.

In a blink of an eye, five days passed.

Just when Wang Ben couldn't bear it anymore, and was about to send a letter to Xianyang City again, intending to attack, a letter from Zhao Tuo completely broke the deadlock!

The Black Powder Recipe is here!

Seeing Zhao Tuo's handwriting in his heart, Wang Ben trembled with excitement.

"Quick! Call all the generals here! This general has something important to discuss!


After a while, Lu Bu, Xiang Yu, Feng Jie, and Han Xin arrived.

"General, what's the matter in such a hurry?

"Could it be that the general thought of a way to break the city?"

In the face of everyone's inquiries, Wang Ben directly handed them the letter in his hand.

"This is a letter sent by His Majesty's orders, and it records a number of methods of making weapons called black powder. 35

"It is said that the bomb made of this black powder is extremely powerful! As long as the amount is sufficient, it may be able to directly blow open the gates of those cities!


After hearing this, everyone couldn't sit still, and they all gathered around to look at the letter together.

After a while, the faces of Feng Jie and the others were full of horror.

"General! This black powder must be made as soon as possible!

"Yes, if this thing is really as evil as His Majesty said, the battle situation will be completely reversed!


"Okay!" Wang Ben shouted loudly, summoned several messengers, and ordered: "Quickly order people to burn a lot of charcoal, and collect some sulfur and saltpeter, the more the better!

"In addition, prepare some clay pots and matching corks, and let the artisans in the army prepare quickly, these things will be seen by the general at dawn tomorrow!


The moon sets and the sun rises.

Accompanied by a loud roar, Wang Ben and the others, who were blown away by the violent air waves, hummed and got up on the ground, fluttering against the dust on their bodies.

Although it was quite embarrassing, the eyes of everyone at this time were already full of ecstasy.

"It's done! It's really done!"

"This bomb is too awesome for his grandma, it's so fun! It's so fun! Hahahaha! 35

900 "With this thing, who can stop my Daqin expedition in the future! Who else!!!

"Come on! Order down! 35

"The craftsmen in the army make a lot of black powder and bombs! Three days later, this general will send a gift to the guys in the Peacock Dynasty!


"Wait a minute."

Before the messenger could leave, he was dragged back by Wang Ben.

"Remember to tell them that the place where black powder and bombs are made, give General Ben to stay away from the main camp.

"Everyone can only pass sackcloth, and tools can only be made of wood. As long as there are iron weapons and firelight inside, this general will never forgive!"


The messenger was ordered to leave.

Wang Ben let out a long breath.

He has seen the power of black gunpowder.

So I don't want anything wrong with this thing.

Otherwise, once these things blow up in their own camp, it will be a lot of fun!

Throwing away the messy thoughts in his mind, Wang Ben looked at the direction of the Peacock Dynasty city in the distance and sneered again and again.

"Three days later, let you taste the power of Da Qin!"


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