Eight Thousand Iron Buddha at the Start, Please Make Concessions to the First Emperor!

Chapter 252 This is to be seen, what excuses will this Xu Fu find!

Chapter 252

In the next few days, good news kept coming.

Everything is developing in the direction expected by Zhao Tuo.

How to use potatoes below.

A large number of merchants began to run around, constantly piling up a large warehouse of potatoes, buying and transporting them back, ready to be pulled to other areas for sale.

The corners of the people's mouths reached to the roots of their ears, and the hands that counted the money were shaking.

What they earned this time was enough to make a living for the past few years.

This is something they can't even dream of.

Taxes in Xianyang and the five counties are increasing.

The people are visibly richer.

In addition to potatoes, the news of the harvest of other crops also came one after another.

The application method of a large number of crops spread to the whole Daqin through newspapers.

In addition, before Daqin reformed the "Law of Commerce", countless merchants sprang up like mushrooms after a rain.

With the help of cement pouring, the fruits of the people's labor are continuously converted into money.

In turn, countless crops were shipped to the market from where they were produced.

A large number of 19 processors have also emerged one after another, trying to produce a variety of unprecedented goods in Daqin according to the methods in the newspapers...

Many areas that have not paid their taxes for a long time due to poverty have also paid off their taxes in full at one time.

And Daqin's treasury also faced a huge problem.

The treasury is not big enough and needs to be expanded!

Upon hearing the news, Zhao Tuo waved his hand directly.


If one is not enough, build two!

Anyway, it will definitely be useful in the future.

Here, when Zhao Tuo was discussing with everyone how to spend the money in the treasury, the good news came again.

"Report to Your Majesty! The clipper has been successfully launched for trial sailing, and it can sail into the sea at any time!"

"So fast!

Zhao Tuo stood up excitedly.

Ying Zheng and the others were also happy.

The world is so big that they have heard Zhao Tuo mention it countless times.

It's just that I was bound by various conditions, and I never had the opportunity to really take a look.

Now that the national power of Daqin is rising rapidly, the construction of the clipper has also been completed.

Doesn't that mean...

Everyone looked at each other, and the meaning was self-evident.

Zhao Tuo also suppressed the excitement in his heart and explained: "Pass on my decree! Build large docks in various coastal ports! Make every effort to manufacture clippers!"

"Within a year, I will see a fleet of fifty large ships sailing across the ocean!



"Wait a minute!" Zhao Tuo stopped the official who turned and was about to leave, and continued to instruct: "The built clipper ship will be carefully inspected, and there should be no mistakes."

"Then prepare the supplies and store them in the cabin. If there is no accident, I will take some of the elites of the Qin army and take this ship to go to the Nafu Islands to see."


The officials left, and everyone looked at Zhao Tuo.

Ying Zheng couldn't help but ask, "Tuo'er, are you going to the Fuku Islands in person?

"That's right." Zhao Tuo nodded solemnly.

"This trip is of great significance to me. I really need to see my Daqin army with my own eyes and completely conquer the land before I can rest assured.

There was a chill in Zhao Tuo's tone.

The hatred for that land is a hurdle in his heart that will never be overcome.

Those hatreds and grievances, he is not qualified to forgive, nor is it possible to forgive.

Reborn here, he can only use this method to completely wipe out this archipelago that will be full of sins in the future.

Well, let's mine some gold and silver mines by the way.

When Zhao Tuo finished speaking, Li Xin took the lead to get up and said: "Your Majesty! The last commander would like to lead troops to the Fukuo Islands with His Majesty!

"Alright..." Zhao Tuo nodded slightly, then continued: "But before that, I have to find someone else.

"Oh? Who are you looking for? Ying Zheng asked subconsciously.

Zhao Tuo smiled slightly and said, "A person who is no stranger to the royal father and all of you.

Everyone sank for a while, but Ying Zheng finally asked with a dark face, "What Tuoer said is... that fellow Xu Fu?"


Zhao Tuo grinned.

"Where is the Black Ice Terrace Iron Eagle Guard!"

"I have seen Your Majesty!" Several Iron Eagle guards walked out of the shadows of the main hall and came to Zhao Tuo.

"Have those who caught the net found Xu Fu?

"Your Majesty, I have found Xu Fu based on the information you provided, and he is now hiding in his hometown in Langya.

Zhao Tuo nodded and said: "903 is very good, bring him back to Xianyang as soon as possible!""


The Iron Eagle Guard stepped back, and Ying Zheng's face on the side was already dark and couldn't be darker.

"Xu Fu... what a Xu Fu! 35

"It was said that I went out to sea to find medicine for me, but in the end, I lived in my hometown and played me like a monkey.

"How courageous! How courageous!

Zhao Tuo touched his nose and sighed inwardly.

Indeed, if it weren't for his appearance, the demise of Daqin would definitely have something to do with him.

If you can't find the medicine, say you can't find it, or just leave and don't come back.

However, this disaster came again and again to give Ying Zheng hope, and then demanded a lot of property and virgins.

If it weren't for this, Ying Zheng wouldn't be trapped deeper and deeper, and finally missed Da Qin.

"Don't worry, Father, when Xu Fu is pressed back, he is really just asking about the situation of the Fukuo Islands, and then I will hand it over to you."

Hearing Zhao Tuo's words, Ying Zheng smiled in satisfaction.

There was some cruelty in the smile.

"Very good! I will take a good look at it when the time comes."

"What kind of excuses will Xu Fu find when he sees me!"

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