Three days later, the sky was clear and the autumn air was crisp.

All the way from the gate of Xianyang Palace, the flags extended all the way to the pier on the Weishui River outside the city.

On both sides were countless people of Xianyang cheering onlookers.

The people of Xianyang City were both proud and worried when they heard that His Majesty was going to go out to sea and conquer Daqin's overseas islands.

He is proud that Daqin can now have such an excellent emperor to lead him, constantly expanding its territory and growing stronger day by day.

Worrying is, it is said that the sea is quite risky, and occasionally there will be huge waves.

Now that His Majesty goes out to sea in person, if there is any risk...

At the dock, the huge clipper boat slightly surrendered to the Weishui.

The majestic and huge volume has far surpassed the building ships of the Daqin today.

On the deck, a large number of soldiers of the Qin army who have been armed to the teeth can be seen everywhere ready to go.

These are the pioneers of the Qin Dynasty who are about to follow Zhao Tuo to conquer the Faulie-Island!


The loud horn sounded.

The team appeared at the end of the banner.

"Your Majesty is out of the palace!!!"

With the eunuch's high voice, Zhao Tuo and Ying Zheng, as well as the entourage at the rear, appeared in everyone's sight.

I saw Zhao Tuo wearing black armor and boasting a sword at his waist.

Sitting down is a group of armored black horses, and the horses are incomparable.

"Meet Your Majesty!!!"

The crowds on both sides of the road bowed in a hula la.

The rolling sound waves lingered constantly over Xianyang City.

Zhao Tuo smiled and nodded.

"No gift. 99

Ying Zheng, who was on the side, also laughed softly when he saw this: "Tuo'er, it seems that your prestige in Daqin is not inferior to me at all.

"I am really curious, in a few decades, what will Daqin look like under your rule.

"Decades..." Zhao Tuo rode on his horse and couldn't help but feel a little lost.

His plan is that within five years, after the mechanical popularization of Daqin, Daqin will begin to enter the era of steam with the help of the system.

Once started the first industrial revolution!

The productivity of Daqin will have a qualitative leap!

The Qin army's combat power, driven by steam engines and gunpowder, will completely crush all opponents in this world.

Decades... As long as the people of Daqin are born fast enough, it should not be impossible to conquer the world.

Unconsciously, Zhao Tuo's team had arrived at the dock.

He got off his horse and took Ying Zheng and Li Xin who was accompanying him on the deck.

Looking down at the people below, Ying Zheng sighed: "It's been half a year since I abdicated, and I can finally go out for a walk...


Zhao Tuo was speechless while listening.

In his original plan, he did not intend to bring Ying Zheng.

After all, when he was not in Xianyang, the government was still controlled by Ying Zheng, and he was most at ease.

But Ying Zheng couldn't hold back what he said this time, and he had to go out to sea with himself, to go to the Fau Islands.

In this regard, he is not incomprehensible.

After all, this is the so-called "Xiandao" of Xu Fukong, and it almost hollowed out the background of Daqin.

Should it be considered Ying Zheng's obsession?

Shaking his head with a smile, Zhao Tuo called Li Xin, who was on the side, and instructed, "Go on and prepare to set sail.


"Your Majesty is alive! Retract the anchor and prepare to set sail!!!"

"Get the anchor!"

Along with the shouting from the bow to the stern, bursts of iron chains collided.

Clearly, this is ready to set sail.


The sails that had been rolled up fell, and the big boat fluttered along the river.

From below, there were the shouts of countless people.

"Your Majesty, take care!

"God bless Da Qin, Your Majesty has a smooth journey!

"Your Majesty take care! 9

Under the farewell of the common people, the sailing speed of the clipper ship is getting faster and faster.

With the breeze and current, the scenery on both sides of the river quickly passed by.

Zhao Tuo and Ying Zheng stood at the bow of the boat, admiring the vast mountains and rivers of Daqin.

Of course, along the coast, the people's cheers and farewells are also indispensable.

Although the speed of Daqin's news circulation, it is not so fast without the blessing of newspapers.

But three days was enough to let many people in Da Qin know that His Majesty the Second Emperor took a boat to Fusang.

Nowadays, a large number of people from various counties naturally come to the piers of their respective counties to watch the ceremony.

Shores on the shore continued.

They praised the merits of the first emperor and the second emperor.

.......... ask for flowers · 0

This greatly satisfied Ying Zheng's vanity.

At the same time, it also boosted the morale of the Qin army on the ship.

However, these are temporary.

Soon the side effects of the voyage became apparent.


Because of the reason for the conquest, the Qin army on the ship is now elite infantry, not the Great Qin Navy.

Seasickness is naturally inevitable.

Not only them, but even Ying Zheng's face was faintly pale.

"Father, why don't you go and rest first?

"It may take two days to sail from the Wei River to the sea, and after entering the sea, it will take another day to reach Fuzhu.

"Three days... Okay, I'll go and lie down for a while."


With the help of the eunuch, Ying Zheng returned to the cabin, while Li Xin went to the Qin army on the boat, and only Zhao Tuo remained standing on the bow.

Time flies by inadvertently.

In the blink of an eye, it was noon.

After eating on the boat, Zhao Tuo came to the wheelhouse.

It is located at the highest point of the whole ship, so it is convenient to observe the conditions of the sea and the surrounding fleet.

In the wheelhouse at this time, three experienced helmsmen are on duty.

At the very front of the rudder is a huge modified Sinan, which is used to guide the navigation.

Sinan has existed since the Warring States Period.

This large-sized Sinan was directly moved from the palace to the ship.

Anyway, after entering the sea, Daqin to Fusang will only have less than three days' voyage, plus there are astrology and coastline as a guide.

There is no need to go to war and waste time and energy to build a nautical compass.

Explain the principle of this kind of thing, and then leave it to Li Simengyi and others who stayed in the customs to do it.

Looking at the heading, and comparing it with an enlarged version of the chart hanging on the wall, Zhao Tuo warned:

"You must control the course of the ship and mark the track on the chart every half an hour."5

Today's Daqin has no satellite status, so Su Yu could not be more cautious.


The three helmsmen on duty saluted solemnly.

Obviously they also know that in the entire fleet, the position of the three of them is the most important ten.

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