In the dark night, the rain poured down.

A thin figure stumbled and fled into the distance, even if he was pierced and bleed by thorns along the way, he didn't care at all.

Outside Hutou Village, Daqin Jiashi had already rested in a simple tent that was tied up. Although the simple tent could not block all the rain, it would not expose everyone to the rain.

Li Xin and some of his cronies lived in the village. The houses in the village were also very simple, and most of them were leaking, but everyone didn't care.

The next morning, just as Zhao Tuo woke up, he heard Li Xin's voice outside the door.

"Your Majesty, I have something important to report."

Zhao Tuo put on his clothes, opened the door, and looked at Li Xinxin with some displeasure.

"What's the matter?

Li Xin quickly explained what the sergeant reported below.

"Last night, a villager escaped. We interrogated others, but they kept silent."

Zhao Tuo frowned. It was stormy and rainy last night, and the night was dark without a trace of light. How could someone escape by taking advantage of such an environment.

"With ten iron cavalry, go to catch them, as for those who protect them, they will be used as slaves and brought back to the ship.


After a night of wind and rain, the sky cleared up, the thick clouds gradually swept away, and the blue sky reflected the land was clear and bright.

Li Xin took 2,000 great Qin soldiers, escorted Zhao Tuo, detained hundreds of people from Hutou Village, and walked towards the seaside.

Two hours later, the village where Tie Fei and the Daqin teenager were located gradually came into view.

After seeing Daqin Jiashi, someone hurriedly called out to others.

"Hutou Village is finished!

"Our revenge is avenged!"

When he came out, Tie Fei walked to the front of the soldier with a respectful look on his face, and then knelt down directly.

"Congratulations to His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor, and return home after a great victory!

Li Xin glanced at him with contempt, and snorted lightly.

Although the iron felt in front of him looked very respectful, the small Hutou village was not a threat at all in the eyes of Qin Xiongbing, who had been fighting east and west for decades.

Therefore, in Li Xin's view, Tie Fei is clearly suspected of stalking the horse, and he hates people who play with their minds the most.

"Hutou Village has since disappeared, but Daqin's wealth has been transferred, do you know the Chaosheng tribe?

After hearing Li Xin's questioning, Tie Fei was shocked, but he didn't expect that the batch of things to be sent away.

Tie Felt was worried about the Emperor Qin's blame, and quickly nodded in response.

"The Chaosheng Tribe is about four hours' walk away from here. Because it lives on a cliff by the sea, it calls itself the Chaosheng Tribe, which is the largest force in the area by the sea.

Li Xin frowned when he heard the words, living on a cliff, this is not very easy to handle.

Such terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Li Xin quickly turned around and walked towards Zhao Tuo.

"Your Majesty, I suggest that we use the building boat to attack, with the black powder of the building boat, we will definitely be able to take down this Chaosheng tribe.

Zhao Tuo also heard Tie Fei's words, and after hearing Li Xin's suggestion, he nodded in agreement after a little thought.

"Just follow Li Aiqing's suggestion.

Most of the teenagers in the village where Iron Felt was located were sent away yesterday, and only a few are still here today.

"Why weren't they sent away?"

Zhao Tuo's indifferent voice sounded, and Tie Fei heard a tremor in his heart, and quickly explained.

"These teenagers lost their relatives when they were young, and now they have nowhere to stay even if they return to Daqin, so..."

Hearing this, Zhao Tuo glanced at a few teenagers and was silent for a while.

Then, without questioning, he directly ordered to turn around and go back to the beach.

Tie Felt looked at the returning Daqin Jiashi, and hesitated, this Fusang Islands is not a realm of immortals, and it can even be called primitive, and it is not good or bad to stay here.

While Iron Felt was hesitating, an old voice sounded.

".||Iron felt..."

Hearing the words, Iron Felt immediately raised his head, then looked at an old man with white hair and beard, and exclaimed in surprise.

"Old Huang, why are you..."

Although the old man didn't hear the second half of the sentence, he understood what the iron felt meant.

"Although I have already been half buried, I don't want to be in the company of these barbarians anymore. One is to go back, and the other is to help His Majesty get back the things of Daqin."

Tie Felt understood the meaning of the old man. The old man was a guide and also wanted to return to his homeland.

"Let's go together.

The old man persuaded well.

Tie Fei thought and thought, and finally shook his head. This time, even if he returned to his hometown, I am afraid that it will be difficult for him to succeed in this life.

It is better to stay overseas, even if it is lonely, it is better than being despised by the fellow villagers (Nuo De Zhao).

The old man stopped talking and left with a sigh.

On the way back, Zhao Tuo frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

Seeing this scene, Li Xin hesitated to speak.

"Your Majesty is worried that these people will become hidden dangers if they stay here? Otherwise, I will send someone..."

Li Xin made a gesture of silence

Seeing this scene, Zhao Tuo chuckled and shook his head.

"Just a few people are insignificant, I am thinking about whether the Fusang Islands, which are rich in products, can be used by me.

Hearing this, Li Xin was amazed, and he looked up quickly. Although there were trees and plants around, none of them were tall and could be used as pillars. When he looked at the vast sea around him and looked up, he didn't feel that the place was rich at all.

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