After a night of heavy rain, the sea set off one after another storm.

However, in front of the huge building ship, these winds and waves could not shake the ship at all, on the contrary, they accelerated the speed of the building ship.

Standing on the deck, Zhao Tuo stared at the sea, at the occasional fish jumping out, with deep eyes.

"Your Majesty, we will arrive in half an hour. 35

Li Xin stepped forward to report and stood aside after speaking.


Zhao Tuo responded casually. Zhao Tuo was not worried about the Chaosheng tribe at all. Although the other party occupied favorable terrain, in front of the two thousand large Qin iron armor and ship guns, I am afraid there is no resistance at all.

Li Xin stayed for a while, and looked into the sea, very curious about the strange fish that leaped out of the sea.

"Come here, arrest two of them."

After watching for a while, Li Xin couldn't stand it anymore~ Qi, ordered the soldiers.

The guards who followed Li Xin and Zhao Tuo were all guards, and they were even more loyal to the orders of Li Xin and Zhao Tuo. After a while, they returned to the deck with two fish.

Looking at the sea fish whose scales glittered with silver luster in the sun, Li Xin couldn't help but be a little puzzled.

"What kind of fish is this, how come I've never seen it before?"

Zhao Tuo laughed when he heard the words, how could this sea fish be the same as the fish in rivers and lakes.

"Come on, set fire to it."

At this time, Zhao Tuo's voice suddenly sounded.

"Your Majesty, this fire... could it be...

Li Xin, who got up, looked at Zhao Tuo in surprise. Zhao Tuo didn't care about Li Xin's expression and stood leisurely.

Moments later, a unique smell of grilled meat began to spread across the deck.

Li Xin couldn't help swallowing as he watched the sea fish being grilled by the soldiers.

Even the First Emperor, who had been sitting in the distance, frequently looked here.

As for Zhao Tuo, he kept telling the soldiers to add various seasonings.

After a while, the two sea fish were divided into several parts and sent to Zhao Tuo and Ying Zheng. Of course, Li Xin also received a reward.

Many soldiers could not help but swallow their saliva when they smelled the smell, secretly planning in their hearts, after returning, they would go to the sea to get a couple of them to try, and the seasonings His Majesty just used were indispensable.

"I didn't expect this sea fish to have such a taste.

Ying Zheng usually eats brocade clothes and jade food, and eats rare mountain and sea delicacies, but he is the first to taste this kind of food with unique flavor.

Zhao Tuo smiled when he heard the words.

No one in the palace knows how to eat this way, and sea fish cannot be sent to the inland, so it is naturally difficult to taste.

After eating, it took a while.

The Dehai Cliff, where the Chaosheng tribe was located, finally appeared in the distance, and the building boat was directly near the sea.

Then Li Xin took the soldiers to the shore in a small boat.

As for Zhao Tuo and Ying Zheng, they continued to ride on the building boat and continued to approach the sea cliff on the sea.

After the building ship approached to a certain extent, the people of the Chaosheng tribe finally discovered the abnormality.

"what is that……"

For a time, the entire Chaosheng tribe was in chaos, and one of the teenagers was also stunned. It was the one who escaped from Hutou Village in the dark and heavy rain.

He never thought that the other party actually has such a behemoth, can such a thing really be blocked by manpower?

Soon the edge of the sea cliff where the Chaosheng tribe was located was filled with people, and the leader was a man dressed in fur with a fierce face.

"They are the invaders you said!?"9

The boy nodded in fear.

The leader fell into silence. Although the batch of wealth and silk made him extremely excited, the opponent's weapons obviously made him even more afraid.

Zhao Tuo looked at the sea cliff in the distance and didn't care about the people above.

·For flowers ·0

"This sea cliff is a natural port. It protrudes from left to right, directly blocking the wind and waves. The tall sea cliff and deep ditch are just enough to dock large ships."9

At this time the soldiers came forward.

"Your Majesty, are you firing a cannon?"

Hearing this, Zhao Tuo shook his head. He did have this plan, but after seeing the situation here.

Zhao Tuo immediately dismissed the idea.

There is almost no need to build it here, it is a natural good port, and a sea route will be opened in the future, which can be used as a place for ships to dock.

"I believe Li Xin will not let me down."


Li Xin, on the other side, had already taken 2,000 Great Qin soldiers to kill outside the Chaosheng tribe, and the people on the sea cliff finally reacted.

Unfortunately, it was too late, and soon the Chaosheng tribe was broken, and hundreds of people were reduced to prisoners.

Then the building boat came over and docked directly on the edge of the sea cliff. Although there are some buildings on the sea cliff, Zhao Tuo didn't care about these things. Even the property that Xu Fu took away, Zhao Tuo didn't care too much. .

This time, one is to promote the majesty of Da Qin, and the other is to inspect the Fusang Islands.

"Your Majesty, the treasure has been found! 35

Soon, some soldiers came to Zhao Tuo with dozens of boxes, and these boxes contained the Daqin treasures that Xu Fu had deceived.

"very good."

Zhao Tuo looked at the box and said solemnly.

Li Xin stepped forward at this time and asked how to deal with the people of the Chaosheng tribe.

Without thinking, Zhao Tuo opened his mouth and ordered.

"Kill people involved!"

"The rest are all slaves, and then go to the sea to fish for pearls for a period of fifty years. 35

After the matter was dealt with, Zhao Tuo and Li Xin discussed the issue of making Xihai Yajin a Xihai Yajin.

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