Shenjitang, Gongshujia, and everyone from the Mo family have invested in the manufacture of chariots, and the frontline battles of the Peacock Dynasty have also been reported frequently.

However, at this time, Zhao Tuo had one more thing to do.

It is about the manufacture of building ships. Although the promotion on Kyushu Island is going smoothly, it is still not enough.

At present, Kyushu Island is vast and sparsely populated. It is simply not enough to rely on the Daqin colonies sent to the past, and those indigenous people also need to be managed.

At present, most of the indigenous people of Kyushu Island have been concentrated, although it seems to be very peaceful at present.

However, there is no guarantee that there will be no accidents in the future, so this matter should be arranged as soon as possible.

"Come here, pass on Zhang Liang and Xiao He.""

Following Zhao Tuo's order, Zhang Liang and Xiao He, who were wearing the robes of Daqin officials, soon appeared outside the Xianyang Palace.

19 The palace of Xianyang Palace stands high on this plain, which also symbolizes the majesty of Daqin.

Following the summons, the two climbed the steps and walked to the main hall of the Xianyang Palace.

"Join Your Majesty. 99

"Your Majesty.

After the two people were arranged by Zhao Tuo, they were not appointed as high-ranking officials, but they also took up positions.

It was just before that Zhao Tuo had been dealing with various affairs and had not had time to appoint two people.

"Get up."

The two people stood below, although the official position is not high, but there is a faint atmosphere, that is, Zhao Tuo's emperor's weather can overpower the two people.

I am afraid that it is impossible to convince the two hearts to replace it with other people.

"Ozifang, Xiao He, I have something important to leave to the two of you now, I wonder if you two are competent?

The two of them are geniuses who were not born in the world, and they were looked down upon by others, and they returned immediately after hearing the words.

"Just talk, Your Majesty."

Zhao Tuo smiled when he heard the words, and directly told about the construction of the ship and the colonization of Kyushu Island.

Zhang Liang heard the words and said directly.

"The ovary is not talented, I am willing to share the worries of Your Majesty, and leave the matter of this building to me."

Xiao He also smiled. He was pacifying the country, arranging salaries, and had his own opinions on the food route. He also said,

"Xiao He, I am willing to solve this matter of the people for His Majesty. 35

Zhao Tuo laughed when he heard this.

"Okay, if the two of you can do these two things well, I will definitely reward you.

After the two bowed down, they left.

Looking at the two people who left, Zhao Tuo couldn't help but be satisfied. There are many talented people in this world. If you want to govern a country well, you must learn to use people.

Nowadays, the trend of the world has changed, and the three heroes of the early Han Dynasty can be gradually reused.

After receiving the order, Zhang Zifang rushed directly to Jiaodong County City. If a big boat like the building boat was built on the banks of the Weishui River, it would be inconvenient to drive to the seaside at that time.

It would be better to make it in Jiaodong Bay, so that after manufacturing, it can directly enter the sea.

And Xiao He also came to the west of Xianyang City three days later.

"Someone put up a notice."

The soldiers behind Xiao He nodded immediately.

Daqin's announcement has always been of great importance, and everyone naturally attaches great importance to it.

Soon a large number of people gathered here, and many people could not help but discuss after reading the notice.

"Isn't this similar to the previous notice?"

"There are still people on Kyushu Island. Although there may be Xianshan Penglai overseas, but... I'm afraid we won't see ordinary people like us."5

"I still want to stay with my parents, wife and children.

Xiao He seemed to have already anticipated this situation and stood directly on the high platform beside him.

Then he directly talked about the national righteousness and Daqin's incentive measures.

It even tells about the living conditions of the first group of people on Kyushu Island.

"Besides that, Kyushu Island is lacking in talent, and if there is someone who knows the scriptures and trains the army, he can be an official.

"There are those who are good at farming, and they can be long."

Xiao He didn't notice that in the street in the distance, there was a person in a carriage looking over here.

"Your Majesty, this Lord Xiao He is really eloquent."

"Look, those people were not happy at first, but now they are eager to try it."

Zhao Tuo smiled when he heard the words.

If Xiao He is not capable, then it will not be reused in history.

"Let's go, go back to the palace. Step by step

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Seven days later, outside the city of Xianyang.

Count 923 hundreds of thousands of civilians and slaves in Guanzhong are gathering together.

In front of the crowd, dozens of Daqin officials were sitting behind the desk, registering one by one.

"Name, test, biography, where do you live..."

"The little one's surname is Yang, and the name is Uncle. I'm here, and my family lives in the northwest of Xianyang..."

Xiao He was with Zhao Tuo.

"Your Majesty, there are about 100,000 people in this mobilization, including more than 20,000 slaves, more than 60,000 civilians, and 10,000 troops."

Zhao Tuo nodded.

"Why don't you let those with titles go?"

Zhao Tuo saw that an old man with a title was rejected in the distance, and couldn't help but feel a little strange.

Xiao He laughed.

"Your Majesty, when we went to Kyushu Island this time, many people actually knew that it would be difficult to return for the rest of their lives.

"It's okay for young people with titles to go, but the people who come here are old people who don't have many titles all the time. They come, I am afraid they are going to use their lives to exchange for a first-level title.

"There are so many people like this, didn't Da Qin give away a lot of military merits for nothing?"

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