Zhao Tuo looked at the battle report and couldn't help frowning.

Although Wang Ben was a little more radical, in fact, there was no major problem in the use of troops and decisions.

If it is the 50,000 Peacock Dynasty army, with the remaining 150,000 soldiers in Daqin, it can definitely be won easily.

It was only the sudden increase of 50,000 that caused the battle to enter an anxious stage.

But the two sides still stay on the plain, which is a good thing.

It seems that there is no large city behind the Peacock Dynasty that can be used by the army of the Peacock Dynasty.

"Pass my order, let Shenjitang, Gong Shuming come to see you. 35

"Yes, Your Majesty.

Soon the head of Shenji Hall, Gong Shuiming and Mozi all came to the hall.

"Is the chariot ready?

The three nodded immediately upon hearing this.

"Report to Your Majesty, it has been completed.

Zhao Tuo nodded when he heard the words.

"Okay, in that case, let the soldiers be transported to the front line immediately."

"Yes. 99

Regarding the use of chariots, people from Shenjitang still need to teach 927.

Therefore, the people of Shenjitang must also go there.

Gongshu knew this early on, and after Zhao Tuo asked, he volunteered himself.

"Your Majesty, leave this matter to me."

Zhao Tuo glanced at Gong Shuming, then nodded directly.

"Okay, since that's the case, I'll leave it to you.

Afterwards, the soldiers of Gong Shuiming and Daqin transported chariots to the banks of the Weishui River.

Two hundred chariots, relying on manpower alone must be difficult, even if it has been disassembled into parts, it is also a difficult task.

Therefore, the transportation of the chariots was carried out by water power first, and then by the sergeants to the west.

Wang Ben soon received news from the rear of Daqin.

Immediately laughed.

"His Majesty's chariot arrived just in time.

"Come on, send 3,000 soldiers to the rear to respond."

The Peacock Dynasty on the plain was a little confused at this time (bjba).

"Strange, why those Orientals suddenly stopped moving.

"It's completely different from what they've done before.

"Maybe it's because we know we're not that good to beat, haha.

After the Peacock Dynasty did not see Qin Bing for three consecutive days, some people began to relax.

"Great, the Orientals gave up and they went straight to camp. 35

"Easy to set up camp, we are not afraid of protracted war.

The current Peacock Dynasty thought that Da Qin had retreated, but they did not know that in the army of Da Qin, huge chariots were being assembled.

Although Wang Ben knew about the existence of the chariot from intelligence, he had never seen it with his own eyes.

Seeing that these chariots are so huge and ferocious now, I can't help but be shocked.

"It's just a monster.

Many Daqin sergeants were also intimidated, and then everyone couldn't help but celebrate that this weapon was their own.

Gong Shuiming, who was standing beside him, kept telling Wang Ben and some generals what to watch out for in chariots.

Next to Gong Shuiming were hundreds of Mo family disciples.

First, they were to ensure the normal use of the chariot, and second, they were to prevent Wang Ben's army from not using the chariot.

After listening to Gong Shuming's words, Wang Ben hurriedly called the military advisor in the army.

"Go and find three hundred astute men among the soldiers at once."

Although the chariot looks ferocious, the control method is not complicated.

After a day of training, 300 soldiers were able to operate the chariot proficiently.

The Mohist disciples are responsible for coordinating in it.

After getting ready, Wang Ben directly issued an order.

"Tomorrow, the whole army will attack."


The next day, Da Qin's army attacked again.

The Peacock Dynasty side, watching Da Qin's army attack again, exclaimed in surprise.

"The Orientals are here again, and there are many monsters! 35

"Go and inform the adults!"

Many soldiers of the Peacock Dynasty could not help but be puzzled when they heard this.

On this beautiful plain, where did the monsters come from?

But when they saw the chariot with their own eyes, they were all afraid.

Outside that hideous, the huge arrows that were continuously fired made them completely stunned.

Knowing that the people around them kept falling, these talents hurriedly fled.

Wang Ben didn't expect the Peacock Dynasty's army to be so slack, so he could not help groaning angrily.

"Blast me!"

With 200 chariots joining in, the fighting situation was completely down, and only a few soldiers on the Mauryan Dynasty had the courage to take up arms to fight.

But these weapons can't destroy the chariot at all, and they only block the car.

In just an hour, one side of the Peacock Dynasty killed and wounded the soldiers who passed by, and the others also completely lost the courage to fight, because the soldiers who had the courage to rush up either fell under the wheels of the chariot, or died in the army of Daqin. middle.

Gong Shuiming in the back couldn't help but be startled when he saw the battlefield in front of him. Although he had expected the power of the chariot, the scene in front of him that the manpower could not resist, still shook his heart.

Is this the power of the mechanism creation?

After the initial shock, Gong Shuming began to have a new understanding of the creation of organs.

It turns out that these things not only have a small effect, but can also influence the situation of the battle, so can it change the world if it goes further?

Gong Shuming has never been so proud of the creation of organs as he is now.

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