Zhao Tuo glanced at everyone and was noncommittal.

A group of ministers looked at Zhao Tuo, wondering whether His Majesty agreed or not.

A moment later, a young official stepped forward.

"Your Majesty, I think it is possible to add three capital institutions to check and balance each other, and then set up the county seat and county level.

"The capital is directly under the jurisdiction of His Majesty, while the county level is under the jurisdiction of the capital.

Zhao Tuo heard the words and looked at the young officer.

"Why did you add the capital, didn't you simply add a central authority?"

The young officer laughed.

"Your Majesty, the land of the Peacock Dynasty is vast, no less than that of Daqin. If it were to set up a prefecture, I am afraid that the number of "Nine Two Seven" would not be in the minority."

“If these officials have to report their affairs, big or small, it would be a long journey, which would be very troublesome. 35

"It's better to leave the small matters to the capital, and the big ones to be reported by the capital.

"In addition, in order to prevent the power of the capital from being too large, three capitals were set up, and the one capital was responsible for supervision, the one capital was responsible for decision-making, and the one capital was responsible for implementation.

Zhao Tuo laughed when he heard the words.

Then he looked at the young official and asked.

"What's your name?"

The young officer replied with a smile.

"Jia Yi."

Zhao Tuo couldn't help laughing. Isn't this Zhang Cang's student?

"Okay, just as you said, set up the first level of the capital."

Many ministers looked at Jia Yi one after another, and couldn't help but feel curious about this young man.

Jia Yi was also slightly surprised, but he didn't expect His Majesty to accept his opinion like this.

In fact, Zhao Tuo is worried about this matter. The distance is long and it would be too much time to report to the county level.

It would be better to directly set up a general authority to act as a temporary agent.

And Jia Yi's proposal, just in line with Zhao Tuo's mind.

Coupled with the separation of powers, it can just solve the drawbacks of this institution's excessive power.

Zhao Tuo is not actually worried about this authority, the source of power is actually the country's economy and military.

The Daqin army was only under Zhao Tuo's orders, and the same was true for the economy.

The money, silk and treasures of the Peacock Dynasty have already entered the treasury of Daqin, and even if there is a problem with this authority, it will not turn up any waves.

However, Zhao Tuo still hopes to consider improvement from the beginning.

With the order of Zhao Tuo, the governance of the Mauryan Dynasty was officially decided.

The prefectures were composed of Daqin officials, and the county level was composed of the commanders of the Daqin army and the transferred county chiefs.

The system of the Peacock Dynasty was directly formed.

The Peacock Dynasty also began to calm down from the war, and various county towns began to be established.

The people of the Peacock Dynasty were very happy with the Daqin system, and the people at the county level were appointed by local high-ranking officials, and the people were also convinced.

As for the county seat and the capital, they are actually far away from ordinary people.

After the things of the Peacock Dynasty settled down, the weather gradually cooled down.

Although Xianyang is located in the Guanzhong Plain, it belongs to the north after all.

After the winter, the first snow fell in Guanzhong. The snow was so heavy that it dyed the entire Xianyang city white.

The Xianyang Palace was also snow-white, and the branches of many trees were crushed. Every day, the sound of snow falling from the pavilion could be heard.

Zhao Tuo in the palace is sitting beside a fire, heating up, with memorials reported from all over the place beside him...

After reviewing it for a while, Zhao Tuo couldn't help putting down the memorial in his hand. Although the stove was big, the surrounding walls and doors and windows couldn't stop the chill.

The first second Zhao Tuo's hand warmed up, and the next second it lost its temperature.

If you just read the memorials, it's fine. You have to make corrections, and it's really troublesome to write with stiff fingers.

"Your Majesty, do you want to find two concubines to warm your hands..."

The eunuch standing beside him asked respectfully when he saw Zhao Tuo's appearance.

When Zhao Tuo heard the words, he was stunned for a moment, and then he was speechless. Was there such a way of heating in winter?

Although Zhao Tuo really wanted to experience it, but when he thought that he was comfortable, the other party was trembling, and Zhao Tuo rejected the idea.

"Forget it, I'll figure it out myself.

When the eunuch heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned. Is there any other way to warm people up in such a heavy snow?

Zhao Tuo looked at the eunuch's puzzled expression and smiled casually.

You must know that many places in the north are extremely cold in winter when it reaches 1.0. How could the smart people living in the north in future generations rely on fire to survive the winter.

Afterwards, he walked directly out of the palace, fortunately the ground of the palace was cleaned up, so that he would not walk deep and shallow.

After looking at the structure of the palace, Zhao Tuo drew a structure diagram, and then called a craftsman.

"You arrange it according to the picture."

Although the craftsman did not know what His Majesty was going to do, he immediately followed the instructions.

With the help of the craftsmen, a passage was formed outside the palace after a while. The passage was made of regular stones, and the outside was covered with a layer of three-height soil, which was airtight.

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